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#1 2010-12-24 09:53:25

From: kolkata,India
Registered: 2009-09-09
Posts: 218

Cant get warsow in full screen under openbox

No matter which resolution I set in warsow, it would never go full screen under openbox, it would always start in windowed mode with a title bar. It is however working in other DEs. This issue wasnt there with 0.5, crept in 0.6, is it only me?


#2 2011-02-10 21:50:43

Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 70

Re: Cant get warsow in full screen under openbox

Sorry for the late reply.
I've got this problem myself.
I tried to find some workaround with rc.xml but it won't work, it seems that OpenBox does not recognize the game's window class...
I just play in windowed mode, but it's not very exciting...


#3 2011-11-02 21:08:06

Registered: 2009-06-20
Posts: 38

Re: Cant get warsow in full screen under openbox

this problem appeared for me with version 0.62.

0.5 is just fine.

of course you can kill openbox before you start warsow and restart it afterwards.

Last edited by hasufell (2011-11-02 21:09:37)


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