You are not logged in.
whats the rpg you are playing?
It look like NetHack!
lutherus wrote:whats the rpg you are playing?
It look like NetHack!
for me it looks like angband
pyknite wrote:lutherus wrote:whats the rpg you are playing?
It look like NetHack!
for me it looks like angband
You, Sir are correct 1 Internets to you
Nice Desktop TheImmortalPhoenix, Could you share your ncmpcpp config file please?
Very nice desktop, can you share your Xdefaults and weechat configs please?
Last edited by OK100 (2011-10-21 16:10:17)
TheImmortalPhoenix wrote:Very nice desktop, can you share your Xdefaults and weechat configs please?
#|| ||#
#|| N C M P C P P C O N F I G ||#
#|| ||#
##### connection settings #####
## set it in order to make tag editor and renaming files work properly
mpd_host = "localhost"
mpd_port = "6600"
mpd_music_dir = "/media/Data/Music"
mpd_connection_timeout = "5"
mpd_crossfade_time = "1"
mpd_communication_mode = "notifications" (polling/notifications)
##### music visualizer #####
## Note: In order to make music visualizer work you'll
## need to use mpd fifo output, whose format parameter
## has to be set to 44100:16:1. Example configuration:
## (it has to be put into mpd.conf)
## audio_output {
## type "fifo"
## name "My FIFO"
## path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
## format "44100:16:1"
## }
visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
## Note: Below parameter is needed for ncmpcpp
## to determine which output provides data for
## visualizer and thus allow syncing between
## visualization and sound as currently there
## are some problems with it.
visualizer_output_name = "my_fifo"
## Note: Below parameter defines how often ncmpcpp
## has to "synchronize" visualizer and audio outputs.
## 30 seconds is optimal value, but if you experience
## synchronization problems, set it to lower value.
## Keep in mind that sane values start with >=10.
visualizer_sync_interval = "1"
## Note: To enable spectrum frequency visualization
## you need to compile ncmpcpp with fftw3 support.
visualizer_type = "spectrum" (spectrum/wave)
##### system encoding #####
## ncmpcpp should detect your charset encoding
## but if it failed to do so, you can specify
## charset encoding you are using here.
## Note: You can see whether your ncmpcpp build
## supports charset detection by checking output
## of `ncmpcpp --version`.
## Note: Since MPD uses utf8 by default, setting
## this option makes sense only if your encoding
## is different.
system_encoding = ""
##### delays #####
## delay after playlist highlighting will be disabled (0 = don't disable)
playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "5"
## defines how long various messages are supposed to be visible
message_delay_time = "4"
##### song format #####
## for song format you can use:
## %l - length
## %f - filename
## %D - directory
## %a - artist
## %A - album artist
## %t - title
## %b - album
## %y - year
## %n - track number (01/12 -> 01)
## %N - full track info (01/12 -> 01/12)
## %g - genre
## %c - composer
## %p - performer
## %d - disc
## %C - comment
## $R - begin right alignment
## you can also put them in { } and then it will be displayed
## only if all requested values are available and/or define alternate
## value with { }|{ } eg. {%a - %t}|{%f}
## Note: Format that is similar to "%a - %t" (i.e. without any additional
## braces) is equal to "{%a - %t}", so if one of the tags is missing,
## you'll get nothing.
## text can also have different color than the main window has,
## eg. if you want length to be green, write $3%l$9
## available values:
## - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors)
## - 1 - black
## - 2 - red
## - 3 - green
## - 4 - yellow
## - 5 - blue
## - 6 - magenta
## - 7 - cyan
## - 8 - white
## - 9 - end of current color
## Note: colors can be nested.
#song_list_format = "{$1 %l$9 $1│$9 $2%a$9 $1│$9 $6%b$9 }$R{$5%t$9}|{$5%f$9} $1│$9 $1%n $9"
song_list_format = "{$5 %a$9 $1│$9 $8%t$9 }|{ $8%f$9}$R{$6%b $9}"
#song_list_format = "{$2%n▕ $9}{$7%a - $9}{$6%t$9}|{$8%f$9}$R{$4▕ %b$9}{$3▕ %l$9}"
#song_list_format = "$8[$9$8%b$8]$9 $8|$9 $8%a$9 $8|$9 $8%t$9 $R [%l]"
#song_list_format = "{$8$9}{[%l] >> }{%t }$R{%a - %b}"
song_status_format = "{{{$5%a$9}} $8◦$9 {$8%t$9}|{$8%f$9}{ $8◦$9 $6%b$9{ $8◦$9 $7%y$9}}}"
song_library_format = "{%n $8◦$9 }{%t}|{%f}"
tag_editor_album_format = "{%y $8◦$9 }{%b}"
## Note: Below variables are for alternative version of user's interface.
## Their syntax supports all tags and colors listed above plus some extra
## markers used for text attributes. They are followed by character '$'.
## After that you can put:
## - b - bold text
## - u - underline text
## - r - reverse colors
## - a - use alternative character set
## If you don't want to use an attribute anymore, just put it again, but
## this time insert character '/' between '$' and attribute character,
## e.g. {$b%t$/b}|{$r%f$/r} will display bolded title tag or filename
## with reversed colors.
alternative_header_first_line_format = "$5$aqqu$/a$9 {$8%t$9}|{$8%f$9} $5$atqq$/a$9"
alternative_header_second_line_format = "{{$5%a$9}{ $8◦$9 $6%b$9 $8◦$9 $7%y$9}}|{%D}"
## Note: Below variables also supports
## text attributes listed above.
now_playing_prefix = "$b"
now_playing_suffix = "$/b"
browser_playlist_prefix = "playlist"
selected_item_prefix = "$5"
selected_item_suffix = "$9"
## colors are not supported for below variable
song_window_title_format = "{%t}|{%f} - {%a}"
##### columns settings #####
## syntax of song columns list format is "column column etc."
## - syntax for each column is:
## (width of column)[column's color]{displayed tag}
## Note: Width is by default in %, if you want a column to
## have fixed size, add 'f' after the value, e.g. (10)[white]{a}
## will be the column that take 10% of screen (so the real column's
## width will depend on actual screen size), whereas (10f)[white]{a}
## will take 10 terminal cells, no matter how wide the screen is.
## - color is optional (if you want the default one, type [])
## Note: You can give a column additional attributes by putting appropriate
## character after displayed tag character. Available attributes are:
## - r - column will be right aligned
## - E - if tag is empty, empty tag marker won't be displayed
## You can also:
## - give a column custom name by putting it after attributes,
## separated with character ':', e.g. {lr:Length} gives you
## right aligned column of lengths named "Length".
## - define sequence of tags, that have to be displayed in case
## predecessor is empty in a way similar to the one in classic
## song format, i.e. using '|' character, e.g. {a|c|p:Owner}
## creates column named "Owner" that tries to display artist
## tag and then composer and performter if previous ones are
## not available.
song_columns_list_format = "(40)[white]{t|f} (25)[blue]{a} (30)[magenta]{b} (4f)[cyan]{l}"
#song_columns_list_format = "(40)[red]{a} (40)[blue]{t} (20)[magenta]{b}"
#song_columns_list_format = "$L(9)[white]{l} (20)[red]{t} (30)$R(20)[green]{a}[cyan]{b}"
##### various settings #####
## Note: Custom command that will be executed each
## time song changes. Useful for notifications etc.
## Attention: It doesn't support song format anymore.
## Use `ncmpcpp --now-playing SONG_FORMAT` instead.
execute_on_song_change = ""
playlist_show_remaining_time = "no"
playlist_shorten_total_times = "yes"
playlist_separate_albums = "no"
playlist_display_mode = "classic" (classic/columns)
browser_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
search_engine_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes"
incremental_seeking = "yes"
seek_time = "1"
autocenter_mode = "yes"
centered_cursor = "yes"
progressbar_look = "─╼╌"
default_place_to_search_in = "database" (database/playlist)
user_interface = "alternative" (classic/alternative)
media_library_left_column = "a" (possible values: a,y,g,c,p, legend above)
default_find_mode = "wrapped" (wrapped/normal)
default_space_mode = "add" (add/select)
default_tag_editor_left_col = "dirs" (albums/dirs)
default_tag_editor_pattern = "%n - %t"
header_visibility = "no"
statusbar_visibility = "yes"
titles_visibility = "no"
header_text_scrolling = "yes"
fancy_scrolling = "yes"
cyclic_scrolling = "no"
lines_scrolled = "2"
follow_now_playing_lyrics = "no"
ncmpc_like_songs_adding = "yes" (enabled - add/remove, disabled - always add)
show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no"
display_screens_numbers_on_start = "no"
