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I wonder if anyone's found how to mount the phone's SD-card. lsusb shows
it correctly, but fdisk can't find it.
If the USB-cable is plugged into both PC and X10, X10 thinks that it should use it for battery charging.
I unplugged it, set '/Settings/Sony Ericsson/Connectivity/USB Connection mode' to Mass storage mode,
ticked '/Settings/Sony Ericsson/Connectivity/Auto connect in MSC' and then connected the USB-cable
to the X10. That worked.
Last edited by archthomas.butz (2011-11-27 22:07:28)
I'm using a vfat-formatted microMMC / microSD and it shows up in lsusb, fdisk and dmesg - if it shows up in dmesg for you too, you shouldn't have any problems mounting it.
Still doesn't mount, regardless of ArchLinux or any other Linux system.
At this stage I'm not too fuzzed as I can transfer files using bluetooth. USB would be nice to have,
but if I absolutely need speed I'll pop the microSD-card out of the X10 and stick it into a USB-adapter.
You must activate usb archive from the drop down menu!
After copying files remember to deactivate it.
This is working with Gingerbread.
Good Luck!
Where is the drop-down menu on the X10?
I've activated 'Mass-storage' and disabled 'Auto Connect in MSC-mode'. No luck.
It works under XP SP2, strangely enough.