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Ok, so I got an Eee PC 1015PE a couple days ago, and got Arch installed on it and configured with all my programs. I am having one problem, however, and that is that whenever I touch the touchpad, before I even move my finger, it moves the mouse cursor seemingly at random. This is getting annoying very quickly, especially when combined with the fact that tapping does not work either. Anyone have any ideas on where to look for errors perhaps? I already checked out the wiki, apparently the Elantech patch which was recommended hasn't been needed since kernel version 2.6.28 when it was integrated into the source.
Not to bump an old thread, but anyone still having this issue, This may happens when you restart after being in windows (windows messes up the calibration for Linux on some trackpads it seems), you need to always cold boot after being on windows if this is the case.
My AUR packages so far: linky
Arch + Gnome = Awesome
Registered Linux user #544933