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NEW VERSION in [community]
OK! Following the dicovery by msg that gensplashutils INCORRECTLY depends on initscripts-gensplash I needed to make some changes - fortunately good ol' spock has just made a new release! So here's what's new: · new version
· new detection of boot status - this doesn't affect the boot message "bug" but it should prevent lots of calls to gensplash functions when you start/stop daemons during normal uptime.
· gensplashutils no longer depends on initscript-gensplash - i have split the splash functions from the initscripts-gensplash pkg and included them in gensplashutils - i have been undecided about doing this for a while but this has forced the issue
· some minor changes to the scripts, including a fix by spock which should prevent the kind of errors everyone was having with ArchMetal before about text_ and text_y, etc
· due to my stupidity the last set of initscripts did not include the new features introduced by the last stock release - they got patched out again! Sorry about that - all fixed now. On the plus side it means you would all have missed the procps problems everyone else had!
· i forgot to mention that F2 started working again with the 060 udev releases - so that is all good too
everyone should upgrade to this one - it's a good one. let me know what you think
I'm using gensplashutils from the community repos;
It works well, but with one problem:
Some (not all) messages are displayed over ther progress bar.
It's the first five (or so) messages after INIT and the Daemon start messages.
The progressbar is not shown at all when shutting down / rebooting
Any ideas?
title Arch Linux [Morph]
root (hd0,4)
kernel /vmlinuz26morph root=/dev/hda6 ro video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr,1280x1024-32@60, splash=silent,fadein,theme:darch quiet CONSOLE=/dev/tty1
initrd (hd0,4)/fbsplash-darch-1280x1024
I can't check now how it works with it enabled, but I don't have this fadein option in menu.lst and it seems to work properly.
I'm using gensplashutils from the community repos;
It works well, but with one problem:
Some (not all) messages are displayed over ther progress bar.
It's the first five (or so) messages after INIT and the Daemon start messages.Any ideas?
title Arch Linux [Morph] root (hd0,4) kernel /vmlinuz26morph root=/dev/hda6 ro video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr,1280x1024-32@60, splash=silent,fadein,theme:darch quiet CONSOLE=/dev/tty1 initrd (hd0,4)/fbsplash-darch-1280x1024
dunno but I can't evne use slient mode. A error comes up on the top of screen about my sound card, but oh well. I just wanted the pretty background anyways
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hm... was looking through the /etc/rc.d/gensplash script. Think I found a typo:
[[ ${TTY} == "0" ]] && continu
That's on line 33 -- should that read 'continue'?
Hm... was looking through the /etc/rc.d/gensplash script. Think I found a typo:
[[ ${TTY} == "0" ]] && continu
That's on line 33 -- should that read 'continue'?
I think it should, yes.
But even after correcting, I still see the messages until "Staring UDev Daemon" and the daemon start messages.
i'll fix that
It's somewhat fixed with the new package!
The messages don't appear anymore, but the bootsplash is only visible as long as "Initializing kernel...".
When it should actually show the progress bar, the screen just turns black until GDM starts.
I'm using gensplashutils from the community repos;
It works well, but with one problem:
Some (not all) messages are displayed over ther progress bar.
It's the first five (or so) messages after INIT and the Daemon start messages.
What does over the progress bar mean? Try changing CONSOLE=/dev/tty1 to console=tty1.
The progressbar is not shown at all when shutting down / rebooting
That is normal it is not set up and probably never will be
OK - rensel - i can't reproduce your bug even using your theme. The code that controls the message is in /sbin/splash:
RUNLEVEL=`runlevel | cut --delim " " --fields 2`
get_boot_message() { local text if [[ ${RUNLEVEL} == "6" ]]; then text=${SPLASH_REBOOT_MESSAGE} elif [[ ${RUNLEVEL} == "0" ]]; then text=${SPLASH_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE} else text=${SPLASH_BOOT_MESSAGE} fi echo ${text} }
if there is anything in your setup which might explain why this doesn't work for you please let me know
OK! I now have this bug too! I dunno what is causing it but as the other boot messages are not yet used I will disable them.
I'll make a new release with the typo fixed too!
NEW VERSION in [community]
· New version of splashutils was released
· incorporated changes to gensplash scripts (minimal)
· fixed rc.d/gensplash typo
· disasbled support for reboot and shutdown messages as they do not yet work - should avoid incorrect boot message problemsLet me know how it goes
Work perfectly well!
works well here!
works perfect here too -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
OH! The boot messages is correct,But the detection of RUNLEVEL
is still incorret
dunno why that is tho miracle - it is beyond my skills!
I have put a new initscripts pkg in [dibble] by the way - it is based on the new, as yet, unreleased initscripts that include better wireless support and that are currently in [testing] - i thought some might like the best of both worlds
I am using kernel26archck and ati-drivers. Great work guys!
I did pacman -S gensplash and entered in menu.lst
# (0) Arch Linux
title Arch Linux [/boot/vmlinuz26archck]
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz26archck root=/dev/hda5 ro devfs=nomount vga=0x318 splash=silent,theme:darch console=tty1 quiet
initrd /fbsplash-darch-1024x768
and in daemons array in rc.conf gensplash
with splash=verbose everything works fine. Great theme everything looks fine...perfect.
with splash=silent it loads the screen it says Initializing Kernel... and after a few second the screen goes black and I only see graphics after I enter KDE.
What could be the problem ??
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Could you post your log for a silent boot please? You'll find it in /var/log/gensplash.log
It is empty.
[root@myhost giorgos]# ls /var/log
acpid daemon.log.2 kernel.log syslog.log.1
auth.log errors.log kernel.log.1 syslog.log.2
auth.log.1 errors.log.1 kernel.log.2 user.log
auth.log.2 errors.log.2 lastlog user.log.1
btmp everything.log lpr.log user.log.2
clamav everything.log.1 messages.log wtmp
crond everything.log.2 messages.log.1 wtmp.1
crond.1 hotplug messages.log.2 Xorg.0.log
crond.2 iptables.log old Xorg.0.log.old
cups iptables.log.1 pacman.log
daemon.log iptables.log.2 scrollkeeper.log
daemon.log.1 kdm.log syslog.log
No gensplash.log !!
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Ah - have you installed initscripts-gensplash pkg?
Ok thank you.
That was the problem.
Now I have silent boot screen working ok !!
Thank you again.
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No probs - we wiki howto is quite useful
There will be a new release shortly
I have an odd problem with initscripts-gensplash. It complains about not finding fgconsole and gets stuck at runlevel 3. Before installing that package on my main computer, I installed it on another computer while making a fresh arch installation for a friend. Since there was no issue with that other computer, I'm assuming it has to do with something I have configured here.
Here's my NoUpgrades, if any of them are relevant.
NoUpgrade = etc/passwd etc/group etc/shadow etc/sudoers
NoUpgrade = etc/fstab etc/raidtab etc/
NoUpgrade = etc/rc.conf etc/rc.local etc/inittab etc/rc.sysinit
NoUpgrade = etc/modprobe.conf etc/modules.conf
NoUpgrade = etc/lilo.conf boot/grub/menu.lst
This might be a bit off topic, but while I'm at it... I have this stupid problem of having the console garbled after a resume from suspend if I'm using the framebuffer. X will work perfectly and the console will take commands, it's just that it's unreadable. I use the normal vesafb. My question is, is there any way to sort of re initialize the console to get things nice and pretty again?
Do you have kbd installed and do you have a separate /usr partition?