## How shall key_screen_switcher work?
## - "previous" - switch between current and last used screen
## - "sequence: 2 -> 9 -> 5" - switch between given sequence of screens.
## Screen numbers you can use after 'sequence' keyword are:
## - 1 - help
## - 2 - playlist
## - 3 - browser
## - 4 - search engine
## - 5 - media library
## - 6 - playlist editor
## - 7 - tag editor
## - 8 - outputs
## - 9 - visualizer
## - 10 - clock
## As you can see, above example will switch between
## playlist, visualizer and media library screens.
screen_switcher_mode = "sequence: 2 -> 5 -> 9"
## Note: You can define startup screen for ncmpcpp
## by choosing screen number from the list above.
startup_screen = "2"
jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes"
ask_before_clearing_main_playlist = "no"
clock_display_seconds = "yes"
display_volume_level = "yes"
display_bitrate = "yes"
display_remaining_time = "no"
regular_expressions = "extended" (basic/extended)
## Note: If below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore leading
## "The" word while sorting items in browser, tags in
## media library, etc.
ignore_leading_the = "no"
block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = "yes"
mouse_support = "yes"
mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "yes"
empty_tag_marker = "<empty>"
tag_editor_extended_numeration = "no"
media_library_display_date = "yes"
media_library_disable_two_column_mode = "no"
enable_window_title = "yes"
## Note: You can choose default search mode for search
## engine. Available modes are:
## - 1 - use mpd built-in searching (no regexes, pattern matching)
## - 2 - use ncmpcpp searching (pattern matching with support for regexes,
## but if your mpd is on a remote machine, downloading big database
## to process it can take a while
## - 3 - match only exact values (this mode uses mpd function for searching
## in database and local one for searching in current playlist)
#search_engine_default_search_mode = "1"
## Note: Below variables can allow you to physically
## remove files and directories from your hdd using
## ncmpcpp's browser screen.
allow_physical_files_deletion = "no"
allow_physical_directories_deletion = "no"
##### lyrics support #####
## supported lyrics databases:
## - 1 -
lyrics_database = "1"
external_editor = "vim"
use_console_editor = "yes" (set to yes, if your editor is console app)
##### colors definitions #####
discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes"
colors_enabled = "yes"
empty_tag_color = "white"
header_window_color = "white"
volume_color = "white"
state_line_color = "black"
state_flags_color = "white"
main_window_color = "white"
color1 = "default"
color2 = "blue"
main_window_highlight_color = "blue"
progressbar_color = "white"
statusbar_color = "white"
alternative_ui_separator_color = "black"
active_column_color = "blue"
window_border_color = "white"
active_window_border = "blue"
visualizer_color = "blue"
OK100 wrote:TheImmortalPhoenix wrote:Very nice desktop, can you share your Xdefaults and weechat configs please?
#=================================# #|| ||# #|| N C M P C P P C O N F I G ||# #|| ||# #=================================# ## ##### connection settings ##### ## set it in order to make tag editor and renaming files work properly mpd_host = "localhost" mpd_port = "6600" mpd_music_dir = "/media/Data/Music" mpd_connection_timeout = "5" mpd_crossfade_time = "1" mpd_communication_mode = "notifications" (polling/notifications) ##### music visualizer ##### ## ## Note: In order to make music visualizer work you'll ## need to use mpd fifo output, whose format parameter ## has to be set to 44100:16:1. Example configuration: ## (it has to be put into mpd.conf) ## ## audio_output { ## type "fifo" ## name "My FIFO" ## path "/tmp/mpd.fifo" ## format "44100:16:1" ## } ## visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo" ## ## Note: Below parameter is needed for ncmpcpp ## to determine which output provides data for ## visualizer and thus allow syncing between ## visualization and sound as currently there ## are some problems with it. ## visualizer_output_name = "my_fifo" ## ## Note: Below parameter defines how often ncmpcpp ## has to "synchronize" visualizer and audio outputs. ## 30 seconds is optimal value, but if you experience ## synchronization problems, set it to lower value. ## Keep in mind that sane values start with >=10. ## visualizer_sync_interval = "1" ## ## Note: To enable spectrum frequency visualization ## you need to compile ncmpcpp with fftw3 support. ## visualizer_type = "spectrum" (spectrum/wave) ##### system encoding ##### ## ## ncmpcpp should detect your charset encoding ## but if it failed to do so, you can specify ## charset encoding you are using here. ## ## Note: You can see whether your ncmpcpp build ## supports charset detection by checking output ## of `ncmpcpp --version`. ## ## Note: Since MPD uses utf8 by default, setting ## this option makes sense only if your encoding ## is different. ## system_encoding = "" ##### delays ##### ## delay after playlist highlighting will be disabled (0 = don't disable) playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "5" ## defines how long various messages are supposed to be visible message_delay_time = "4" ##### song format ##### ## for song format you can use: ## ## %l - length ## %f - filename ## %D - directory ## %a - artist ## %A - album artist ## %t - title ## %b - album ## %y - year ## %n - track number (01/12 -> 01) ## %N - full track info (01/12 -> 01/12) ## %g - genre ## %c - composer ## %p - performer ## %d - disc ## %C - comment ## $R - begin right alignment ## ## you can also put them in { } and then it will be displayed ## only if all requested values are available and/or define alternate ## value with { }|{ } eg. {%a - %t}|{%f} ## ## Note: Format that is similar to "%a - %t" (i.e. without any additional ## braces) is equal to "{%a - %t}", so if one of the tags is missing, ## you'll get nothing. ## ## text can also have different color than the main window has, ## eg. if you want length to be green, write $3%l$9 ## ## available values: ## ## - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors) ## - 1 - black ## - 2 - red ## - 3 - green ## - 4 - yellow ## - 5 - blue ## - 6 - magenta ## - 7 - cyan ## - 8 - white ## - 9 - end of current color ## ## Note: colors can be nested. ## #song_list_format = "{$1 %l$9 $1│$9 $2%a$9 $1│$9 $6%b$9 }$R{$5%t$9}|{$5%f$9} $1│$9 $1%n $9" song_list_format = "{$5 %a$9 $1│$9 $8%t$9 }|{ $8%f$9}$R{$6%b $9}" #song_list_format = "{$2%n▕ $9}{$7%a - $9}{$6%t$9}|{$8%f$9}$R{$4▕ %b$9}{$3▕ %l$9}" #song_list_format = "$8[$9$8%b$8]$9 $8|$9 $8%a$9 $8|$9 $8%t$9 $R [%l]" #song_list_format = "{$8$9}{[%l] >> }{%t }$R{%a - %b}" song_status_format = "{{{$5%a$9}} $8◦$9 {$8%t$9}|{$8%f$9}{ $8◦$9 $6%b$9{ $8◦$9 $7%y$9}}}" song_library_format = "{%n $8◦$9 }{%t}|{%f}" tag_editor_album_format = "{%y $8◦$9 }{%b}" ## ## Note: Below variables are for alternative version of user's interface. ## Their syntax supports all tags and colors listed above plus some extra ## markers used for text attributes. They are followed by character '$'. ## After that you can put: ## ## - b - bold text ## - u - underline text ## - r - reverse colors ## - a - use alternative character set ## ## If you don't want to use an attribute anymore, just put it again, but ## this time insert character '/' between '$' and attribute character, ## e.g. {$b%t$/b}|{$r%f$/r} will display bolded title tag or filename ## with reversed colors. ## # alternative_header_first_line_format = "$5$aqqu$/a$9 {$8%t$9}|{$8%f$9} $5$atqq$/a$9" # alternative_header_second_line_format = "{{$5%a$9}{ $8◦$9 $6%b$9 $8◦$9 $7%y$9}}|{%D}" # ## ## Note: Below variables also supports ## text attributes listed above. ## # now_playing_prefix = "$b" now_playing_suffix = "$/b" browser_playlist_prefix = "playlist" selected_item_prefix = "$5" selected_item_suffix = "$9" ## colors are not supported for below variable song_window_title_format = "{%t}|{%f} - {%a}" ##### columns settings ##### ## ## syntax of song columns list format is "column column etc." ## ## - syntax for each column is: ## ## (width of column)[column's color]{displayed tag} ## ## Note: Width is by default in %, if you want a column to ## have fixed size, add 'f' after the value, e.g. (10)[white]{a} ## will be the column that take 10% of screen (so the real column's ## width will depend on actual screen size), whereas (10f)[white]{a} ## will take 10 terminal cells, no matter how wide the screen is. ## ## - color is optional (if you want the default one, type []) ## ## Note: You can give a column additional attributes by putting appropriate ## character after displayed tag character. Available attributes are: ## ## - r - column will be right aligned ## - E - if tag is empty, empty tag marker won't be displayed ## ## You can also: ## ## - give a column custom name by putting it after attributes, ## separated with character ':', e.g. {lr:Length} gives you ## right aligned column of lengths named "Length". ## ## - define sequence of tags, that have to be displayed in case ## predecessor is empty in a way similar