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I noticed that my gkrellm bar reported zero people logged in today while I was messing around with my new arch install. This confused me because don't I have to be logged in to even see that anyway? I opened up aterm and typed 'who' and it just went to a new command line. Same thing when I typed 'users.' Does anyone know why this might be happening? I'm running fluxbox if that might have anything to do with it.
hmm i think it only works when you log into the console. when i run who, it says i'm logged in to vc/1. if i ssh into my computer, it says i'm logged in to pts/1.
if you're running xdm / gdm / kdm to login, that might not count. i don't use any of those, so i can't test it.
I log in with xdm. That is interesting to know. Thanks.
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