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Greetings everyone.
I'm using LXDE on Arch and wanted to do some custom notifications. I first installed notification-daemon, visited the Arch Wiki on the subject then tried this in a bash script:
#! /bin/bash
notify-send "New Mail" "From: $1\nSubject: $2" -t 60000
That popped up the notification just fine, but the expire-time parameter (-t 60000) was completely ignored as the notification disappeared after 5 seconds. Thinking it was just a notify-send problem, I decided to compile the example program (with the addition of notify_notification_set_timeout) in C:
#include <libnotify/notify.h>
void main () {
notify_init ("Hello world!");
NotifyNotification * Hello = notify_notification_new ("Hello world", "This is an example notification.", "dialog-information");
notify_notification_set_timeout(Hello, NOTIFY_EXPIRES_NEVER);
notify_notification_show (Hello, NULL);
notify_uninit ();
This worked, however the notification bubble is still disappearing after five seconds. Just for good measure, I even substituted NOTIFY_EXPIRES_NEVER with 60000 and this also was ignored.
I can't seem to find anything on the forums by searching (or through my favorite search engine) about timeout problems. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Last edited by willbprog127 (2011-12-01 23:32:42)
This is dependent on the sink that handles notifications, not libnotify itself.
Thanks for that. What can I do, then, to change this behavior? How can I identify what the sink is?
In your case, notification-daemon is the sink. Though I thought notification-daemon supported timeout, that only notify-osd doesn't. Try with xfce4-notifyd.
Excellent! Using xfce4-notifyd, my bash script's timeout parameter works properly! Thank you very very much!