to the one in classic ## song format, i.e. using '|' character, e.g. {a|c|p:Owner} ## creates column named "Owner" that tries to display artist ## tag and then composer and performter if previous ones are ## not available. ## song_columns_list_format = "(40)[white]{t|f} (25)[blue]{a} (30)[magenta]{b} (4f)[cyan]{l}" #song_columns_list_format = "(40)[red]{a} (40)[blue]{t} (20)[magenta]{b}" #song_columns_list_format = "$L(9)[white]{l} (20)[red]{t} (30)$R(20)[green]{a}[cyan]{b}" ##### various settings ##### # ## ## Note: Custom command that will be executed each ## time song changes. Useful for notifications etc. ## ## Attention: It doesn't support song format anymore. ## Use `ncmpcpp --now-playing SONG_FORMAT` instead. ## execute_on_song_change = "" playlist_show_remaining_time = "no" playlist_shorten_total_times = "yes" playlist_separate_albums = "no" playlist_display_mode = "classic" (classic/columns) browser_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns) search_engine_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns) discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes" incremental_seeking = "yes" seek_time = "1" autocenter_mode = "yes" centered_cursor = "yes" progressbar_look = "─╼╌" default_place_to_search_in = "database" (database/playlist) user_interface = "alternative" (classic/alternative) media_library_left_column = "a" (possible values: a,y,g,c,p, legend above) default_find_mode = "wrapped" (wrapped/normal) default_space_mode = "add" (add/select) default_tag_editor_left_col = "dirs" (albums/dirs) default_tag_editor_pattern = "%n - %t" header_visibility = "no" statusbar_visibility = "yes" titles_visibility = "no" header_text_scrolling = "yes" fancy_scrolling = "yes" cyclic_scrolling = "no" lines_scrolled = "2" follow_now_playing_lyrics = "no" ncmpc_like_songs_adding = "yes" (enabled - add/remove, disabled - always add) show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no" display_screens_numbers_on_start = "no" ## ## How shall key_screen_switcher work? ## ## - "previous" - switch between current and last used screen ## - "sequence: 2 -> 9 -> 5" - switch between given sequence of screens. ## ## Screen numbers you can use after 'sequence' keyword are: ## ## - 1 - help ## - 2 - playlist ## - 3 - browser ## - 4 - search engine ## - 5 - media library ## - 6 - playlist editor ## - 7 - tag editor ## - 8 - outputs ## - 9 - visualizer ## - 10 - clock ## ## As you can see, above example will switch between ## playlist, visualizer and media library screens. ## screen_switcher_mode = "sequence: 2 -> 5 -> 9" ## ## Note: You can define startup screen for ncmpcpp ## by choosing screen number from the list above. ## startup_screen = "2" jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes" ask_before_clearing_main_playlist = "no" clock_display_seconds = "yes" display_volume_level = "yes" display_bitrate = "yes" display_remaining_time = "no" regular_expressions = "extended" (basic/extended) ## ## Note: If below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore leading ## "The" word while sorting items in browser, tags in ## media library, etc. ## ignore_leading_the = "no" block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = "yes" mouse_support = "yes" mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "yes" empty_tag_marker = "<empty>" tag_editor_extended_numeration = "no" media_library_display_date = "yes" media_library_disable_two_column_mode = "no" enable_window_title = "yes" ## ## Note: You can choose default search mode for search ## engine. Available modes are: ## ## - 1 - use mpd built-in searching (no regexes, pattern matching) ## - 2 - use ncmpcpp searching (pattern matching with support for regexes, ## but if your mpd is on a remote machine, downloading big database ## to process it can take a while ## - 3 - match only exact values (this mode uses mpd function for searching ## in database and local one for searching in current playlist) ## # #search_engine_default_search_mode = "1" # ## ## Note: Below variables can allow you to physically ## remove files and directories from your hdd using ## ncmpcpp's browser screen. ## allow_physical_files_deletion = "no" allow_physical_directories_deletion = "no" ##### lyrics support ##### ## ## supported lyrics databases: ## ## - 1 - ## lyrics_database = "1" external_editor = "vim" use_console_editor = "yes" (set to yes, if your editor is console app) ##### colors definitions ##### discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes" colors_enabled = "yes" empty_tag_color = "white" header_window_color = "white" volume_color = "white" state_line_color = "black" state_flags_color = "white" main_window_color = "white" color1 = "default" color2 = "blue" main_window_highlight_color = "blue" progressbar_color = "white" statusbar_color = "white" alternative_ui_separator_color = "black" active_column_color = "blue" window_border_color = "white" active_window_border = "blue" visualizer_color = "blue"
Thanks a lot!
You're welcome
OK100 wrote:TheImmortalPhoenix wrote:Very nice desktop, can you share your Xdefaults and weechat configs please?
#=================================# #|| ||# #|| N C M P C P P C O N F I G ||# #|| ||# #=================================# ## ##### connection settings ##### ## set it in order to make tag editor and renaming files work properly mpd_host = "localhost" mpd_port = "6600" mpd_music_dir = "/media/Data/Music" mpd_connection_timeout = "5" mpd_crossfade_time = "1" mpd_communication_mode = "notifications" (polling/notifications) ##### music visualizer ##### ## ## Note: In order to make music visualizer work you'll ## need to use mpd fifo output, whose format parameter ## has to be set to 44100:16:1. Example configuration: ## (it has to be put into mpd.conf) ## ## audio_output { ## type "fifo" ## name "My FIFO" ## path "/tmp/mpd.fifo" ## format "44100:16:1" ## } ## visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo" ## ## Note: Below parameter is needed for ncmpcpp ## to determine which output provides data for ## visualizer and thus allow syncing between ## visualization and sound as currently there ## are some problems with it. ## visualizer_output_name = "my_fifo" ## ## Note: Below parameter defines how often ncmpcpp ## has to "synchronize" visualizer and audio outputs. ## 30 seconds is optimal value, but if you experience ## synchronization problems, set it to lower value. ## Keep in mind that sane values start with >=10. ## visualizer_sync_interval = "1" ## ## Note: To enable spectrum frequency visualization ## you need to compile ncmpcpp with fftw3 support. ## visualizer_type = "spectrum" (spectrum/wave) ##### system encoding ##### ## ## ncmpcpp should detect your charset encoding ## but if it failed to do so, you can specify ## charset encoding you are using here. ## ## Note: You can see whether your ncmpcpp build ## supports charset detection by checking output ## of `ncmpcpp --version`. ## ## Note: Since MPD uses utf8 by default, setting ## this option makes sense only if your encoding ## is different. ## system_encoding = "" ##### delays ##### ## delay after playlist highlighting will be disabled (0 = don't disable) playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "5" ## defines how long various messages are supposed to be visible message_delay_time = "4" ##### song format ##### ## for song format you can use: ## ## %l - length ## %f - filename ## %D - directory ## %a - artist ## %A - album artist ## %t - title ## %b - album ## %y - year ## %n - track number (01/12 -> 01) ## %N - full track info (01/12 -> 01/12) ## %g - genre ## %c - composer ## %p - performer ## %d - disc ## %C - comment ## $R - begin right alignment ## ## you can also put them in { } and then it will be displayed ## only if all requested values are available and/or define alternate ## value with { }|{ } eg. {%a - %t}|{%f} ## ## Note: Format that is similar to "%a - %t" (i.e. without any additional ## braces) is equal to "{%a - %t}", so if one of the tags is missing, ## you'll get nothing. ## ## text can also have different color than the main window has, ## eg. if you want length to be green, write $3%l$9 ## ## available values: ## ## - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors) ## - 1 - black ## - 2 - red ## - 3 - green ## - 4 - yellow ## - 5 - blue ## - 6 - magenta ## - 7 - cyan ## - 8 - white ## - 9 - end of current color ## ## Note: colors can be nested. ## #song_list_format = "{$1 %l$9 $1│$9 $2%a$9 $1│$9 $6%b$9 }$R{$5%t$9}|{$5%f$9} $1│$9 $1%n $9" song_list_format = "{$5 %a$9 $1│$9 $8%t$9 }|{ $8%f$9}$R{$6%b $9}" #song_list_format = "{$2%n▕ $9}{$7%a - $9}{$6%t$9}|{$8%f$9}$R{$4▕ %b$9}{$3▕ %l$9}" #song_list_format = "$8[$9$8%b$8]$9 $8|$9 $8%a$9 $8|$9 $8%t$9 $R [%l]" #song_list_format = "{$8$9}{[%l] >> }{%t }$R{%a - %b}" song_status_format = "{{{$5%a$9}} $8◦$9 {$8%t$9}|{$8%f$9}{ $8◦$9 $6%b$9{ $8◦$9 $7%y$9}}}" song_library_format = "{%n $8◦$9 }{%t}|{%f}" tag_editor_album_format = "{%y $8◦$9 }{%b}" ## ## Note: Below variables are for alternative version of user's interface. ## Their syntax supports all tags and colors listed above plus some extra ## markers used for text attributes. They are followed by character '$'. ## After that you can put: ## ## - b - bold text ## - u - underline text ## - r - reverse colors ## - a - use alternative character set ## ## If you don't want to use an attribute anymore, just put it again, but ## this time insert character '/' between '$' and attribute character, ## e.g. {$b%t$/b}|{$r%f$/r} will display bolded title tag or filename ## with reversed colors. ## # alternative_header_first_line_format = "$5$aqqu$/a$9 {$8%t$9}|{$8%f$9} $5$atqq$/a$9" # alternative_header_second_line_format = "{{$5%a$9}{ $8◦$9 $6%b$9 $8◦$9 $7%y$9}}|{%D}" # ## ## Note: Below variables also supports ## text attributes listed above. ## # now_playing_prefix = "$b" now_playing_suffix = "$/b" browser_playlist_prefix = "playlist" selected_item_prefix = "$5" selected_item_suffix = "$9" ## colors are not supported for below variable song_window_title_format = "{%t}|{%f} - {%a}" ##### columns settings ##### ## ## syntax of song columns list format is "column column etc." ## ## - syntax for each column is: ## ## (width of column)[column's color]{displayed tag} ## ## Note: Width is by default in %, if you want a column to ## have fixed size, add 'f' after the value, e.g. (10)[white]{a} ## will be the column that take 10% of screen (so the real column's ## width will depend on actual screen size), whereas (10f)[white]{a} ## will take 10 terminal cells, no matter how wide the screen is. ## ## - color is optional (if you want the default one, type []) ## ## Note: You can give a column additional attributes by putting appropriate ## character after displayed tag character. Available attributes are: ## ## - r - column will be right aligned ## - E - if tag is empty, empty tag marker won't be displayed ## ## You can also: ## ## - give a column custom name by putting it after attributes, ## separated with character ':', e.g. {lr:Length} gives you ## right aligned column of lengths named "Length". ## ## - define sequence of tags, that have to be displayed in case ## predecessor is empty in a way similar to the one in classic ## song format, i.e. using '|' character, e.g. {a|c|p:Owner} ## creates column named "Owner" that tries to display artist ## tag and then composer and performter if previous ones are ## not available. ## song_columns_list_format = "(40)[white]{t|f} (25)[blue]{a} (30)[magenta]{b} (4f)[cyan]{l}" #song_columns_list_format = "(40)[red]{a} (40)[blue]{t} (20)[magenta]{b}" #song_columns_list_format = "$L(9)[white]{l} (20)[red]{t} (30)$R(20)[green]{a}[cyan]{b}" ##### various settings ##### # ## ## Note: Custom command that will be executed each ## time song changes. Useful for notifications etc. ## ## Attention: It doesn't support song format anymore. ## Use `ncmpcpp --now-playing SONG_FORMAT` instead. ## execute_on_song_change = "" playlist_show_remaining_time = "no" playlist_shorten_total_times = "yes" playlist_separate_albums = "no" playlist_display_mode = "classic" (classic/columns) browser_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns) search_engine_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns) discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes" incremental_seeking = "yes" seek_time = "1" autocenter_mode = "yes" centered_cursor = "yes" progressbar_look = "─╼╌" default_place_to_search_in = "database" (database/playlist) user_interface = "alternative" (classic/alternative) media_library_left_column = "a" (possible values: a,y,g,c,p, legend above) default_find_mode = "wrapped" (wrapped/normal) default_space_mode = "add" (add/select) default_tag_editor_left_col = "dirs" (albums/dirs) default_tag_editor_pattern = "%n - %t" header_visibility = "no" statusbar_visibility = "yes" titles_visibility = "no" header_text_scrolling = "yes" fancy_scrolling = "yes" cyclic_scrolling = "no" lines_scrolled = "2" follow_now_playing_lyrics = "no" ncmpc_like_songs_adding = "yes" (enabled - add/remove, disabled - always add) show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no" display_screens_numbers_on_start = "no" ## ## How shall key_screen_switcher work? ## ## - "previous" - switch between current and last used screen ## - "sequence: 2 -> 9 -> 5" - switch between given sequence of screens. ## ## Screen numbers you can use after 'sequence' keyword are: ## ## - 1 - help ## - 2 - playlist ## - 3 - browser ## - 4 - search engine ## - 5 - media library ## - 6 - playlist editor ## - 7 - tag editor ## - 8 - outputs ## - 9 - visualizer ## - 10 - clock ## ## As you can see, above example will switch between ## playlist, visualizer and media library screens. ## screen_switcher_mode = "sequence: 2 -> 5 -> 9" ## ## Note: You can define startup screen for ncmpcpp ## by choosing screen number from the list above. ## startup_screen = "2" jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes" ask_before_clearing_main_playlist = "no" clock_display_seconds = "yes" display_volume_level = "yes" display_bitrate = "yes" display_remaining_time = "no" regular_expressions = "extended" (basic/extended) ## ## Note: If below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore leading ## "The" word while sorting items in browser, tags in ## media library, etc. ## ignore_leading_the = "no" block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = "yes" mouse_support = "yes" mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "yes" empty_tag_marker = "<empty>" tag_editor_extended_numeration = "no" media_library_display_date = "yes" media_library_disable_two_column_mode = "no" enable_window_title = "yes" ## ## Note: You can choose default search mode for search ## engine. Available modes are: ## ## - 1 - use mpd built-in searching (no regexes, pattern matching) ## - 2 - use ncmpcpp searching (pattern matching with support for regexes, ## but if your mpd is on a remote machine, downloading big database ## to process it can take a while ## - 3 - match only exact values (this mode uses mpd function for searching ## in database and local one for searching in current playlist) ## # #search_engine_default_search_mode = "1" # ## ## Note: Below variables can allow you to physically ## remove files and directories from your hdd using ## ncmpcpp's browser screen. ## allow_physical_files_deletion = "no" allow_physical_directories_deletion = "no" ##### lyrics support ##### ## ## supported lyrics databases: ## ## - 1 - ## lyrics_database = "1" external_editor = "vim" use_console_editor = "yes" (set to yes, if your editor is console app) ##### colors definitions ##### discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes" colors_enabled = "yes" empty_tag_color = "white" header_window_color = "white" volume_color = "white" state_line_color = "black" state_flags_color = "white" main_window_color = "white" color1 = "default" color2 = "blue" main_window_highlight_color = "blue" progressbar_color = "white" statusbar_color = "white" alternative_ui_separator_color = "black" active_column_color = "blue" window_border_color = "white" active_window_border = "blue" visualizer_color = "blue"
This is ncmpcpp config, not Xdefaults
cuervo wrote:b9anders wrote:Hi, what icons are they mate?
Great, thanks b9anders!
@OK100: you're right, i thought i have quoted nnoell post i haven't seen yours
here what you have asked:
#urxvt*perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 6 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 7 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 8 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*background: #1c1c1c
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URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:mark-yank-urls:activate_mark_mode
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URxvt*matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
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Xcursor.theme: Vanilla-DMZ-AA
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# weechat.conf -- weechat v0.3.5
command_after_plugins = ""
command_before_plugins = ""
display_logo = on
display_version = off
align_end_of_lines = message
buffer_notify_default = all
buffer_time_format = "%H:%M"
color_pairs_auto_reset = 5
color_real_white = off
command_chars = ""
confirm_quit = off
day_change = on
day_change_time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y"
highlight = ""
highlight_regex = ""
highlight_tags = ""
hline_char = "─"
hotlist_add_buffer_if_away = on
hotlist_buffer_separator = ", "
hotlist_count_max = 2
hotlist_count_min_msg = 2
hotlist_names_count = 3
hotlist_names_length = 0
hotlist_names_level = 12
hotlist_names_merged_buffers = on
hotlist_short_names = on
hotlist_sort = group_time_asc
hotlist_unique_numbers = on
input_cursor_scroll = 20
input_share = none
input_share_overwrite = off
input_undo_max = 32
item_time_format = "%H:%M"
jump_current_to_previous_buffer = on
jump_previous_buffer_when_closing = on
nickmode = on
nickmode_empty = off
paste_max_lines = 3
prefix_action = " ⚡"
prefix_align = right
prefix_align_max = 0
prefix_align_min = 0
prefix_align_more = on
prefix_buffer_align = right
prefix_buffer_align_max = 0
prefix_buffer_align_more = on
prefix_error = "!"
