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Pages: 1 as in written in shell script. Perversions, because first implementation of parsing 'svn log' output was almost two orders of magnitude slower. For now... one could imagine how cute it would be if one could rename it to ami.go some day.
There is no grand goal behind it (though ending up with something akin to a functioning ports system, smoothly encompassing core Arch and AUR "trash" would be nice) - but I'm mere mortal and lose interest quickly. Mostly a wish to preserve some sanity while working with modified core or otherwise PKGBUILDs...
Excuse lack of exhaustive "marketing", but it's far from being complete, and any possible audience which may find it REMOTELY useful should be able to go on the URL's README and code alone.
Forks, knives or comments (about TODO) appreciated if anyone happens to actually try it out on oneself.
Pages: 1