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trying to get japanese chars to show up correctly in konqueror/krusader/nautilus/etc for half a day and still cant get it working right...
to start off, before any of the stuff i did below, japanese chars are already displayed perfectly for firefox,gaim,and sylpheed, just that they showed up as gibberish in all my file managers.
i downloaded tars from and kochi-mincho and kochi-gothic from … hi-gothic/ and … hi-mincho/.
- copied both the kochi substitute fonts and fonts from to my /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF dir
- chmodded the fonts dir to make sure that they can be read by my non root user
- ran fc-cache on fonts dir
- restarted X
- still didnt work
- did a mkfontscale on my TTF font dir
- reran fc-cache
- restarted X
and it still shows up as gibberish.
what else do i need to do?
You can try scim-anthy (pacman -S scim-anthy). It's for Japanese support but I don't know if it can solve your problem. It's been recently added to the official repo:
Sorry, I can't give you more info.
I already have scim, anthy and stuff installed. I have no problems inputting japanese and getting them to work in firefox/gaim etc, only having problems displaying japanese characters/filenames in filemanagers like konqueror/nautilus and stuff.
Sorry if I misunderstood your question.
Try posting on the arch mailing list:
There is currently a discussion going on about these packages. Maybe someone there will be able to help you better than myself.
It might be a problem with your locale setting, are you using UTF-8? and are those files and folders names in UTF-8? or any other locale?
using konqueror i tried utf8/use lang variable/eucjp but all didnt work
hmm... if i enter new filenames using scim, characters are displayed properly...
the files are stuff i copied over from windows, they originally came from winmx... i have no idea what locale they are in.