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#1 2011-10-23 01:08:42

Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 417

Issue with zenity shutting down script

Hi all,

I am running a script at a certain time, to check weather or not the computer must remain on or not, it use to work but for some reason it doesn't any more. And regardless which reply you give it it will shut down every time.

I would also like to improve it but do not know how to approach the issue within the same script easily, if by the time (22:45) the user wants to carry on working, then the script should sleep for 'x minutes'  then start again asking the question, any idea to do it easily without adding too many lines?


current_epoch=$(date +%s)
target_epoch=$(date -d '22:45' +%s)

sleep_seconds=$(( $target_epoch - $current_epoch ))

sleep $sleep_seconds

zenity --question --timeout 10 --title="The computer has finish is work" \
   --text="The computer has finish is work!       \
	  Should the computer remain on?"

if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
   zenity --info --text="Please do not forgot to power down the computer when finish!"


pkill & pkill & pkill ffmpeg &

sleep 5
procall=`pgrep -u $(whoami) -t tty1`        #get all users proceses
procbas=`pgrep -u $(whoami) -t tty1 bash`    #get the login bash pid
procxin=`pgrep -u $(whoami) -t tty1 xinit`    #get the xinit pid

# nicely terminate all users processes except bash & xinit
for p in $procall; do
   if [ "$p" != "$procbas" ] && [ "$p" != "$procxin" ]; then
        kill -TERM $p
sleep 2

# now KILL the processes that are still alive
for p in $procall; do
    if [ "$p" != "$procbas" ] && [ "$p" != "$procxin" ]; then
       kill -KILL $p

# and finally . . . . we shutdown via policykit/dbus
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop


the other issue is, if the user is connected passed the 22:45 at night  (so in between 22:46 and 23:59) the script will execute right away - instead of sleeping until the next 22:45 (next day)

Many thanks,

Looking forward for your replies,

Last edited by sweetthdevil (2011-10-23 01:33:10)


#2 2011-10-23 10:25:09

Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 417

Re: Issue with zenity shutting down script

After a bit of testing I have reported a bug on the latest version of the package, the --timeoption when use always return a negative vibe.

Downgrading to the previous version fixed the issue.

Last edited by sweetthdevil (2011-10-23 10:56:51)


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