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Hello everyone, a one moth ago I changed to arch and no problems so far, but after an update of linux kernel to 3.1 my laptop keeps crashing all the time.
I have a asus 1201-NL with atom n270 3GB and ION, I use Arch with xfce4, compiz and a deskbar AWN.
Any sugestion? what configs file want to show?
That's an opportunity to learn more about your system.
Try first to find by yourself what to look into and what you can try to get some infos about your upgrade issue.
Search wiki, the web and the forums for similar errors. See if a solution is already available.
And post again what you found.
You are going to want to look at your logs too. Start with dmesg as the source of the crash could be there.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.