prefix_join = ">>"
prefix_network = "~"
prefix_quit = "<<"
prefix_suffix = "│"
read_marker = none
read_marker_always_show = off
read_marker_string = "─"
save_config_on_exit = on
save_layout_on_exit = none
scroll_amount = 10
scroll_page_percent = 100
search_text_not_found_alert = on
set_title = on
time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y %T"
bar_more = lightmagenta
chat = default
chat_bg = default
chat_buffer = white
chat_channel = magenta
chat_delimiters = green
chat_highlight = yellow
chat_highlight_bg = default
chat_host = cyan
chat_nick = blue
chat_nick_colors = "brown,blue,magenta,cyan"
chat_nick_other = blue
chat_nick_self = white
chat_prefix_action = white
chat_prefix_buffer = brown
chat_prefix_error = yellow
chat_prefix_join = lightgreen
chat_prefix_more = lightmagenta
chat_prefix_network = magenta
chat_prefix_quit = lightred
chat_prefix_suffix = black
chat_read_marker = black
chat_read_marker_bg = default
chat_server = brown
chat_text_found = yellow
chat_text_found_bg = lightmagenta
chat_time = black
chat_time_delimiters = black
chat_value = cyan
input_actions = lightgreen
input_text_not_found = red
nicklist_away = magenta
nicklist_group = green
nicklist_offline = blue
separator = black
status_count_highlight = magenta
status_count_msg = brown
status_count_other = default
status_count_private = green
status_data_highlight = lightmagenta
status_data_msg = yellow
status_data_other = default
status_data_private = lightgreen
status_filter = green
status_more = yellow
status_name = white
status_name_ssl = lightgreen
status_number = yellow
status_time = default
default_template = "%(nicks)|%(irc_channels)"
nick_add_space = on
nick_completer = ":"
nick_first_only = off
nick_ignore_chars = "[]`_-^"
partial_completion_alert = on
partial_completion_command = off
partial_completion_command_arg = off
partial_completion_count = on
partial_completion_other = off
display_default = 5
max_commands = 100
max_lines = 4096
max_visited_buffers = 50
gnutls_ca_file = "%h/ssl/CAs.pem"
gnutls_handshake_timeout = 30
autoload = "*"
debug = off
extension = ".so"
path = "%h/plugins"
save_config_on_unload = on
buffers.color_bg = default
buffers.color_delim = default
buffers.color_fg = default
buffers.conditions = ""
buffers.filling_left_right = vertical
buffers.filling_top_bottom = horizontal
buffers.hidden = off
buffers.items = "buffers"
buffers.position = top
buffers.priority = 0
buffers.separator = on
buffers.size = 0
buffers.size_max = 0
buffers.type = root
input.color_bg = default
input.color_delim = black
input.color_fg = default
input.conditions = ""
input.filling_left_right = vertical
input.filling_top_bottom = horizontal
input.hidden = off
input.items = " input_prompt,>>>,input_text"
input.position = bottom
input.priority = 1000
input.separator = on
input.size = 1
input.size_max = 0
input.type = window
nicklist.color_bg = default
nicklist.color_delim = blue
nicklist.color_fg = black
nicklist.conditions = "nicklist"
nicklist.filling_left_right = vertical
nicklist.filling_top_bottom = columns_vertical
nicklist.hidden = off
nicklist.items = "buffer_nicklist"
nicklist.position = right
nicklist.priority = 200
nicklist.separator = on
nicklist.size = 0
nicklist.size_max = 0
nicklist.type = window
status.color_bg = default
status.color_delim = blue
status.color_fg = white
status.conditions = ""
status.filling_left_right = vertical
status.filling_top_bottom = horizontal
status.hidden = on
status.items = "[time],[buffer_count],[buffer_plugin],buffer_number+:+buffer_name+{buffer_nicklist_count}+buffer_filter,[lag],[hotlist],completion,scroll"
status.position = bottom
status.priority = 500
status.separator = on
status.size = 1
status.size_max = 0
status.type = window
title.color_bg = default
title.color_delim = blue
title.color_fg = magenta
title.conditions = ""
title.filling_left_right = vertical
title.filling_top_bottom = horizontal
title.hidden = on
title.items = "buffer_title"
title.position = top
title.priority = 500
title.separator = on
title.size = 1
title.size_max = 0
title.type = window
ctrl-? = "/input delete_previous_char"
ctrl-A = "/input move_beginning_of_line"
ctrl-B = "/input move_previous_char"
ctrl-Cb = "/input insert \x02"
ctrl-Cc = "/input insert \x03"
ctrl-Ci = "/input insert \x1D"
ctrl-Co = "/input insert \x0F"
ctrl-Cr = "/input insert \x12"
ctrl-Cu = "/input insert \x15"
ctrl-D = "/input delete_next_char"
ctrl-E = "/input move_end_of_line"
ctrl-F = "/input move_next_char"
ctrl-H = "/input delete_previous_char"
ctrl-I = "/input complete_next"
ctrl-J = "/input return"
ctrl-K = "/input delete_end_of_line"
ctrl-L = "/window refresh"
ctrl-M = "/input return"
ctrl-N = "/buffer +1"
ctrl-P = "/buffer -1"
ctrl-R = "/input search_text"
ctrl-Sctrl-U = "/input set_unread"
ctrl-T = "/input transpose_chars"
ctrl-U = "/input delete_beginning_of_line"
ctrl-V = "/xclip"
ctrl-W = "/input delete_previous_word"
ctrl-X = "/input switch_active_buffer"
ctrl-Y = "/input clipboard_paste"
meta-0 = "/buffer *10"
meta-1 = "/buffer *1"
meta-2 = "/buffer *2"
meta-3 = "/buffer *3"
meta-4 = "/buffer *4"
meta-5 = "/buffer *5"
meta-6 = "/buffer *6"
meta-7 = "/buffer *7"
meta-8 = "/buffer *8"
meta-9 = "/buffer *9"
meta-< = "/input jump_previously_visited_buffer"
meta-= = "/filter toggle"
meta-> = "/input jump_next_visited_buffer"
meta-OA = "/input history_global_previous"
meta-OB = "/input history_global_next"
meta-OC = "/input move_next_word"
meta-OD = "/input move_previous_word"
meta-OF = "/input move_end_of_line"
meta-OH = "/input move_beginning_of_line"
meta-Oa = "/input history_global_previous"
meta-Ob = "/input history_global_next"
meta-Oc = "/input move_next_word"
meta-Od = "/input move_previous_word"
meta2-15~ = "/buffer -1"
meta2-17~ = "/buffer +1"
meta2-18~ = "/window -1"
meta2-19~ = "/window +1"
meta2-1;3A = "/buffer -1"
meta2-1;3B = "/buffer +1"
meta2-1;3C = "/buffer +1"
meta2-1;3D = "/buffer -1"
meta2-1;5A = "/input history_global_previous"
meta2-1;5B = "/input history_global_next"
meta2-1~ = "/input move_beginning_of_line"
meta2-20~ = "/bar scroll title * x-50%"
meta2-21~ = "/bar scroll title * x+50%"
meta2-23~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * y-100%"
meta2-24~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * y+100%"
meta2-3~ = "/input delete_next_char"
meta2-4~ = "/input move_end_of_line"
meta2-5;3~ = "/window scroll_up"
meta2-5~ = "/window page_up"
meta2-6;3~ = "/window scroll_down"
meta2-6~ = "/window page_down"
meta2-7~ = "/input move_beginning_of_line"
meta2-8~ = "/input move_end_of_line"
meta2-A = "/input history_previous"
meta2-B = "/input history_next"
meta2-C = "/input move_next_char"
meta2-D = "/input move_previous_char"
meta2-F = "/input move_end_of_line"
meta2-G = "/window page_down"
meta2-H = "/input move_beginning_of_line"
meta2-I = "/window page_up"
meta2-Z = "/input complete_previous"
meta-meta2-1~ = "/window scroll_top"
meta-meta2-23~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * yb"
meta-meta2-24~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * ye"
meta-meta2-4~ = "/window scroll_bottom"
meta-meta2-5~ = "/window scroll_up"
meta-meta2-6~ = "/window scroll_down"
meta-meta2-7~ = "/window scroll_top"
meta-meta2-8~ = "/window scroll_bottom"
meta-meta2-A = "/buffer -1"
meta-meta2-B = "/buffer +1"
meta-meta2-C = "/buffer +1"
meta-meta2-D = "/buffer -1"
meta-_ = "/input redo"
