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Was getting tired of all the simplifications and not knowing for sure what happened in my computer so i gave Arch a try.
Exactly the same thing here. Ubuntu is pretty good for starters, but I wanted much more after 6 years of using Ubuntu.
Somehow I expected it to be a lot more difficult to get up and running
Yup, me too. But it *is* straightforward and really easy to install.
Hello Everyone
I'd just like to say that I really, really hate the registration page. After screwing around with your time question for a bloody hour, I can't remember what it was I was trying to get an answer for.
When I finally did figure it out, I found I was already registered, though I was never informed of that fact until the second registration wouldn't let me log in because someone else had registered using that name in the last hour. WTF???
Hello Everyone
I'd just like to say that I really, really hate the registration page. ... When I finally did figure it out, I found I was already registered, though I was never informed of that fact until the second registration wouldn't let me log in because someone else had registered using that name in the last hour. WTF???
Yeah, but it seems you did pass the initiation ritual
Welcome to Arch. We have had a huge problem with the [redacted] spammers. The registration page keeps most of those bastards out.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Hello Everyone
I'd just like to say that I really, really hate the registration page. After screwing around with your time question for a bloody hour, I can't remember what it was I was trying to get an answer for.
When I finally did figure it out, I found I was already registered, though I was never informed of that fact until the second registration wouldn't let me log in because someone else had registered using that name in the last hour. WTF???
I don't think it does enough. Whingers can still get through.
Roy wrote:Hello Everyone
I'd just like to say that I really, really hate the registration page. After screwing around with your time question for a bloody hour, I can't remember what it was I was trying to get an answer for.
When I finally did figure it out, I found I was already registered, though I was never informed of that fact until the second registration wouldn't let me log in because someone else had registered using that name in the last hour. WTF???I don't think it does enough. Whingers can still get through.
<snort />
Hello Everyone
I'd just like to say that I really, really hate the registration page. After screwing around with your time question for a bloody hour, I can't remember what it was I was trying to get an answer for.
You just had to copy-paste it to a shell. I laughed out loud when I've seen it. I didn't really want to calculate sha1 sum on paper, so I found out the easiest way to pass the 'captcha' was to ask my PC to do it for me
Hello there! Name's Miguel.
I believe i'm the noobist (is that a word?) arch user that can be, since i started 3 days ago and i'm not even through the installation yet haha, i'll just stick on an all-reading/no-posting mode by now, but when i'll get enough exp i`ll start asking questions. (btw i have a archlinux guest on windows host via virtual box, i typed every single character of the registration question [and the answer] since i dont have a clue on how to copy paste from vb to windows and vice-versa, cheers!)
EDIT: never used linux on my entire life, im learning everything from scratch, also never typed a command, so these couple of days had been very exiting, for example i changed the resolution to 1024x768 and i felt like a pro haha! >.<
Last edited by Monty (2011-12-08 15:55:12)
While arch is not the easiest to start with, you will love it in a long run so you make good choice.
No one is born with the knowlege of the universe and beyond, so do not be afraid to explore it
O' rly ? Ya rly Oo
Good luck Monty. By jumping into a distro that uses the command line straight away, you've done yourself a favour. I'm still trying to wean myself off guis. Some other distros give people the false impression that Linux somehow needs to compete with Microsoft, when really it's an entirely different game.
Hi everyone.
I've been a user of Kubuntu for about four years or so after making the jump away from Windows. I got tired with the six month release cycle or upgrading to the development version and having to be alert 24/7 in case of breakage (as fun as it was) along with all the hassle of having my bug reports dismissed. So I decided to make a change and go for a rolling release distribution without enabling the testing repositories, which happens to be Arch and hence why I am here. Installed Arch a week ago whilst the UK national public sector strike was ongoing and am enjoying the experience, having to learn and research a bit (yes, the distro does put the 'arch' into rese'arch'!) but it's all part of the learning curve coming from a distro where much of the work was done for you. Having prefer to install Kubuntu from the command line and building it up from scratch as well as having some experience with computing, meant that transitioning to Arch wasn't difficult at all.
Must thank the community and everyone who works on FOSS projects for all their hard work and hope to be able to contribute positively to Arch as I have done with Kubuntu as well as use Arch day to day on my laptop.
This is the beginning of my 'Arch era': … a-new-era/, I hope I can write exciting posts in the future to this blog.
I just want to say that Arch is definatelly the best distro out there! by far!!! Ive been using arch for about 2 years now I wanna get involved with the comminity!
happy coding guys!
Hi everybody!
I've been using Arch for a few months now (I moved over from Gentoo/Debian to make this my main desktop and server distro).
Using one on my laptop for work/recreation stuff, and another on a junk laptop my friend gave me that sits and streams music remotely via icecast. Been having a fun time setting things up so far, and I plan on coming up with many dorky/frivolous projects in the future!
Also, the wiki you folks maintain is amazing, I must say!
