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I had installed openbox3.0-1 and the menu does not work. Hoe do I fix it?
I'm not sure what you mean by "does not work", but here is some info:
1. The default menu included with openbox3 will have many options for apps that you may not have. Simply because it is in the openbox3 menu does not mean that launching it will actually do anything.
2. To edit your menu, edit the xml file ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
For example, here is mine, which is obviosly much simpler than the default (and only contains entries that will actually run when launched):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><openbox_menu>
<menu id="root-menu" label="OpenBox 3">
<item label="rxvt">
<action name="execute"><execute>rxvt -fg green -bg black -sl 200 0</execute></action>
<item label="X-Chat">
<action name="execute"><execute>/usr/bin/xchat</execute></action >
<item label="Opera">
<action name="execute"><execute>/home/john/bin/opera</execute></ action>
<item label="ET">
<action name="execute"><execute>/usr/local/bin/et</execute></act ion>
<item label="Root-Tail">
<action name="execute"><execute>/usr/bin/root-tail -g 150x30+0+1 00 -font fixed /var/log/httpd/access_log,blue /var/log/httpd/error_log,red,'ALER T'</execute></action>
<item label="obconf">
<action name="execute"><execute>/usr/bin/obconf</execute></actio n>
<menu id="1" label="OpenBox3 system">
<menu id="client-list-menu"/>
<item label="Reconfigure"><action name="reconfigure"></action></ item>
<item label="Restart"><action name="restart"></action></item>
<item label="Exit"><action name="exit"></action></item>
Don't forget to post your PKGBUILD in your thread when you announce a new package in incoming.
see HERE for details
Thanks for answer me. But where do I find that file?
In my /home/nota there is not a dir call .openbox as i have for .fluxbox. also not inofrmation on /etc
in order to edit, do i have to create a file like yours?
The config file would be /home/nota/.config/openbox/menu.xml in your case
Don't forget to post your PKGBUILD in your thread when you announce a new package in incoming.
see HERE for details
well when i fired up openbox for the first time it used all the root files. no ~/.config existed i had to create it. then i created the openbox dir with it and copied over the root menu.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend