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Pierre wrote:You should pipe the pacman -Qq output to sort -u as it is not guaranteed to be sorted (and in my case it was not).
It is sorted... just not according to your LC_COLLATE settings (always the C locale). That is fixed in git.
It is okay though. Aurphan uses grep -xF instead. No sorting needed and slightly faster for a dataset this size.
New feature! -w mode (named for Wonder this time) searches the master todo list for Work You Can Do.
It'll print out a bunch of packages that need work, categorized by task. But only the packages you have installed. Fix up the pkgbuild and send your corrections to the maintainer.
Last edited by keenerd (2011-04-10 01:41:00)
Another new feature! -b mode (for the bugtracker) summarizes all (currently +900) bugs by package, and only displays packages you have installed. It is a little slow, takes around a minute to run. (Most of this is downloading the pages, might be able to speed it up a lot with multithreading.)
Some odd formatting when using -b: last package in list has a comma after it, and no trailing newline
[matt@darwin r]$ aurphan -b
This is slow, please wait..............................................
68 kernel26
32 initscripts
17 netcfg
11 mkinitcpio
6 chromium
5 pacman
5 net-tools
5 dcron
5 cryptsetup
4 xdg-utils
4 ppp
4 namcap
4 libreoffice
3 v4l-utils
3 udev
3 shadow
3 pam
2 xorg-server
2 xf86-video-ati
2 udisks
2 r
2 perl
2 networkmanager
2 meld
2 mdadm
2 lirc-utils
2 ifplugd
2 iana-etc
2 grub
2 git
2 firefox
2 dash
2 ca-certificates-java
2 ati-dri
2 acpid
xulrunner, xterm, xkeyboard-config, xfce-utils, xfce4-sensors-plugin, xfce4-genmon-plugin, xfce4-dev-tools, xf86-input-synaptics, vte, upower, unzip, tumbler, ttf-dejavu, totem, thunar-thumbnailers, sysfsutils, subversion, rsync, qt, python-qt, psutils, perl-uri, perl-libwww, patch, openssl, openssh, net-snmp, netcdf, module-init-tools, man-db, linux-firmware, libldap, libgme, kernel26-headers, kbd, iproute2, htop, hal, gvfs-smb, groff, glew, gimp, gdal, gawk, gamin, flashplugin, evince, docbook-xsl, docbook-xml, dialog, cython, cpufrequtils, consolekit, cdrkit, ca-certificates, bluez, abs, [matt@darwin r]$
Fixing the comma is not really worth it, but the newline is fixed.
The option flags have been rearranged and Aurphan has been pushed to community.
I'm having a problem with the otherwise perfect aurphan: It's trying to alert me to a package in need of help that I don't have installed on my system, namely, lib32-util-linux, in the multilib repo. I don't have multilib enabled, and I checked with pacman, and it's not installed on my system. To be doubly sure, I enabled multilib, installed this program it's alerting me to, then uninstalled it, and I'm still being alerted to it when I run "aurphan -p". I know the "-p" option is for developers, but I was curious as to what would come up, and the help information that comes with aurphan says it would only alert to installed programs, so I wanted to check what was up. Thanks.
Registed Linux User 483618
Glad you like it. The problem does sound like a bug.
So, --packages crawls the list of orphans ($PKGURL in source) and does a set intersection (grep -xF) with the list of installed packages (pacman -Qq). The list of orphans does include include multilib. But a package needs to be in both lists to show up. No clue what is happening. If it is not in -Qq, it should never be displayed.
Could you paste your pacman -Qq output?
Cool, informed me of 4 packages that I don't need anymore for various reasons, and I adopted and maintained this:
Honestly, I don't think I need it for anything, but it looked easy to update and has a lot of votes (no AUR packages require it, and it's an old GTK1 lib, lib32 version. I probably was trying to install an old Loki game I bet )
Could you paste your pacman -Qq output?
Unfortunately, I have reinstalled Arch since I last posted, and the problem no longer occurs on my new Arch, so I can't provide the output. If the problem ever re-occurs though, I will be sure to post my pacman -Qq.
Last edited by Sara (2011-06-08 22:36:42)
Registed Linux User 483618
New version released. This adds a minor feature to -p/--packages. Now it flags packages that can be safely moved out of their repository. This is mainly for the TUs, so they can either pester developers to move an orphan out of [extra] into [community] for them to pick up or out of [community] and into the AUR.
I would suggest generating https:// URL instead of http:// URL in the result, because if I want to adopt one package I mush have logged in and a http:// URL means I need one extra click to 'switch to HTTPS' .
Done, and coming to a mirror near you.
New mode for developers and TUs: -e / --eligible lists your AUR packages (-Qm) that have more than 10 votes.
Some package names are printed green, others red. Can you add a short explanation do '--help' what does that mean? I'm guessing it means they're out of date.
Found out that using all_jsons (from aur3 page) + jshon is much faster than aurphan -a/-e (but may be slightly out of date).
nikos@Russell:~$ aurphan -a
No orphans found
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU E3400 @ 2.60GHz, x86_64. AURs.
“No one without the knowledge of geometry may enter.“ Plato.
Oh, don't cry sniff :-(
You can adopt st
Well, it is taken and up to date as I see… but thanks, karol, you are a sweetheart
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU E3400 @ 2.60GHz, x86_64. AURs.
“No one without the knowledge of geometry may enter.“ Plato.
st was still an orphan 2 hours ago ;P
$ pacman -Q aurphan
aurphan 20121106-1
$ pacman -Q dehtml
dehtml 1.8-2
$ aurphan -a
No orphans found.
dehtml is an orphan
What am I doing wrong?
I opened a bug report Sorry about the idiotic title ...
Rejoice! A new, faster, leaner (doesn't depend on libxml2) aurphan is available.
Still, the ugly hack falconindy provided is much faster (but gives less info) than 'aurphan -p' … 06#p858206
On my computer it's 3.5 v. 144 seconds.
I had to change the url to
Aurphan -p is now ten times faster.
Yup, now it's <6 seconds (so it's even 20 times faster for me). That's fast enough.
Thanks :-)
Last edited by karol (2012-11-19 15:22:45)
Is the AUR function broken? Because there definitely are orphans. I'll try to fix this if I get the time but can't commit to it. This is a great tool. I found it after I stumbled upon the IRC PKGBUILD class logs.