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Active on old Compaq Presario laptop:
With multiple color cordinated conkys, tint2 and menu:
Last edited by ichase (2011-11-20 03:32:51)
I managed to fix it
Thanks! You're awesome. I'm using it right now.
Ypnose wrote:Your font is really interesting. If you could create a font for 22' screen (1920x1080), it can be my new favourite font...
Thanks. All I have right now is this netbook screen to test things on. I'm going to break down and buy a new monitor for myself for x-mas (my other one crapped out) and I'll be able to test smaller sizes better. Have you tried the artwiz-fonts? Snap and maybe Anorexia?
Yes, I'm currently using Artwiz for my status bar in dwm (glisp). Snap and Anorexia are a bit too small for me (in a term). A perfect font with 12 pixelsize, is terminus. It could give you a range of dimension..
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New bmpanel2 theme? Can you upload it please?
na12 wrote:New bmpanel2 theme? Can you upload it please?
Nope,it is dockbarx standalone,although I was thinking about one for bmpanel2.
Last edited by na12 (2011-11-20 19:56:18)
karabaja4 wrote:na12 wrote:New bmpanel2 theme? Can you upload it please?
Nope,it is dockbarx standalone,although I was thinking about one for bmpanel2.
DockX's looking great Could you please provide theme? And most importantly, what are you using as systray and clock? Is it integrated in your dockx or is it something like tint2 on top of the dock?
Thanks in advance
na12 wrote:karabaja4 wrote:New bmpanel2 theme? Can you upload it please?
Nope,it is dockbarx standalone,although I was thinking about one for bmpanel2.
DockX's looking great
Could you please provide theme? And most importantly, what are you using as systray and clock? Is it integrated in your dockx or is it something like tint2 on top of the dock?
Thanks in advance
Yes,I am using tint2 on top of the dock as systray and clock.
Here you go theme for dockx
Using Awesome.
Inconsolata Droid Sans Mono Slashed(?): nice. You might want to look at the infinality patchset...
Last edited by jasonwryan (2011-11-20 21:52:03)
fritolay wrote:
Using Awesome.Inconsolata Droid Sans Mono Slashed(?): nice. You might want to look at the infinality patchset...
Thanks for the suggestion. I just installed it, and it is Inconsolata.
Last edited by fritolay (2011-11-20 22:04:57)
Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.
-Hugh Latimer
my awesome on archlinux
i think it's simple~~
what do you think of it?
Last edited by pheotiman (2011-11-21 02:54:52)
asus x88v
awesome on archlinux
Awesome WM, urxvt (terminal), ncmpcpp (music player). Notice ncmpcpp being served with my spotify library mpd-style via mopidy-git! It makes it nicely integrated in a slim desktop as this.
Using Awesome.
hey~ I just want to know what kind of font you're using in the shots, thx~
asus x88v
awesome on archlinux
Awesome WM, urxvt (terminal), ncmpcpp (music player). Notice ncmpcpp being served with my spotify library mpd-style via mopidy-git! It makes it nicely integrated in a slim desktop as this.
Last edited by travkin (2022-11-26 14:15:47)
Running i3 with conky-cli piped to dzen2 for the info bar on the bottom.
Is this i3 v4? If so, how'd you get the workspace buttons in your conky/dzen2 infobar? i3-wsbar doesn't seem to work with i3 v4 over here.
Switched to DWM after six years of WMII...
Seen above:
DWM configured with eRuby config.h file, Ruby statusbar, and Tamsynmod icons
Urxvt configured with xoria256 terminal color scheme
Zsh configured with zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search plugins
Vim configured with Zenburn color scheme
Tamsyn font for aliased monospace bliss
plus other dotfiles & scripts
Changes since last month:
Switched from WMII to DWM
Switched from Xoria256 to Zenburn in Vim
Last edited by sunaku (2011-11-22 00:31:45)
Good choise, i used awesome wm and now i'm using wmfs, but i think that i'll switch to dwm as soon as possible...i've read many good things about it, can you confirm this to me?
sunaku, what is the script (similar to alsi) in the terminal above in the left?
Last edited by TheImmortalPhoenix (2011-11-21 22:34:21)
fritolay wrote:
Using Awesome.hey~ I just want to know what kind of font you're using in the shots, thx~
I'm using Inconsolata. You can get it from the community repo.
Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.
-Hugh Latimer
It looks interesting, nice work !
You have disabled resizehints in config.h?
static Bool resizehints = False; /* False means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
there are empty gaps of desktop space outside terminal windows.
Good choise, i used awesome wm and now i'm using wmfs, but i think that i'll switch to dwm as soon as possible...i've read many good things about it, can you confirm this to me?
Thanks, I like it so far. After applying some DWM patches, I don't feel so homesick (WMII) anymore.
sunaku, what is the script (similar to alsi) in the terminal above in the left?
That script is none other than alsi itself
font=$(xrdb -query | fgrep -i tamsyn | cut -f2 | head -1)
alsi -l "$@" | sed "1d; \$d; s/CPU */CPU /; s/Sans .*/$font/"
It doesn't detect the font properly so I had to patch it in from xrdb.
Last edited by sunaku (2011-11-22 00:21:30)