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I made a pretty simple script to just get and install the packages that I wanted after I initially install arch.
It can be configured to install packages from other sources(not AUR or arch repo)
It can be fully customized to anyones needs.
I am new to scripting but anyways here it is.
I used it as a learning example, and its only usefulness I guess is installing the same packages on multiple systems or hard drives.
I don't have all my packages listed in here because I wrote this up in little time and I will add to it later.
Any comments or criticism is welcome.
Installation: Put anywhere you want and chmod +x
#! /bin/bash
# Script to install all my packages after initial install.
# Easily configurable for any user.
echo -e '\E[33mThis script will full update the system and install all my packages from arch, AUR, and custom locations.'
# Fully upgrades the arch core packages.
echo 'Updating System'
sudo pacman -Syu
echo 'System Updated'
#install yaourt
# yaourt is needed for the aur packages.
tar zxvf package-query.tar.gz
cd package-query
makepkg -si
cd ..
tar zxvf yaourt.tar.gz
cd yaourt
makepkg -si
cd ..
# installs packages in the arch package repository with pacman
# packages can be added or removed
echo -e '\E[34mInstalling packages from arch...'
sudo pacman -S base-devel nano fluxbox slim gcc glibc openssh gkrellm rxvt-unicode inetutils irssi python
echo -e '\E[34mDone Installing arch packages.'
# installs packages from AUR with yaourt
# packages can be added or removed
echo -e '\E[36mInstalling AUR Packages...'
yaourt -S nmap dnsmap
echo -e '\E[36mDone Installing AUR'
# installs packages from other sources
# uses wget to retrieve the package and untars it, then builds it.
echo -e '\E[31mInstalling packages from elsewhere'
# Kept as an example
#dnsmap - was added to AUR
#tar xfvz dnsmap-0.30.tar.gz
#cd dnsmap-0.30
#sudo make install
#cd ..
echo -e '\E[37mFinished'
read -n1 -r -p "Press any key to continue.." key
Last edited by Lugz (2011-10-31 14:53:38)
[archlinuxfr] repos have yaourt 0.10.2-1 so you can add those repos to pacman and install yaourt this way.