Last edited by a.w.davies.vio (2011-12-10 02:37:16)
Hello Everyone,
I've been using Linux of one variety or another since I got tired of the "Blue screen of death" in 1994. Since 2006, it has been mostly Ubuntu on my systems, but I have resisted upgrading that past the 10.10 version as the Live Boot versions that contained the Unity crap really turned me off to going further. I've also got a Debian server running, and a few years back built a "Linux From Scratch" basic system, but lost interest in it due to the enormous amount of time it took to get a usable system.
I didn't realize how much I had lost touch with the workings of the OS until I was assigned to a new project at work a few months ago developing an application for a processor in an embedded system that uses "Arch" as its OS. It took longer than I like to admit to get familiarized with the system, but the process has given me an appreciation for the OS that is Arch, and the user community that supports it.
Now that I have been seduced, I have decided to upgrade all my systems to Arch as I get the time. It will probably take a while since I tend to work slow and insist on perfection, but I'm sure it will be worth the effort. Given the depth of the information that I have seen in the wiki, and have been noticing in the forums, I don't expect I will need to ask many questions, but it is certainly reassuring to know that there is a lively and knowledgeable community available to interact with.
Hello all!
I've just moved to Arch after using Fedora for about 4 years. So far it's looking good! I decided to move so I can increase my Linux knowledge, I heard Arch was the place to do that!
Catch you later!
Hello again, Arch! Switched back from Debian just yesterday. A heaven! ^^
Hello to Arch users.
Where there is a shell, there is the way.
Hi everyone,
I'm glad to join this community, I installed Arch Linux hoping to learn a lot and that's been the case for a week (even if it takes quite some time…).
I come directly from Windows, that's actually my first Linux install (even if I've been reading about it for quite a while).
The wiki is really great also.
Last edited by blno (2011-12-12 23:11:52)
Finally!!!! It took me freaking forever to get the captcha right 'cause I'm migrating from Windows and so I couldn't actually run it, and when I finally did run it in a Linux box it didn't work. So I had to work through it, as it should be I guess since the retard that freaking set that up like that did it incorrectly on purpose I guess. Anyway, hey. I'm an advanced Windows user migrating to Linux and I've liked Arch so far; especially the fact that it uses a TUI by default.
That was an efficiently quick ban. I was looking for that old dustbin thread where someone (probably him) ranted about not being able to figure out the captcha. I couldn't find the darn thing now - it really should be kept for entertainment purposes.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
That was an efficiently quick ban. I was looking for that old dustbin thread where someone (probably him) ranted about not being able to figure out the captcha. I couldn't find the darn thing now - it really should be kept for entertainment purposes.
Forum mod interjection - I communicated with the owner of the account and requested that he create a new (and less controversial) user account, which he has already done. Thank you to the previous owner of ArchLinuxForums_Suck for your cooperation .
Edit: Oh, and I remember that thread you're referring to, it was definitely not the previous owner's thread.
Last edited by ngoonee (2011-12-13 03:53:22)
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
Trilby wrote:That was an efficiently quick ban. I was looking for that old dustbin thread where someone (probably him) ranted about not being able to figure out the captcha. I couldn't find the darn thing now - it really should be kept for entertainment purposes.
Forum mod interjection - I communicated with the owner of the account and requested that he create a new (and less controversial) user account, which he has already done. Thank you to the previous owner of ArchLinuxForums_Suck for your cooperation
Edit: Oh, and I remember that thread you're referring to, it was definitely not the previous owner's thread.
No, problem. And no, that wasn't me ranting about not being able to figure out the captcha because... duh, you have to figure it out in order to be able to set up an account and... duh, you have to have an account in order to be able to post anything. Pardon, my slight irritation but I rarely rant, I just did a little bit ago because I was MEGA ANNOYED at not being able to join so that I could figure out what the heck I was doing wrong in Arch because I was running Windows and couldn't figure out how to connect to the internet via wireless because I use mega-encryption-stuff.
Last edited by Boxes (2011-12-13 13:59:37)
~ Boxes.
Load this, store that, I'll make them all pay!
Why would you want to keep that captcha? It scares possible additions to Arch's userbase. Do you want people to hate Arch Linux? o.O
~ Boxes.
Load this, store that, I'll make them all pay!
Why would you want to keep that captcha? It scares possible additions to Arch's userbase. Do you want people to hate Arch Linux? o.O
First off, welcome to Arch. I see you have already had dealings with my associate
Nah, we don't want people to hate Arch. OTOH, we don't lose a wink of sleep if they do.
You are not the first to hate the captcha's, but, admit it, you are a better person for having met the challenge. Here is my response to the last one who hated the captchas. They rose to the occasion too
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Why would you want to keep that captcha? It scares possible additions to Arch's userbase. Do you want people to hate Arch Linux? o.O
This thread has good reasons behind keeping the captcha in place.