meta-a = "/input jump_smart"
meta-b = "/input move_previous_word"
meta-d = "/input delete_next_word"
meta-f = "/input move_next_word"
meta-h = "/input hotlist_clear"
meta-j01 = "/buffer 1"
meta-j02 = "/buffer 2"
meta-j03 = "/buffer 3"
meta-j04 = "/buffer 4"
meta-j05 = "/buffer 5"
meta-j06 = "/buffer 6"
meta-j07 = "/buffer 7"
meta-j08 = "/buffer 8"
meta-j09 = "/buffer 9"
meta-j10 = "/buffer 10"
meta-j11 = "/buffer 11"
meta-j12 = "/buffer 12"
meta-j13 = "/buffer 13"
meta-j14 = "/buffer 14"
meta-j15 = "/buffer 15"
meta-j16 = "/buffer 16"
meta-j17 = "/buffer 17"
meta-j18 = "/buffer 18"
meta-j19 = "/buffer 19"
meta-j20 = "/buffer 20"
meta-j21 = "/buffer 21"
meta-j22 = "/buffer 22"
meta-j23 = "/buffer 23"
meta-j24 = "/buffer 24"
meta-j25 = "/buffer 25"
meta-j26 = "/buffer 26"
meta-j27 = "/buffer 27"
meta-j28 = "/buffer 28"
meta-j29 = "/buffer 29"
meta-j30 = "/buffer 30"
meta-j31 = "/buffer 31"
meta-j32 = "/buffer 32"
meta-j33 = "/buffer 33"
meta-j34 = "/buffer 34"
meta-j35 = "/buffer 35"
meta-j36 = "/buffer 36"
meta-j37 = "/buffer 37"
meta-j38 = "/buffer 38"
meta-j39 = "/buffer 39"
meta-j40 = "/buffer 40"
meta-j41 = "/buffer 41"
meta-j42 = "/buffer 42"
meta-j43 = "/buffer 43"
meta-j44 = "/buffer 44"
meta-j45 = "/buffer 45"
meta-j46 = "/buffer 46"
meta-j47 = "/buffer 47"
meta-j48 = "/buffer 48"
meta-j49 = "/buffer 49"
meta-j50 = "/buffer 50"
meta-j51 = "/buffer 51"
meta-j52 = "/buffer 52"
meta-j53 = "/buffer 53"
meta-j54 = "/buffer 54"
meta-j55 = "/buffer 55"
meta-j56 = "/buffer 56"
meta-j57 = "/buffer 57"
meta-j58 = "/buffer 58"
meta-j59 = "/buffer 59"
meta-j60 = "/buffer 60"
meta-j61 = "/buffer 61"
meta-j62 = "/buffer 62"
meta-j63 = "/buffer 63"
meta-j64 = "/buffer 64"
meta-j65 = "/buffer 65"
meta-j66 = "/buffer 66"
meta-j67 = "/buffer 67"
meta-j68 = "/buffer 68"
meta-j69 = "/buffer 69"
meta-j70 = "/buffer 70"
meta-j71 = "/buffer 71"
meta-j72 = "/buffer 72"
meta-j73 = "/buffer 73"
meta-j74 = "/buffer 74"
meta-j75 = "/buffer 75"
meta-j76 = "/buffer 76"
meta-j77 = "/buffer 77"
meta-j78 = "/buffer 78"
meta-j79 = "/buffer 79"
meta-j80 = "/buffer 80"
meta-j81 = "/buffer 81"
meta-j82 = "/buffer 82"
meta-j83 = "/buffer 83"
meta-j84 = "/buffer 84"
meta-j85 = "/buffer 85"
meta-j86 = "/buffer 86"
meta-j87 = "/buffer 87"
meta-j88 = "/buffer 88"
meta-j89 = "/buffer 89"
meta-j90 = "/buffer 90"
meta-j91 = "/buffer 91"
meta-j92 = "/buffer 92"
meta-j93 = "/buffer 93"
meta-j94 = "/buffer 94"
meta-j95 = "/buffer 95"
meta-j96 = "/buffer 96"
meta-j97 = "/buffer 97"
meta-j98 = "/buffer 98"
meta-j99 = "/buffer 99"
meta-jmeta-l = "/input jump_last_buffer"
meta-jmeta-r = "/server raw"
meta-jmeta-s = "/server jump"
meta-k = "/input grab_key_command"
meta-n = "/window scroll_next_highlight"
meta-p = "/window scroll_previous_highlight"
meta-r = "/input delete_line"
meta-u = "/input scroll_unread"
meta-wmeta2-1;3A = "/window up"
meta-wmeta2-1;3B = "/window down"
meta-wmeta2-1;3C = "/window right"
meta-wmeta2-1;3D = "/window left"
meta-wmeta-meta2-A = "/window up"
meta-wmeta-meta2-B = "/window down"
meta-wmeta-meta2-C = "/window right"
meta-wmeta-meta2-D = "/window left"
meta-wmeta-b = "/window balance"
meta-wmeta-s = "/window swap"
meta-z = "/window zoom"
ctrl-_ = "/input undo"
you have also to download script from weechat web page and put it in ~/.weechat/perl/autoload
Last edited by TheImmortalPhoenix (2011-10-21 20:45:08)
My Quantum Project Desktop
Quantum Project (KDE4/Qt4 Fork)
Custom Desktop and Desktop Panel using KWin
Wallpaper is here:
@OK100: you're right, i thought i have quoted nnoell post
i haven't seen yours
here what you have asked:
#urxvt*perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl #urxvt*termName: Terminale urxvt*internalBorder: 0 urxvt*loginShell: true urxvt*colorMode: on urxvt*cursorBlink: true urxvt*cursorUnderline: true urxvt*cursorColor: #a5caef urxvt*underlineColor: #a5caef urxvt*highlightColor: #87afd7 urxvt*highlightTextColor: #1c1c1c urxvt*depth: 32 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 1 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !*background: #111111 !*foreground: #d4d4d4 !black !*color0: #191919 !*color8: #505050 !red !*color1: #e9003c !*color9: #ff3c6e !green !*color2: #9ace00 !*color10: #d7f822 !yellow !*color3: #ffcc00 !ffa000 !*color11: #ffd45f !f8cf76 !blue !*color4: #12aed5 !*color12: #82d0e3 !magenta !*color5: #ba823c !e12289 !*color13: #ba9669 !c869aa !cyan !*color6: #5E7175 !*color14: #A3BABF !white !*color7: #d4d4d4 !*color15: #ffffff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 2 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !URxvt*foreground: #8c8c8c !URxvt*foreground: #717171 !Black !URxvt*color0: #3d3e3d !URxvt*color8: #5a5b5c !Red !URxvt*color1: #755a5b !URxvt*color9: #a37679 !Green !URxvt*color2: #68755a !URxvt*color10: #87a376 !Yellow !URxvt*color3: #756e5a !URxvt*color11: #a39b76 !Blue !URxvt*color4: #5b6976 !URxvt*color12: #758ba3 !Magenta !URxvt*color5: #755b76 !URxvt*color13: #9f76a3 !Cyan !URxvt*color6: #5b7674 !URxvt*color14: #75a3a1 !White !URxvt*color7: #808080 !URxvt*color15: #aeafb0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 3 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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!URxvt*background: #1c1c1c !URxvt*foreground: #ccccc6 !black !*color0: #262729 !*color8: #595959 !red !*color1: #c75b79 !*color9: #FB3782 !green !*color2: #aadd99 #*color2: #ccffaa !*color10: #99ff66 !yellow !*color3: #FFCC99 !*color11: #FF9900 !blue !*color4: #18618f !*color12: #3C86AB !magenta !*color5: #AA77AA !*color13: #8B63B0 !cyan !*color6: #669997 !*color14: #33b3cc !white !*color7: #CCCCC6 !*color15: #e0e0e0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## 8 ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *background: #1c1c1c *foreground: #b3b3b3 ! black *color0: #343639 *color8: #404040 ! red *color1: #d75f5f *color9: #EA8484 ! green *color2: #87af5f *color10: #C7F09F ! yellow *color3: #ffaf5f *color11: #FFCC9A ! blue *color4: #87afd7 *color12: #A5CAEF ! magenta *color5: #8787af *color13: #A6A6DE ! cyan *color6: #5f8787 *color14: #95CDCD ! white *color7: #b3b3b3 *color15: #d7d7d7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! urxvt*inheritPixmap: 0 urxvt*scrollBar: 0 !scrollbar styles: rxvt, plain, next or xterm urxvt*scrollstyle: plain urxvt*scrollBar_right: true urxvt*scrollColor: #777777 urxvt*geometry: 81x22 urxvt*saveLines: 1000000 Xft*dpi: 96 Xft*antialias: true Xft*hinting: true Xft*hintstyle: full Xft*rgba: rgb urxvt*font: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=12 !urxvt*font: xft:Tamsyn-tt:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:hinting=true !urxvt*boldFont: xft:Tamsyn-tt:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:bold:hinting=true !urxvt*italicFont: xft:Tamsyn-tt:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:italic:autohint=true:hinting=true !urxvt*bolditalicFont: xft:Tamsyn-tt:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:bold:italic:autohint=true:hinting=true #URxvt*preeditType: OnTheSpot,None URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,selection,mark-yank-urls,matcher,clipboard #URxvt*perl-ext: xim-onthespot urxvt*urlLauncher: /usr/bin/luakit URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:mark-yank-urls:activate_mark_mode URxvt.underlineURLs: true urxvt*matcher.button: 1 URxvt*matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-] URxvt*matcher.rend.0: fg5 URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbedex URxvt.autohide: yes URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 7 URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: fg fg 4 URxvt.tabbed.title-fg: fg URxvt.tabbed.title-bg: 4 Xcursor.theme: Vanilla-DMZ-AA Xcursor.size: 16
