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#1 2011-12-29 07:44:22

Registered: 2011-04-05
Posts: 105

Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Hi guys, recently I had a lot of work to do and I didn't updated my arch because of the risk of some instability. Now when I'm done and have free time to cope with issues if there are any I saw that I have lots of lots of updates totalling in 1857.10 megs after installation. Problem is that I have only 1.5G in my / partition. How do I free up some space? What have eaten 11 gig partition? I've done pacman -Scc (I know its not recommended) and deleted unused apps. now after I have downloaded the updates I have 1.5 gig and they total in 1857 megs. What do I do? One thing I haven't payed attention is the way new updates are installed. Are the new files just replacing the old ones or the old ones still exist and the new ones are coppied too? If the files are being replaced maybe my space will be enough, but who knows smile This is from df -h if it is in any help Thanks to everyone who share an idea smile


#2 2011-12-29 07:54:50

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2010-02-14
Posts: 1,550

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Try installing ncdu to see which directories are using the most space.


#3 2011-12-29 08:06:51

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 67

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Do you have any other partitions that have enough space? You could change the CacheDir setting in pacman.conf to point to another drive. I'm doing that on my desktop machine, and it works quite well.

As an alternative, you could check the size of your /var/log directory, and remove any large log files.

Or, you could install the packages in groups, removing the package files with pacman -Scc as you go through them. Obviously that's not a good idea though.

Another evil solution would be to create a ram drive, depending on how much ram you have, and downloading the packages to that.


#4 2011-12-29 08:32:27

Registered: 2011-04-05
Posts: 105

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Hiram these are good ones, thank you, but what will I do in near future? These will do the work for now though. /var/log is not a big deal. /usr/lib + /usr/share total in 6 gigs sad I don't think I can remove something from there


#5 2011-12-29 08:56:34

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 67

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Check out this thread for a Python script called pacsize:

It will tell you the size of each package you have installed. From that you can probably figure out what you can remove safely.


#6 2011-12-29 09:05:28

Registered: 2010-09-04
Posts: 2,376

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Consider it an emergency act rather than a certified and absolutely correct solution.

You may want to move the most space hungry resources (i.e. wallpapers, fonts, icons, etc.) to a separated directory in your $HOME or /media/dir and create symlinks to /. This way you can avoid boot problems and regain some space so that you can update your system.

Other than that, check if you have any excessive Python and Perl modules that you either don't use frequently, or can sacrifice (especially if you tend to install them via easy_install / cpan).

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#7 2011-12-29 09:22:27

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-06-13
Posts: 1,229

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Reinstall your system using lvm2. wink

Then you could umount /home shrink its lv a couple of gigs and then extend / online.


#8 2011-12-29 14:24:54

From: China, Shanghai
Registered: 2007-11-28
Posts: 43

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

Hiram wrote:

Check out this thread for a Python script called pacsize:

It will tell you the size of each package you have installed. From that you can probably figure out what you can remove safely.

asortpkg is aliased to `LC_ALL=C pacman -Qi | sed -n '/^Name[^:]*: \(.*\)/{s//\1 /;x};/^Installed[^:]*: \(.*\)/{s//\1/;H;x;s/\n//;p}' | sort -nk2'

Help me, Help you
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 + 3G + GeForce GST 250


#9 2011-12-29 14:40:31

From: China, Shanghai
Registered: 2007-11-28
Posts: 43

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

A opportunity to re-think your toolchains.

use only light-weight, powerful softwares.

Here is my tool chain.

gqview 2892.00 K
elfutils 2932.00 K
libxslt 3024.00 K
gcc-libs 3052.00 K
libsamplerate 3092.00 K
libtiff 3176.00 K
shared-mime-info 3219.00 K
recode 3380.00 K
postgresql-libs 3504.00 K
poppler 3508.00 K
krb5 3552.00 K
bash 3644.00 K
libxcb 3688.00 K
aspell 3692.00 K
libgl 3704.00 K
gdk-pixbuf2 3760.00 K
fontconfig 3764.00 K
xorg-server 3832.00 K
libmp4v2 3844.00 K
pam 3988.00 K
pango 3996.00 K
guile 4063.00 K
shadow 4068.00 K
kbd 4308.00 K
linux-api-headers 4356.00 K
slime-cvs 4472.00 K
gsfonts 4560.00 K
gnupg 4585.00 K
fortune-mod 4800.00 K
gnutls 5125.00 K
xkeyboard-config 5252.00 K
tk 5328.00 K
tzdata 5627.00 K
mpd 5815.00 K
nss 5824.00 K
tcl 5924.00 K
mutt 6400.00 K
fbreader 6464.00 K
fltk 6620.00 K
gnupg2 6932.00 K
gobject-introspection 7036.00 K
util-linux 7040.00 K
js 8060.00 K
xorg-fonts-misc 8188.00 K
p7zip 8352.00 K
xfe 9057.00 K
gdb 9172.00 K
imagemagick 9223.00 K
firefox 9428.00 K
ncurses 9432.00 K
openssl 9864.00 K
glib2 10000.00 K
gstreamer0.10-base 10396.00 K
libxml2 10704.00 K
libx11 10707.00 K
poppler-data 12152.00 K
gstreamer0.10 12780.00 K
db 13312.00 K
mplayer 13816.00 K
git 13864.00 K
coreutils 13956.00 K
docbook-xsl 14512.00 K
binutils 15092.00 K
fox 15108.00 K
xorg-fonts-75dpi 15968.00 K
ttf-dejavu 16938.00 K
xorg-fonts-100dpi 17260.00 K
pygtk 17524.00 K
ppl 17916.00 K
tango-icon-theme 18364.00 K
wxgtk 18668.00 K
ruby 18860.00 K
groff 19424.00 K
ffmpeg 19632.00 K
gettext 21672.00 K
postgresql 24197.00 K
subversion 25801.00 K
vim-runtime 25928.00 K
cmake 26236.00 K
fcitx 27056.00 K
amsn 31744.00 K
glibc 32304.00 K
linux-firmware 32908.00 K
gtk2 34609.00 K
perl 43339.00 K
linux-headers 44260.00 K
linux 58860.00 K
gimp 62116.00 K
gcc 64348.00 K
smbclient 64772.00 K
python2 69420.00 K
xulrunner 78090.00 K
chromium 86972.00 K
emacs-nox 92992.00 K

Help me, Help you
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 + 3G + GeForce GST 250


#10 2011-12-29 15:52:37

From: Ancapistan
Registered: 2010-07-12
Posts: 2,810

Re: Not enough free space in / for updates. How do I free up?

There's always

cd /
du -sh * 2>/dev/null

and work from there.  By way of example:

5.4M		bin
23M		boot
36K		dev
5.6M		etc
24G		home
89M		lib
4.0K		lib64
16K		lost+found
4.0K		media
1.1G		mnt
94M		opt
0		proc
4.0K		root
276K		run
9.9M		sbin
12K		srv
0		sys
16K		tmp
1.3G		usr
1.1G		var

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.
-Lysander Spooner


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