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Since "Hello World" is not terribly useful, I like to test out a new language by cloning the echo program.
So, here's my first attempt at Common Lisp.
I've got this code so far, but the "-n" switch doesn't really work:
(if (string= (car *args*) "-n")
(format *standard-output* "~{~A~^ ~}" (cdr *args*))
(format *standard-output* "~{~A~^ ~}~%" *args*))
It seems to work as expected when given no arguments (not terribly useful), but not otherwise (except of course that "-n" doesn't echo).
Instead, I get the rest of the arguments as well as a blank line afterward (which is correct behavior without the switch).
What can I change to prevent the extra blank line from being generated with "-n"?
Last edited by nomilieu (2011-11-29 19:44:41)
@ me
I forgot that my shell's $PS1 on my work computers includes a newline character before the prompt.
It still doesn't really work, but at least I'm not as confused anymore, so I'll mark solved.
Last edited by nomilieu (2011-11-29 19:52:46)