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#1 2011-11-25 09:53:56

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 25

Computer freeze on certain actions

I have some weird problems I have trouble even starting to debug. I have one desktop and one laptop (macbook pro) running Arch Linux, with pretty much the same setup. Laptop has Nvidia video card, desktop has Intel graphics. Both run 64bit version. Both have ext3 root partition. Please ask if more details are useful.

I have had a complete computer freeze from several actions, but the actions that trigger the freeze are different on my laptop and desktop. The freeze feels very much the same though, EVERYTHING is blocked, no possibility to log in, even over ssh. It does look like the screen continues to render e.g. the Dropbox icon though (there is an animation when files are updated), which I find curious.

On my laptop:
- Start Kontact (which in itself starts Akonadi), or use KWin (which starts Akonadi). In both cases it takes a short while before it freezes, but I think it is just the time Akonadi needs to start. Then again, I cannot say I know it is due to Akonadi starting at all, it could be something else for what I know.
- run "xdg-open file.odt" which should start libreoffice writer. I have only tried this once so far.

On my desktop:
- Run the command "git svn rebase". I run this in a cron job as well every hour, but I had to comment that job out now, because it freezes. I have even tried to run this command over ssh, in case it was related to the window manager or X or something (I am not an expert here), but that triggered the problem as well.

I have added comments to but I am not sure if the two are related since that bug sounded to be more due to the Nvidia driver (that was my initial thought as well). Since I think this is something else, I decided to open a separate topic. The computer freeze on these actions EVERY time, but I can e.g. run "git svn rebase" on my laptop without problems.

I am basically lost. I have tried to look for useful information in /var/log/, but I cannot find anything that for me sounds interesting. Then again, I don't know much at all about the topic, so please let me know what I should look for, or what I should post so you can perhaps get a better understanding of the problem. The problems started after upgrade to 3.1 kernel, but that could be unrelated. A lot of other packages were updated at the same time.


#2 2011-11-25 15:19:45

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 25

Re: Computer freeze on certain actions

Update: the "git svn rebase" now crashes my laptop as well, unsure what I changed. I tried to do a clean "git svn clone" because I wondered if it was due to the repository residing on an afs server (using openafs from aur). I first cloned the repository at revision ~10 before the current trunk, and the subsequent "git svn rebase" did not cause problems. However, I then proceeded to run the clone from first revision (the svn repository has about 3k commits), and it crashed after cloning about 20 commits.

Just in case, I have uninstalled openafs for the time being just to see if that helps any.

Wild guess; could it be that the processes in question use a particularly large amount of a specific resource, and that when I run out of this resource the computer freezes instead of falling back to something else? Say memory, swap space or similar..?

I managed to trigger the bug once by running "ls /afs/" as well, but I have not been able to reproduce that. I might have been doing something else at the same time which I didn't realise.


#3 2011-11-29 14:19:11

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 25

Re: Computer freeze on certain actions

OK, seems not many people know anything about this. Anyways, I have some updates:

- I tried removing all log files in /var/log/ and then trigger the bug. I looked afterwards for any log messages, and couldn't find any. I am guessing the computer freezes before it is able to write anything useful then.

- I noticed I had forgotten some .pacnew files, and I suspect one in particular might have been causing problems; menu.lst in /boot/grub. I updated all those files. I feel quite a bit ignorant for not noticing this before posting, sorry about that.

- I am now running without X on my desktop, and it doesn't crash anymore. I will do some more testing, but it might have been related to one of those pacnew files.

So, suggestion for now to anyone experiencing similar issues, start by checking for new configuration settings. You find all pacnew files with "locate *.pacnew" (assuming you have mlocate installed).


#4 2011-11-30 05:57:28

From: Ireland (but I'm French)
Registered: 2011-08-09
Posts: 29

Re: Computer freeze on certain actions

A lot of people, including myself, are reporting some weird freezes in this thread (which is no longer specific to xmonad).

I'm French and French people can't speak English, so please please please excuse the terrible English!


#5 2011-11-30 07:40:21

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 25

Re: Computer freeze on certain actions

Ah, thanks! I never heard of xmonad so that's perhaps why I missed it.


#6 2011-12-01 14:18:43

From: Campinas, Brazil
Registered: 2009-09-18
Posts: 50

Re: Computer freeze on certain actions

My system is also crashing. Funny thing, I didn't run git svn rebase or did any of the things you said trigger the bug.

At first, I thought it was related to flashplugin. In fact, many times my computer crashed when I was watching something on YouTube. What I think triggered the freezing was moving the mouse -- like the guys are reporting on the xmonad thread. I've been running flashplugin for a while now, and my computer hasn't crashed since then.

I feel bad to realize I haven't configured my .pacnew files either… I'll do it now. Also, I'll install linux 3.1.4-1 and reboot my machine.


#7 2011-12-01 14:55:11

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 25

Re: Computer freeze on certain actions

I have looked more carefully into the pacnew files, and I couldn't see anything that gave an "AHA". E.g. the menu.lst was previously pointing to paths which are just soft links of the correct ones (kernel26.img instead of initramfs-linux.img and so on). I would be surprised if that was problematic (but I don't know these things!)

I haven't experienced crashes in the last days on neither machine, but I am not debugging as I have 0 time left over these days. Sorry about that.


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