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Install and configure archlinux has never been easier!
You can try it with a virtualbox
- A working internet connection
- Logged in as 'root'
With git
- Install git: pacman -S git
- get the script: git clone git://
Without git
- get the script: wget --no-check-certificate -O - | tar xz
- default mode: cd <dir> && ./aui
- ais mode: cd <dir> && ./aui --ais
Configure keymap
Select editor
Automatic configure mirrorlist
Create partition
Format device
Install system base
Configure fstab
Configure hostname
Configure timezone
Configure hardware clock
Configure locale
Configure mkinitcpio
Install/Configure bootloader
Configure mirrorlist
Set root password
Backup all modified files
Install additional repositories
System upgrade
Create and configure a new user
Install and configure sudo
Install an AUR Helper [yaourt, packer]
Automatic enable services in systemd
Install base system
Install Xorg
Install GPU Drivers
Install CUPS
Install Additional wireless/bluetooth firmwares
Ensuring access to GIT through a firewall
Install and configure LAMP Server
Install a Desktop Environment or Window Manager [Cinnamon, E17, FluxBox, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, OpenBox, XFCE]
Install Developement tools [Vim, Emacs, Eclipse...]
Install Office apps [LibreOffice, GNOME-Office, Latex...]
Install System tools [Wine, Virtualbox, Grsync, Htop]
Install Graphics apps [Inkscape, Gimp, Blender, MComix]
Install Internet apps [Firefox, Google-Chrome, Jdownloader...]
Install Multimedia apps [Rhythmbox, Clementine, Codecs...]
Install Games [HoN, World of Padman, Wesnoth...]
Install Fonts [Liberation, MS-Fonts, Google-webfonts...]
Many more...
Last edited by helmuthdu (2013-11-12 15:56:47)
Nice script there, but I would suggest sharing some more information about what exactly it installs.
Proud Arch Linux user since 2007.
Yeah, gona make some fixes and post again...
Anyway thx
Thanks for sharing the script!
Complete rewrited using some ideas for freitag, aka nexxx, and his Archlinux install helper script
I plan to format my computer and only have postponed for laziness of reinstall everything again.
So accidentally I found this script.
Congratulations on your initiative and also thank you for it.
Could you provide the installation of XFCE in your script?
If you can, I'd be really grateful.
Excellent stuff - I always maintained a personalised "perfectminimal" type script when I was flitting around the debian based distros and have been meaning to have the same for Arch... they say great minds think alike
Nice script
I always like to include the option to install from an additional list of packages - either manually entered or from txt file as there is always something extra to add before there is time to update the script
edit: what would happen if I chose to "quit" for example because I didn't want any games installed? Would I be kicked out of the script or would it skip that section?
Last edited by SS4 (2011-11-25 12:35:34)
Rauchen verboten
...out of the section, maybe instead of "quit" the word "none" would be more appropriate.
Gona chance dat...
I think I have a suggestion for improvement.
I tested the sed command found on line 215 and he made the change in two lines in "/etc/rc.conf".
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# DAEMONS @alsa
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ...
And in this:
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng crond dbus lightdm networkmanager bluetooth @alsa)
If my thinking is correct, I think he should find only the second line.
So, I changed the sed command.
sed -i '/DAEMONS/s/\(.*\)\>/& @alsa/' /etc/rc.conf
sed -i '/DAEMONS[=]/s/\(.*\)\>/& @alsa/' /etc/rc.conf
Maybe will be necessary review the other sed commands that have similar goals.
* A curiosity. Why did you use "@alsa" instead of just "alsa"? As with "@samba", "@acpid"...
I hope this helps.
Rodrigo Boechat
I think I have a suggestion for improvement.
I tested the sed command found on line 215 and he made the change in two lines in "/etc/rc.conf".In:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DAEMONS @alsa # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ...
And in this:
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng crond dbus lightdm networkmanager bluetooth @alsa)
If my thinking is correct, I think he should find only the second line.
So, I changed the sed command.From:
sed -i '/DAEMONS/s/\(.*\)\>/& @alsa/' /etc/rc.conf
sed -i '/DAEMONS[=]/s/\(.*\)\>/& @alsa/' /etc/rc.conf
Maybe will be necessary review the other sed commands that have similar goals.
* A curiosity. Why did you use "@alsa" instead of just "alsa"? As with "@samba", "@acpid"...
I hope this helps.
Rodrigo Boechat
To load the deamon in the background and cut down on boot time?
Rauchen verboten
To load the deamon in the background and cut down on boot time?
prepare yourselves for a huge nub question, but how can i get this script into a fresh arch install ?
prepare yourselves for a huge nub question, but how can i get this script into a fresh arch install ?
Copy the script to a USB beforehand, mount the USB, copy script to your hard drive, execute.
Drumitar wrote:prepare yourselves for a huge nub question, but how can i get this script into a fresh arch install ?
Copy the script to a USB beforehand, mount the USB, copy script to your hard drive, execute.
Or use sftp to connect from the new box to another box which has the script and download it.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
The shortest way to ruin a country is to give power to demagogues.— Dionysius of Halicarnassus
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
thanks i was able to mount a usb drive, the only issue i had was the when trying to install the nvidia driver, it conflicted with libgl. before when i manually installed arch i had to pacman -rdd libgl then -s nvidia nvidia-utils, is this the correct way to do it ?
thanks i was able to mount a usb drive, the only issue i had was the when trying to install the nvidia driver, it conflicted with libgl. before when i manually installed arch i had to pacman -rdd libgl then -s nvidia nvidia-utils, is this the correct way to do it ?
You are right, dont worry, i need add this to this script. Thx for the tip.
I would like to recommend these changes
1. User input for location of /Sites
2. Emacs, Valgrind, Gdb, Intellij Idea added for DEVELOPMENT APPS
3, User specified .vimrc .inputrc .bashrc from github / gitorious
Last edited by otherneo (2011-12-05 05:43:34)
I would like to recommend these changes
1. User input for location of /Sites
2. Emacs, Valgrind, Gdb, Intellij Idea added for DEVELOPMENT APPS
3, User specified .vimrc .inputrc .bashrc from github / gitorious
1. Need more time (college final exams).
2. Done
3. Need more time (same reason).
Last edited by helmuthdu (2011-12-07 11:38:02)
Got a problem while executing the script: line 20: $'\r': command not found line 23: $'\r': command not found line 29: $'\r': command not found line 40: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
' line 40: `} #}}}
Nice script.
print_title "CUPS -"
pacman -S --noconfirm gutenprint foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db-nonfree foomatic-filters hplip splix cups-pdf
sed -i '/DAEMONS[=]/s/\(.*\)\>/& @cupsd/' /etc/rc.conf
I may be wrong, but it seems that you don't install cups, ghostscript and gsfonts first.
Last edited by blno (2011-12-12 03:19:21)
Nice script.
I may be wrong, but it seems that you don't install cups, ghostscript and gsfonts first.
Thx ,
well, it install as a dep. But, I can add cups to make sure it will be installed.
I used this to install kde on and it worked brilliantly for the most part! Good work.
Rauchen verboten
Got a problem while executing the script: line 20: $'\r': command not found line 23: $'\r': command not found line 29: $'\r': command not found line 40: syntax error near unexpected token `}' ' line 40: `} #}}}
Make sure you copy all script, idk what this could be, have tested here many times...
Got a problem while executing the script: line 20: $'\r': command not found line 23: $'\r': command not found line 29: $'\r': command not found line 40: syntax error near unexpected token `}' ' line 40: `} #}}}
I got the same error when using the pastebin link, if you copy and paste from the OP it should work.
Rauchen verboten