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Recently I formatted new 4GB USB stick (no-name, dmesg says Generic Flash Disc) to FAT32 but I couldn't open any file written on it, because all files were corrupted. So I wiped the disc (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb) and reformatted it to FAT16, but it's the same. Some PDFs can pass undamaged, but every bigger file, like movie, is corrupted when i try to open it. Is this the hardware problem, or it can be repaired?
Are you properly unmounting the stick after copying files to it, before you unplug it? You can also type "sync" in a terminal or change the mount options of your stick to obtain a similar effect (never done that myself but you can find information on the forum.)
Sounds like a dead stick...
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Are you properly unmounting the stick after copying files to it, before you unplug it? You can also type "sync" in a terminal or change the mount options of your stick to obtain a similar effect (never done that myself but you can find information on the forum.)
Of course I do. Other sticks have no such problems.
Yeah, I have tried it on Windows, it seems it's dead.
You might have some corrupt sectors, you could always try a file system check so those sectors get marked and not written to anymore. If that doesn't work then it's definitely faulty hardware though.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
I have tried to repair bad sectors, but there aren't any improvements, I think it's definitely dead. Thanks for help.
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