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#1 2011-12-26 12:42:29

Registered: 2011-12-26
Posts: 44

pppoe unable to access internet after authentication

Hi everyone,
I recently installed ArchLinux-x86_64 on my laptop.During the installation the pppoe connection worked fine.I nearly configured my pc.But all of a sudden pppoe has stopped working correctly, it doesn't access the repos after successfully authentication.
I also read about such issues in the forum.My connection configuration seems fine.I then configured the connection using netcfg but to no avail.I don't see anything suspicious in the logs also.Maybe its a an update problem ie: pacman -Syu.I  really have no idea where to search for the problem.ppp is installed netcfg profile is authenticating ,pppoe-start is also connecting but none can access the internet.Ping also doesn't reach any site.
The out of my messages log.

ec 26 11:55:05 localhost pppd[1024]: Connection terminated.
Dec 26 11:55:05 localhost pppd[1024]: Modem hangup
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1000]: Terminating on signal 15
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1024]: Terminating on signal 15
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1024]: Exit.
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1000]: Connect time 11.3 minutes.
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1000]: Sent 0 bytes, received 5526 bytes.
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1000]: Connection terminated.
Dec 26 11:55:15 localhost pppd[1000]: Exit.
Dec 26 11:55:31 localhost pppd[1043]: Plugin loaded.
Dec 26 11:55:31 localhost pppd[1043]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Dec 26 11:55:31 localhost pppd[1044]: pppd 2.4.5 started by archy, uid 0
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: PPP session is 9047
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: Connected to 00:30:88:14:62:e6 via interface eth0
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: Connect: ppp0 <--> eth0
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: CHAP authentication succeeded: CHAP authentication success, unit 27063
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: peer from calling number 00:30:88:14:62:E6 authorized
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: local  IP address
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: remote IP address
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: primary   DNS address
Dec 26 11:55:32 localhost pppd[1044]: secondary DNS address
Dec 26 11:55:58 localhost pppd[1044]: Terminating on signal 15
Dec 26 11:55:58 localhost pppd[1044]: Connect time 0.5 minutes.
Dec 26 11:55:58 localhost pppd[1044]: Sent 0 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Dec 26 11:55:58 localhost pppd[1044]: Connection terminated.
Dec 26 11:55:58 localhost pppd[1044]: Exit.

Any help will be appreciated.Thank You


#2 2011-12-28 11:07:24

Registered: 2011-12-26
Posts: 44

Re: pppoe unable to access internet after authentication

Problem solved...The default route was not set properly.
" ip route" command  showed a wrong default route.


#3 2011-12-29 00:57:52

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-06-15
Posts: 4,173

Re: pppoe unable to access internet after authentication

Please mark solved thread as [SOLVED] as described in Forum Etiquette: How to Post. Thanks.

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