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My name is Alexander and I am new to Arch Linux. I removed Windows from my systems in 2002 and installed Red Hat. I didn't like Red Hat, so I installed Debian. After a year of Debian I switched to Kubuntu. I loved KDE 3. When KDE 4 was released I switched to Gnome. I've been working on Ubuntu ever since. Lately Ubuntu switched to Unity and I thought it would be a great time to switch again.
I love Arch Linux. It is like the old days of Debian, but better. No out of date packages, but al new! I have installed Arch Linux with Gnome 3.
I am sure I will have a lot of questions.
Arch Linux x86_64 LTS
I'm slowpoke, sometimes known as Proxy or some concatenation of these two names (I go by the handle of Proxypoke on Freenode).
My desktop's powered by Arch since a while now, and I figured it might be a good idea to join the forums now, too.
A bit about me: I'm a CompSci student, and believe in Free Software and the hacker ethics. I started programming with Python some one and a half years back, and got hooked on GNU/Linux in the process with a dual booted Ubuntu. I've since moved off Windows completely and migrated to Arch a few months back. I'm now a bit confident in programming in C++ as well, know some Java (not that I need it), and am currently diving into Haskell, and plan to get a copy of K&R to pick up C.
I have other hobbies besides programming, but one can learn about those if he or she is interested.
See ya 'round, and happy hacking!
Last edited by slowpoke (2011-11-03 21:08:43)
Thinkpad X220t | Linux-ck 3.6.8 | OpenRC
Credo in chao. Attere dominatum.
Hi everyone,
I come from Znamenskoye, Chechnya - now living in Scotland 8 years.
Being using Linux for 2 years. Started with Ubuntu and now progressed to Arch + Xfce.
I like C++, Python and messing with computers in general.
Aslan, why U no use a Lion? =P #NarniaFeelings
Welcome guys, and sorry for the bad joke XD' (am I even allowed to post it?)
The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings -- Eric Hoffer.
May the source be with you =]
Aslan, why U no use a Lion? =P #NarniaFeelings
This was my first though when I saw his nickname ;P
Just switched to Arch 4 days ago and have been completely hooked since. I have come home from work each night and spent about 6 hours tweaking things here (is this normal? ) and there and still not fully being able to figure it out, but searching the hell out of everything before posting (I've heard you guys can be brutal to noobs, and have seen some examples during my searches). The feeling you get when you finally figure it out is fantastic!
I went from Ubuntu (3 weeks), to Debian (6+ weeks and counting - still using this on my laptop), finally to Arch on an old box I have laying around just to see what the fuss was about. Gotta say it's my favorite so far. I'm still pretty new to the Linux world, I've been learning it hardcore for the last 6 or so weeks by reading the tldp "intro to linux" guide and working through the examples, with plans to moving on to other books in the near future. The rather lofty goal I have is to be a linux admin, so I need to learn this inside and out, and Arch is a perfect way to do so.
A lot of things are still kicking my ass (currently mpd/ncmpcpp config and autofs config), but the wiki is an amazing resource and has been helpful with other things so far, so I just keep plugging away and enjoying myself. I know I'm gonna need you guys soon though so I figured I'd create an account, and hopefully give a little back as well in the meantime. Cheers!
Last edited by hoss (2011-11-04 02:37:02)
Hi everyone
I've always been trying distributions for fun, but mostly sticked to Ubuntu up until the Unity transition. I tried to use Arch in the past, but managed to fully switch 8 months ago.
I took the chance to try both Arch and KDE at the same time, both being things relatevely new to me.
Now I'm in the awkward position of not being able to tell apart which one I like the most.
Hello everybody,
I decided to switch to Arch Linux some days ago, as I'd like to spend more time with my 3 month old son than on keeping my complex Gentoo paludis/native-multilib setup up-to-date. I have been using Gentoo since 2004 (I'll keep it in a BTRFS subvolume for reference) - and it took me two days to migrate it to Arch in a fully working fashing - so far I can say *big thumbs up* to the devs and the people feeding AUR. It works, I like it, I'll keep it.
Best regards from Munich, Germany.
teekay (aka gimpel@gentoo forums)
Hello World:
I'm located in Wisconsin (USA)
I've been playing with Arch for a few months now and after playing with the Arch User Repository I new I had to switch.
Your Wiki pages are so Awesome I've never had to place a question on the forum, so I thought I'd drop a Hello.
Hi everyone!
Landed on Arch Linux 64-bit and I'm very happy to use it!
Been a distro hopper from Knoppix > Ubuntu > Fedora > CentOS > Linux Mint > Debian > CrunchBang Linux.
Before trying Arch, one month ago, I used CrunchBang Linux Statler (64-bit) for 6 months. It's a great minimalist distro with the stability and choice of software known of Debian.
But I couldn't wait for XFCE 4.8 to finally arrive in the Stable repository and I really needed the bleeding edge of software.
So I made a backup of my 40 GiB /home partition, started the 64-bit Arch install, left the PC all night to download ~600 MiB of packages, everything installed successfully.
I'm impressed of Arch! It's VERY fast, the rc.conf daemon configuration is the simplest solution I've seen (I hate to mess w/ the scripts on Debian), it uses a little less memory than CrunchBang, the AUR and the main repositories have everything I need and I made the perfect Openbox minimalist linux environment for me!
Thank you Arch developers for creating such a good distro!
asus ux303la, core i5@1.6ghz, 8 gb ram, 500gb hdd, hd4400 gpu, crux x64 with openbox
Hello everyone!
