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I need step-by-step help, because my refit doesn't detect arch, etc, etc
I've created 4'th partition (8300) with gdisk and formated with this mkfs.xfs -d agcount=8 -i size=512 -l size=32m,lazy-count=1 -L archlinux /dev/sda. (note: GPT, ssd)
Then I mounted / in /dev/sda4.
While installing grub2 x86_64 version:
Setup detected no GUID partition tabl on .
Do you want to convert the existing MBR table in to a GUID partition table?
What to do, I am lost...
And also efivars not found... I think that module need to be installed from repo, but how?
And also efivars not found... I think that module need to be installed from repo, but how?
found it in aur.
Tried to install it like grub2-bios but it has problem with xfs...
Any reason why you want to use XFS? It's not particularly optimized for SSD's...
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Well, I learned that it was copy-on-write transaction model, so it does not write to the drive till it HAVE to.
But now I am not sow shure. Do you now which is optimized? Any way I switched to ext2, because performance on ubuntu was really bad.
Last edited by Trieforce (2011-11-25 17:21:09)
Pages: 1