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Anyone with a HP touchpad who could share their opinion on this OS?
WebOS is really nice, and I'm glad HP made the smart choice to open source it instead of letting it die.
I like my webOS powered TouchPad quite a bit, though I do use a bunch of homebrew patches. I prefer the cards multitasking method to the way iOS does it, at least from my limited experience with iPads, can't compare it to Android since I've never used it.
I always loved everything about webOS aside from it being closed source. This news really made my day, and perhaps it means the beginning of a truly viable alternative to iOS and Android on our devices. Sort of like how Linux is the alternative to OS X and Windows on PCs, webOS could be the open mobile platform we've been waiting for- it's proven itself in the wild already, being the 2nd most popular mobile OS in 2011.
I really hope this brings it back, and gives us a head start.
Second most popular in 2011? I thought either Android or iOS was second most popular (with the other first). Not to say WebOS is bad. I'm excited it's opened. But was not the reason it's lack of popularity?
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Anyone with a HP touchpad who could share their opinion on this OS?
Webos 2.x.x and 3.x.x is really nice (feels closer to a usual router with ddwrt) -- I easily prefer it over android. App selection from app catalog and's preware is not that small either. Now I need to play with chroots to run archlinux arm port on my palm pre
Last edited by Leonid.I (2012-01-13 22:24:55)
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