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well, based on discussion in my "shell recomendations" thread, i've decided to go ahead and give zsh a try. it's very powerful!
but one thing is irking me! it doesn't seem to be processing anything in inputrc, so whenever i press Home, End, Insert, or Delete, it just types a ~ on the commandline.
the standard /etc/zsh/zprofile contains
export INPUTRC="/etc/inputrc"
i've added code in zprofile to make sure it's actually getting run, and it is. i've also added a keybinding in ~/.inputrc for the Insert key to make sure it works, and bash accepts it, but zsh does not! grrr
i'm running urxvt, and TERM is correctly set to rxvt-unicode. this problem is also occuring in xterm, and in the linux console. i've tried changing the TERM variable to xterm, xterm-color, xterm-xfree86, xterm-xf86-v40, and rxvt. no luck!
i know i can put a bunch of bindkey commands into my .zshrc, but that shouldn't be necessary ... zsh DOES read inputrc, doesn't it? otherwise, why would it be referenced in zprofile? help me!
EDIT: turns out zsh doesn't support inputrc afterall.