# # weechat.conf -- weechat v0.3.5 # [debug] [startup] command_after_plugins = "" command_before_plugins = "" display_logo = on display_version = off [look] align_end_of_lines = message buffer_notify_default = all buffer_time_format = "%H:%M" color_pairs_auto_reset = 5 color_real_white = off command_chars = "" confirm_quit = off day_change = on day_change_time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y" highlight = "" highlight_regex = "" highlight_tags = "" hline_char = "─" hotlist_add_buffer_if_away = on hotlist_buffer_separator = ", " hotlist_count_max = 2 hotlist_count_min_msg = 2 hotlist_names_count = 3 hotlist_names_length = 0 hotlist_names_level = 12 hotlist_names_merged_buffers = on hotlist_short_names = on hotlist_sort = group_time_asc hotlist_unique_numbers = on input_cursor_scroll = 20 input_share = none input_share_overwrite = off input_undo_max = 32 item_time_format = "%H:%M" jump_current_to_previous_buffer = on jump_previous_buffer_when_closing = on nickmode = on nickmode_empty = off 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chat_prefix_more = lightmagenta chat_prefix_network = magenta chat_prefix_quit = lightred chat_prefix_suffix = black chat_read_marker = black chat_read_marker_bg = default chat_server = brown chat_text_found = yellow chat_text_found_bg = lightmagenta chat_time = black chat_time_delimiters = black chat_value = cyan input_actions = lightgreen input_text_not_found = red nicklist_away = magenta nicklist_group = green nicklist_offline = blue separator = black status_count_highlight = magenta status_count_msg = brown status_count_other = default status_count_private = green status_data_highlight = lightmagenta status_data_msg = yellow status_data_other = default status_data_private = lightgreen status_filter = green status_more = yellow status_name = white status_name_ssl = lightgreen status_number = yellow status_time = default [completion] default_template = "%(nicks)|%(irc_channels)" nick_add_space = on nick_completer = ":" nick_first_only = off nick_ignore_chars = "[]`_-^" partial_completion_alert = on partial_completion_command = off partial_completion_command_arg = off partial_completion_count = on partial_completion_other = off [history] display_default = 5 max_commands = 100 max_lines = 4096 max_visited_buffers = 50 [proxy] [network] gnutls_ca_file = "%h/ssl/CAs.pem" gnutls_handshake_timeout = 30 [plugin] autoload = "*" debug = off extension = ".so" path = "%h/plugins" save_config_on_unload = on [bar] buffers.color_bg = default buffers.color_delim = default buffers.color_fg = default buffers.conditions = "" buffers.filling_left_right = vertical buffers.filling_top_bottom = horizontal buffers.hidden = off buffers.items = "buffers" buffers.position = top buffers.priority = 0 buffers.separator = on buffers.size = 0 buffers.size_max = 0 buffers.type = root input.color_bg = default input.color_delim = black input.color_fg = default input.conditions = "" input.filling_left_right = vertical input.filling_top_bottom = horizontal input.hidden = off input.items = " input_prompt,>>>,input_text" input.position = bottom input.priority = 1000 input.separator = on input.size = 1 input.size_max = 0 input.type = window nicklist.color_bg = default nicklist.color_delim = blue nicklist.color_fg = black nicklist.conditions = "nicklist" nicklist.filling_left_right = vertical nicklist.filling_top_bottom = columns_vertical nicklist.hidden = off nicklist.items = "buffer_nicklist" nicklist.position = right nicklist.priority = 200 nicklist.separator = on nicklist.size = 0 nicklist.size_max = 0 nicklist.type = window status.color_bg = default status.color_delim = blue status.color_fg = white status.conditions = "" status.filling_left_right = vertical status.filling_top_bottom = horizontal status.hidden = on status.items = "[time],[buffer_count],[buffer_plugin],buffer_number+:+buffer_name+{buffer_nicklist_count}+buffer_filter,[lag],[hotlist],completion,scroll" status.position = bottom status.priority = 500 status.separator = on status.size = 1 status.size_max = 0 status.type = window title.color_bg = default title.color_delim = blue title.color_fg = magenta title.conditions = "" title.filling_left_right = vertical title.filling_top_bottom = horizontal title.hidden = on title.items = "buffer_title" title.position = top title.priority = 500 title.separator = on title.size = 1 title.size_max = 0 title.type = window [layout] [notify] [filter] [key] ctrl-? = "/input delete_previous_char" ctrl-A = "/input move_beginning_of_line" ctrl-B = "/input move_previous_char" ctrl-Cb = "/input insert \x02" ctrl-Cc = "/input insert \x03" ctrl-Ci = "/input insert \x1D" ctrl-Co = "/input insert \x0F" ctrl-Cr = "/input insert \x12" ctrl-Cu = "/input insert \x15" ctrl-D = "/input delete_next_char" ctrl-E = "/input move_end_of_line" ctrl-F = "/input move_next_char" ctrl-H = "/input delete_previous_char" ctrl-I = "/input complete_next" ctrl-J = "/input return" ctrl-K = "/input delete_end_of_line" ctrl-L = "/window refresh" ctrl-M = "/input return" ctrl-N = "/buffer +1" ctrl-P = "/buffer -1" ctrl-R = "/input search_text" ctrl-Sctrl-U = "/input set_unread" ctrl-T = "/input transpose_chars" ctrl-U = "/input delete_beginning_of_line" ctrl-V = "/xclip" ctrl-W = "/input delete_previous_word" ctrl-X = "/input switch_active_buffer" ctrl-Y = "/input clipboard_paste" meta-0 = "/buffer *10" meta-1 = "/buffer *1" meta-2 = "/buffer *2" meta-3 = "/buffer *3" meta-4 = "/buffer *4" meta-5 = "/buffer *5" meta-6 = "/buffer *6" meta-7 = "/buffer *7" meta-8 = "/buffer *8" meta-9 = "/buffer *9" meta-< = "/input jump_previously_visited_buffer" meta-= = "/filter toggle" meta-> = "/input jump_next_visited_buffer" meta-OA = "/input history_global_previous" meta-OB = "/input history_global_next" meta-OC = "/input move_next_word" meta-OD = "/input move_previous_word" meta-OF = "/input move_end_of_line" meta-OH = "/input move_beginning_of_line" meta-Oa = "/input history_global_previous" meta-Ob = "/input history_global_next" meta-Oc = "/input move_next_word" meta-Od = "/input move_previous_word" meta2-15~ = "/buffer -1" meta2-17~ = "/buffer +1" meta2-18~ = "/window -1" meta2-19~ = "/window +1" meta2-1;3A = "/buffer -1" meta2-1;3B = "/buffer +1" meta2-1;3C = "/buffer +1" meta2-1;3D = "/buffer -1" meta2-1;5A = "/input history_global_previous" meta2-1;5B = "/input history_global_next" meta2-1~ = "/input move_beginning_of_line" meta2-20~ = "/bar scroll title * x-50%" meta2-21~ = "/bar scroll title * x+50%" meta2-23~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * y-100%" meta2-24~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * y+100%" meta2-3~ = "/input delete_next_char" meta2-4~ = "/input move_end_of_line" meta2-5;3~ = "/window scroll_up" meta2-5~ = "/window page_up" meta2-6;3~ = "/window scroll_down" meta2-6~ = "/window page_down" meta2-7~ = "/input move_beginning_of_line" meta2-8~ = "/input move_end_of_line" meta2-A = "/input history_previous" meta2-B = "/input