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I was going to add the TURS (Trusted User Repos Servers) to my pacman.conf, and i was thinking if this will create any kind of conflict with Unofficial and Official repos... also, is that the way to go (add the servers to pacman.conf, as my own repos).
Thanks in advance.
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
I have contrasutra's repo in pacman.conf and works fine. With this repo Opera and Scribus, two of my favorite packages, will be updated whenever there is a new upgrade. I trust the new repos. As long as the TUR packages work in TU's machine I am sure they will also work in mine... that's my stand .... if not, it can always be fixed by letting TU know about it.
Server =
<b>Note:</b>After adding the repo(s), don't forget to run pacman -Sy
That's the whole point of having the repos, so that you can easily add them to your pacman.conf and everything is updated automatically.
The only time they would/could create a conflict is if a TU added packages with the same names, or that interacted (with replaces, provides, etc) with the official and unofficial packages.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
and contrasutras TUR does have at least one package that requires you to remove a current base package.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Yeah, my "freetype2-compat" package will remove freetype2. It "replaces" it (thanks sarah).
I do suggest people use this if they are building lots of GTK/Pango apps like I am.
But yes, the TURs can *potentially* cause a conflict with each other and with the base repos. We try to check, but mistakes can happen.
One (semi) conflict actually happened yesterday. Both Whatah and I uploaded "multi-aterm" packages, but with different names (mine was "materm"). It turned out his was missing a dependancy, so he will remove it, and my package will remain.
We try to work these things out peacefully. ;-)
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
Ok, thanks everyone...
thats what i wanted to know, if there where any kind of incompatibilities (if thats the word )...
But the real thing i wanted to know was if there where the same kind of issues as using the "current" and the "stable" at the same time but with the TUR´ s...
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux