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I have applied some modules and patch for the kernel but now I need to return to the default one. I tried reinstalling "pacman -S linux " but it remembers the patches and modules that I installed before. Is there a way to reinstall a clean kernel?
Last edited by archel (2011-12-06 14:29:09)
how did you build your modified kernel?
how did you install your modified kernel?
did you use ABS to build it? did the package end up being called linux? same version as the one in core?
I installed the broadcom-wl module and psmouse. If I reinstall the linux package it remembers those modules. Of course I removed them before trying with a reinstall.
Last edited by archel (2011-12-06 13:53:24)
If your package also was called "linux" just delete your cached package in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ and reinstall it again, so it's downloaded again from the server.
Last edited by matse (2011-12-06 14:12:22)
Thanks, but I tried cleaning with pacman -Scc before reinstalling. Same thing. Where does it take the "config" on how to compile the kernel
So what about eldragon's questions? How in detail did you create your own kernel?
//Edit: the config in the official kernel can be seen via ABS - but since you installed a precompiled kernel there is no need to change it.
Maybe you just want to stop automatic loading of some kernel modules? Did you maybe change the modules section in /etc/rc.conf? Or *what* behaviour don't you want to have any longer?
Last edited by matse (2011-12-06 14:21:35)
I just installed the patches for the kernel. I removed the packages but somehow when I reboot the kernel loads the patches (for example the touchpad works properly instead without that patch it doesn't). I need to "reset" the kernel without those patches.
So you never created your own kernel and you are still using the default kernel. I somehow doubt that you installed additional kernel modules, maybe you just installed some xorg drivers (userspace) like xf86-input-synaptics - so just delete those packages and you should be fine. Look in your /var/log/pacman.log to see what packages you installed and remove the unneeded ones. I see no need to reinstall the kernel another time
Ok, thank you. Understood