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I have a problem resembling this one but not the same. The problem has appeared after upgrading NAS to kernel 3.1.3.
The NAS is headless, boots from flash stick, has raid1 with two hdds. I also have 'not found' /sbin/mdadm and 'unable to determine major/minor number of root device /dev/disk/by-uuid/5f......' messages (all devices are accessed by id, and I have verified with blkid - running on workstation - ids are the same). On the stick /boot is ext2, / and /var are ext4.
I have tried twice to restore an OS from dd-made stick image (without any problem, it still has kernel 2.6 from few months ago backup) and to upgrade Arch to, now, 3.1.4. I have verified mkinitcpio creates img files (about 2 and 10 MB). Second time I even reinstalled linux package just after upgrading. Result is the same.
I have also played with disablehooks kernel option without success.
Any thoughts?
Last edited by student975 (2011-12-14 18:15:05)
"I exist" is the best myth I know..
"I exist" is the best myth I know..