history_next" meta2-C = "/input move_next_char" meta2-D = "/input move_previous_char" meta2-F = "/input move_end_of_line" meta2-G = "/window page_down" meta2-H = "/input move_beginning_of_line" meta2-I = "/window page_up" meta2-Z = "/input complete_previous" meta-meta2-1~ = "/window scroll_top" meta-meta2-23~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * yb" meta-meta2-24~ = "/bar scroll nicklist * ye" meta-meta2-4~ = "/window scroll_bottom" meta-meta2-5~ = "/window scroll_up" meta-meta2-6~ = "/window scroll_down" meta-meta2-7~ = "/window scroll_top" meta-meta2-8~ = "/window scroll_bottom" meta-meta2-A = "/buffer -1" meta-meta2-B = "/buffer +1" meta-meta2-C = "/buffer +1" meta-meta2-D = "/buffer -1" meta-_ = "/input redo" meta-a = "/input jump_smart" meta-b = "/input move_previous_word" meta-d = "/input delete_next_word" meta-f = "/input move_next_word" meta-h = "/input hotlist_clear" meta-j01 = "/buffer 1" meta-j02 = "/buffer 2" meta-j03 = "/buffer 3" meta-j04 = "/buffer 4" meta-j05 = "/buffer 5" meta-j06 = "/buffer 6" meta-j07 = "/buffer 7" meta-j08 = "/buffer 8" meta-j09 = "/buffer 9" meta-j10 = "/buffer 10" meta-j11 = "/buffer 11" meta-j12 = "/buffer 12" meta-j13 = "/buffer 13" meta-j14 = "/buffer 14" meta-j15 = "/buffer 15" meta-j16 = "/buffer 16" meta-j17 = "/buffer 17" meta-j18 = "/buffer 18" meta-j19 = "/buffer 19" meta-j20 = "/buffer 20" meta-j21 = "/buffer 21" meta-j22 = "/buffer 22" meta-j23 = "/buffer 23" meta-j24 = "/buffer 24" meta-j25 = "/buffer 25" meta-j26 = "/buffer 26" meta-j27 = "/buffer 27" meta-j28 = "/buffer 28" meta-j29 = "/buffer 29" meta-j30 = "/buffer 30" meta-j31 = "/buffer 31" meta-j32 = "/buffer 32" meta-j33 = "/buffer 33" meta-j34 = "/buffer 34" meta-j35 = "/buffer 35" meta-j36 = "/buffer 36" meta-j37 = "/buffer 37" meta-j38 = "/buffer 38" meta-j39 = "/buffer 39" meta-j40 = "/buffer 40" meta-j41 = "/buffer 41" meta-j42 = "/buffer 42" meta-j43 = "/buffer 43" meta-j44 = "/buffer 44" meta-j45 = "/buffer 45" meta-j46 = "/buffer 46" meta-j47 = "/buffer 47" meta-j48 = "/buffer 48" meta-j49 = "/buffer 49" meta-j50 = "/buffer 50" meta-j51 = "/buffer 51" meta-j52 = "/buffer 52" meta-j53 = "/buffer 53" meta-j54 = "/buffer 54" meta-j55 = "/buffer 55" meta-j56 = "/buffer 56" meta-j57 = "/buffer 57" meta-j58 = "/buffer 58" meta-j59 = "/buffer 59" meta-j60 = "/buffer 60" meta-j61 = "/buffer 61" meta-j62 = "/buffer 62" meta-j63 = "/buffer 63" meta-j64 = "/buffer 64" meta-j65 = "/buffer 65" meta-j66 = "/buffer 66" meta-j67 = "/buffer 67" meta-j68 = "/buffer 68" meta-j69 = "/buffer 69" meta-j70 = "/buffer 70" meta-j71 = "/buffer 71" meta-j72 = "/buffer 72" meta-j73 = "/buffer 73" meta-j74 = "/buffer 74" meta-j75 = "/buffer 75" meta-j76 = "/buffer 76" meta-j77 = "/buffer 77" meta-j78 = "/buffer 78" meta-j79 = "/buffer 79" meta-j80 = "/buffer 80" meta-j81 = "/buffer 81" meta-j82 = "/buffer 82" meta-j83 = "/buffer 83" meta-j84 = "/buffer 84" meta-j85 = "/buffer 85" meta-j86 = "/buffer 86" meta-j87 = "/buffer 87" meta-j88 = "/buffer 88" meta-j89 = "/buffer 89" meta-j90 = "/buffer 90" meta-j91 = "/buffer 91" meta-j92 = "/buffer 92" meta-j93 = "/buffer 93" meta-j94 = "/buffer 94" meta-j95 = "/buffer 95" meta-j96 = "/buffer 96" meta-j97 = "/buffer 97" meta-j98 = "/buffer 98" meta-j99 = "/buffer 99" meta-jmeta-l = "/input jump_last_buffer" meta-jmeta-r = "/server raw" meta-jmeta-s = "/server jump" meta-k = "/input grab_key_command" meta-n = "/window scroll_next_highlight" meta-p = "/window scroll_previous_highlight" meta-r = "/input delete_line" meta-u = "/input scroll_unread" meta-wmeta2-1;3A = "/window up" meta-wmeta2-1;3B = "/window down" meta-wmeta2-1;3C = "/window right" meta-wmeta2-1;3D = "/window left" meta-wmeta-meta2-A = "/window up" meta-wmeta-meta2-B = "/window down" meta-wmeta-meta2-C = "/window right" meta-wmeta-meta2-D = "/window left" meta-wmeta-b = "/window balance" meta-wmeta-s = "/window swap" meta-z = "/window zoom" ctrl-_ = "/input undo"
you have also to download script from weechat web page and put it in ~/.weechat/perl/autoload
^Would you mind sharing your Xdefaults ?
Posted a new update to my font. I feel like it's almost there. Feedback wanted!
Left to right:
Some code, sample latin-based characters, some Hebrew above a gtk widget above a bit of ascii art. Conky on top. I want to call it 1.0 soon, but I'm waiting for more feedback.
Last edited by ninjaaron (2011-10-22 19:05:22)
^Would you mind sharing your Xdefaults ?
Here is.
! Xft settings ---------------------------------------------------------------
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xcursor.theme: Vanilla-DMZ-AA
XTerm*faceName: Liberation Mono
XTerm*faceSize: 9
XTerm*background: #121212
XTerm*foreground: white
XTerm*pointerColor: red
XTerm*pointerColorBackground: black
XTerm*cursorColor: navy
XTerm*internalBorder: 3
XTerm*loginShell: true
XTerm*scrollBar: false
XTerm*scrollKey: true
XTerm*saveLines: 1000
XTerm*multiClickTime: 250
! U R X V T
URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode-256color
URxvt*geometry: 101x25
URxvt*background: #000000
URxvt*foreground: #ffffff
!URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
!URxvt*reverseVideo: false
!URxvt*tintColor: #1c1c1c
URxvt*shading: 10!trans=100, 0=opaque
URxvt*fading: 10 !term unfocus
!URxvt.font: -lfp-gamow-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-c-*-iso8859-5
!URxvt.font: xft:Consolas:autohint=true:antialias=true:size=10
URxvt.font: xft:Liberation Mono:autohint=true:antialias=true:size=8
!URxvt.boldFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans mono:size=9
!URxvt.italicFont: -lfp-gamow-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-c-*-iso8859-5
!URxvt.boldItalicFont: -lfp-gamow-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-c-*-iso8859-5
!URxvt.font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=20
!URxvt.font: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=16
!URxvt.font: xft:Monospace:pixelsize=21
!URxvt.font: xft:matto:antialias=true:size=8
!URxvt.font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans mono:size=9
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: true
URxvt*scrollBar_floating: true
URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
URxvt*scrollColor: #000000
URxvt*saveLines: 5500
!URxvt*termName: URxvt
URxvt*cursorColor: #d8d8d8
URxvt*colorBD: lightyellow
URxvt*colorUL: white
URxvt*eightBitInput: true
URxvt*metaSendsEscape: true
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
URxvt.matcher.button: 2
URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
URxvt*visualBell: true
! C O L O R S
*color0: #222222
*color8: #808080
*color1: #4C4C4C
*color9: #EA8484
*color2: #87AF5F
*color3: #FFAF5F
*color4: #87AFD7
*color5: #8787AF
*color6: #5F8787
*color7: #A0A0A0
@tlvb: what tools are you using for schematics and layout under linux ?
Software is like sex, it's better when it's free - L. Torvalds
gschem for schematics and pcb for layout, what you see in the screenshot is pcb with 'thin draw' enabled,
and two instances gerbv showing some of the generated gerber files. I usually don't have thin draw enabled
all the time, but it makes for a prettier screenshot
(intro to gschem+pcb here:
I need a sorted list of all random numbers, so that I can retrieve a suitable one later with a binary search instead of having to iterate through the generation process every time.