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(from /var/log/cups/error.log)
E [18/Nov/2011:14:38:23 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for
address [v1.::1]:631 - Address family not supported by protocol.
E [18/Nov/2011:14:38:23 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate
"/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
W [18/Nov/2011:14:38:53 +0000] [CGI] no socket to connect to
W [18/Nov/2011:14:38:55 +0000] [CGI] no socket to connect to
I do not understand these error messages, and a search does not bring up any solutions.
I am using cups-usblp with an Epson R200 and the 'new' driver profile. I am in the lp group.
I've been at this for a good few hours now on two different computers, and all my print jobs seem to be disappearing into the ether, despite the printer being detected and 'ready to print'. I had printing working last week (with plain cups), until I had to reinstall the printer because it got stuck on 'I/O error' and 'out of paper', since when it's no longer even detected with plain cups (with or without usblp module properly blacklisted the new way).
Could someone please give me a hint about what ACL is, or why there is 'no socket to connect to'? I'm about at the end of my tether with reinstalling cups and reading 5 year old gentoo forum posts.
I'm going outside now to try and calm down....
(apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I can't seem to see a more appropriate one through the red mist)
Edit: additional info: when I print, jobs appear as 'completed' on the cups admin page, but nothing is printed
Last edited by markhadman (2011-11-18 15:06:22)
My guess is that it's a permissions issue. Can you print from root?