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It occurs totally randomly, independent from kernel or bootloader, long holding the power button and retrying works:
Loading initramfs-netbook.img .... ready.
And then it just stays there, cursor still blinking, but except that, nothing happens. I was going to assume that this is a hardware failure...?
looks like a grub error. what other OS you have in your netbook?
I am not using GRUB anymore, though with it the same problems occured - i am using syslinux
No other OS on my PC, though i have different kernels for arch in the syslinux.cfg
I have the same problem with my built 3.1.2 linux kernel. It will say something along the lines of
Loading initramfs-linux-halcyon.img .... ready.
Decompressing... ..
(...[?]) ok.
Booting the kernel.
And that's it. Blinking cursor that does nothing.
I use syslinux too, but perhaps it's a framebuffer problem? I really don't know. Here's my kernel config: I have everything I need and it's basically the same options I used in my last custom config but this time with more modules left in it for future compatibility stuff so I don't think it's my config per-sey but who knows.
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