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i need a deeper explanation about how correct the Luminosity of my screen. I have installed the xf86-video-ati for my ATI HD4200 & the HD5470 dedicated one The things don't run up correctly, the luminosity is full on 'causing me the complete burning of my eyes...
I have installed TLP ( and now the luminosity is a bit less... so it's better.. but i can't set it yet... anyone can help me please? ?
up! Please...
Someone can help me?
Have you had a look at /sys/class/backlight/?
You might set the luminosity with this command:
echo <number> | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/<video-card>/brightness
where <number> is between zero and the content of max_brightness and <video-card> is one of the subdirectories of /sys/class/backlight.
I have tried just now but it don't work...
i have two subdirectories ( because my pc has 2 video card, i havent' set switcheroo yet):
I tryed also after your command to reboot.. but nothing changes..
Up! an idea? please...
Ok, I fix the problem after power off my discrete video card with vga_switcheroo..
Pages: 1