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Hello there, so far I'm pretty impressed by the feeling of setting up my system all by myself. Though I spent quite some time doing it, I got almost everything running. Everything but the audio.
I'm using a MacBook Pro 5,5 with a Cirrus Logic CS4206.
The funny thing is, that as root I can play something, but as normal user I cannot find the soundcard for playback.
So when I do `aplay -l` then my laptop cannot find any soundcard. But when I do `sudo aplay -l` I see my Cirrus Analog/Digital.
Also I can only open the `alsamixer` as root. Something´s wrong here, right?
I would be glad, if someone can point me in the right direction.
EDIT: My user is in the audio group. Just added it a second ago, still the same problem.
EDIT2: Just reminded myself that I have to relogon. Works now. Thanks everyone. Arch is awesome!
Last edited by leoc (2011-10-22 14:15:05)