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My Arch won't boot. Whole thing started few days ago after boot message: /usr is not mounted. This is not supported.
So I had separate /usr and after googling I found I'd better merge root and usr.
I use luks and crypttab contains uuid's. Somehow I think this problem has something to do with partitions. Besides I had to install other distro to make fault finding easier.
So far I've chrooted Arch and run mkinitcpio -p linux. It didn't help. I also commented most partitions from crypttab and fstab, just in case.
So boot starts ok and asks luks passphrase. After that there is lot udev 'sbin/blkid' ressize 1024 too short messages.
After that I can see just before reboot loop starts that cryptsetup opens home.
I don't know any more what to google or try.
Last edited by eufex (2011-11-27 15:45:47)
My problem turned out to be corrupted luks header in two disks. I commented out those disks from crypttab and finally I was able to login.