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#1 2011-12-05 15:28:49

From: Israel
Registered: 2011-10-13
Posts: 7

[lib]ftdi warning messages, although I don't use any.

Hey everyone,
for quite a long time I keep getting the next message on boot:

unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)

Although it seems to do no harm, I kind of got sick of them and traced my boot and pacman log files until it marked "libftdi" for me.
libftdi is required by lirc-utils, which in its turn required by mplayer and xawtv (using both). All I could find on google with the exact error was related to actual ftdi devices (and as much as I know, I don't have any, nor need one).
How can I get rid of these messages? I could try to -Rdd it and see if the packages above can run without, but that would drag me into force install on updates.. Is there an easier solution?
Most recent boot log:

Mon Dec  5 15:59:54 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Adjusting system time and setting kernel timezone    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Starting UDev Daemon    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Triggering UDev uevents    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Waiting for UDev uevents to be processed    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Bringing up loopback interface    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Checking Filesystems    [BUSY] Arch_Linux: clean, 406432/9623152 files, 27974422/38547968 blocks
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011:    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Remounting Root Read/Write    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Creating mtab    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Mounting Local Filesystems    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Activating Swap    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Configuring Time Zone    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:25 2011: :: Initializing Random Seed    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: :: Removing Leftover Files    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: :: Setting Hostname: [...]    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: :: Setting Consoles to UTF-8 mode    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: :: Loading Keyboard Map: us    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: :: Saving dmesg Log    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
Mon Dec  5 16:25:26 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:27 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:27 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:27 2011: :: Starting Syslog-NG    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:27 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:27 2011: :: Starting D-BUS system messagebus    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:28 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:28 2011: :: Starting NetworkManager    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Mon Dec  5 16:25:28 2011: :: Starting crond    [BKGD] :: Starting alsa    [BKGD^[[0;
Mon Dec  5 16:25:28 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)
Mon Dec  5 16:25:28 2011: unable to open ftdi device: -3 (device not found)

My rc.conf (don't think it's necessary, but let it be..)

# /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

[removed content]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Blacklisting is no longer supported.
#   Replace every !module by an entry as on the following line in a file in
#   /etc/modprobe.d:
#     blacklist module
#   See "man modprobe.conf" for details.

# Udev settle timeout (default to 30)

# Scan for FakeRAID (dmraid) Volumes at startup

# Scan for BTRFS volumes at startup

# Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts

[removed content]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
#   - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
#   - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
# If something other takes care of your hardware clock (ntpd, dual-boot...)
# you should disable 'hwclock' here.
DAEMONS=(hwclock syslog-ng dbus networkmanager @crond @alsa @cupsd)

p.s: I'm sorry for the non-informative title, it took me 10 minutes to get to this lame one >>"


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