I've had an on-again off-again relationship with Linux for about 15 years and finally decided to give Arch a try on a Ubuntu pre-loaded dell I bought a while back. I have to say I love it. The simplicity of the installer brought a warm feeling in my heart from when I first tried to get Slack working on my old Compaq I had as a teenager. I enjoy the stripped down DIY attitude, and the fact that I am actually responsible for maintaining everything and fixing it when I break it. Ubuntu had definitely put my limited skills on a backburner. It just didn't feel like Linux. I had my Arch system up and running to a point where my wife was comfortable logging on and using the internet so I have no complaints there. I really don't think this distro is unfriendly to newbies. It definitely requires you to read and understand what you are doing while you are doing it, but as far as I'm concerned that shouldn't be any different than any other OS you're going to install. Arch just works and works well.
Thanks to everyone who makes this distro possible,
Well, I've already posted in this topic, but I've been adsent for some time due to personal problems, but I'm glad to be here again
Hello everyone, I missed you!
Last edited by AurosGamma (2011-11-07 00:10:05)
hello people, i registered my account since a few months ago. nice to all of you guys. long live Arch Linux!!!
im just an archer
Hello Everyone!
I used to run Arch couple of years ago for a brief period of time. But after my sytem h/w broke had to succumb to Ubuntu, having lot of work on hands. Over the past couple years I got pretty tired of running software that is either 2 versions behind the actual release, waiting for an awaited relase to be pushed into repos etc. Besides, I'm a lover of simplicity and modularity and prefer to have complete control of my computer! So I've decided I should get back to Arch and so I did, yesterday
Right now I'm running basic setup of xfce4. For the same reasons I love Arch, I've been a loyal user of xfce4 for quite a while. Hoping to see more fun from this comminity in the future.
Hi everyone!
I guess I've become a bit of a "distro junkie." I've tried Unbuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Mageia, PCLOS, AntiX, DreamLinux, MintLinux, BodhiLinux, Edubuntu, Knoppix, SwiftLinux.....
Now I have Arch Linux installed on my desktop pc, and I'm liking what I see. The installation LiveCD went pretty smooth, and things seem pretty rock solid. Nice!
Anyway, hi to everyone out there..
Hello everyone!
I am not a complete linux newbie. I started using linux six years ago when I tried the Knoppix live-cd and was impressed with it. Later on I installed OpenSUSE, but had some issues with wireless and ati driver. Besides that it was a very nice distribution to work with, until I found Ubuntu. I have used Ubuntu from version 8.04 to 11.04, but I didn't like unity and again had wireless issues in 11.04. I also was never really that happy with ubuntu, so I quite often switched back to windows. Then I read somewhere about Arch and I gave it a try and it is by far the best OS I worked with. It is exactly what I was looking for in an OS.
I live in Belgium and I study medicine. I don't know any other people using Arch Linux here so I'm glad there is a forum where I can ask questions if necessary. Cheers!
It seems I forgot to post here, so… Hallo everyone :-)
I'm using Linux since '99. My first distribution was SuSE (back when it was German and free), kernel 2.0.36 Then I went through RedHat/Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian and here I am in Arch
As for DEs, I'm back to KDE after about a decade in GNOME.
This is my first try on Arch, but I really like it so far! There is an excellent wiki, I love the AURs and I like the "do it yourself" approach instead of the "I know what's best for you, shut up and take it because you're an idiot" of other distributions or operating systems.
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU E3400 @ 2.60GHz, x86_64. AURs.
“No one without the knowledge of geometry may enter.“ Plato.
Hi, everyone.
I'm jffifa, from China. I'm an undergraduate major in Communication Engeneering, and I'm new to Archlinux.
I used Ubuntu before, but since the desktop environment of the new versions became more and more unbearable, I choosed to use Arch.
Charles here....Arch is installing on my 64bit system as we speak so I plan to be in the docs for a few days figuring it out.
Looking forward to customizing a system using something other than Gentoo which takes forever. I've heard good stuff about Arch and the community so
here I am.
Hi Everyone!
Marcel here. Been using Arch for a few years now. On and off between ubuntu and Arch, but firm on arch now. Finally decided to join the forum.
Hi... I have find my way to Arch Linux from Ubuntu over OpenSuse and Debian...
and Arch works great !!!
Hello Everyone, I started using Arch Linux last year, and haven't posted on the forums lately. I am hopefully will be studying computer science when I switch my major soon. I was in game design and just found out, I really liked the programming side, so why not do that?
I am a novice python coder, but I am teaching myself everyday on how to get better and when I get to take a class on it, I hope to learn a lot more.
Oh, my name is James also and I love ewoks and minecraft.
Last edited by Carharttjimmy (2011-11-12 16:04:36)
Hello world.
I've been using various versions of ubuntu for a few years now, but finally got sick of all the bloat for tools that I don't want or need so started looking for linux distros that gave me the bare minimum of what I want, but one that I would at least be able to get my head round as a non IT/CS person. This all led me to Arch, which I am enjoying so far.
Many thanks to all the people who have spent so long on the wiki pages!
Hello Archlinux Community!
My name is Martin and I've been using using Linux for about 1,5 years, of which 1 year has been Archlinux after half a year with Ubuntu. I switched mostly because I wanted a distro with more flexibility, a good community and documentation, all of which Archlinux have. I've been reading the wiki and forums alot, and thought that now might be the time when I can contribute to the community as well.
Other things to know about me is that I'm twenty years old and have been working as an electrician for two years.
Last edited by ozon-eatar (2011-11-13 20:09:40)
That will be short...
hello everybody.