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#1 2011-12-29 23:26:21

From: Zurich, Switzerland
Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 63

[SOLVED] hibernate doesn't work (new session started on reboot)

I've switched to arch some days ago. Today I wanted to hibernate, but it doesn't work. When I try it, the session is written to disk (I assume, at least) and the computer shut down, as it should. But on reboot, a new session is started instead of resuming from disk!

I did some googling and found this link: … nd2disk.29 As described there, I've added resume=/dev/sda4 to /boot/grub/menu.lst. I also checked wheter my swap partition is active, becuase that was the problem in other cases found with google. I suppose it is active, since /etc/fstab contains the line /dev/sda4 swap swap defaults 0 0, as described here … _partition (sda4 is the swap partition named `swap`).

Suspend to RAM works without any problems, BTW.

I have the newest arch (with gnome3, if that makes any difference) running on a MacBook4 (dualboot). The partitions sda1 and sda2 are Efi and OS X, repsectively. Arch linux is on sda3, and sda4 is the swap partition.

Here are the two files mentioned above:

# Config file for GRUB - The GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
# /boot/grub/menu.lst

#  Linux           Grub
# -------------------------
#  /dev/fd0        (fd0)
#  /dev/sda        (hd0)
#  /dev/sdb2       (hd1,1)
#  /dev/sda3       (hd0,2)

#     +-------------------------------------------------+
#          | 640x480    800x600    1024x768   1280x1024
#      ----+--------------------------------------------
#      256 | 0x301=769  0x303=771  0x305=773   0x307=775
#      32K | 0x310=784  0x313=787  0x316=790   0x319=793
#      64K | 0x311=785  0x314=788  0x317=791   0x31A=794
#      16M | 0x312=786  0x315=789  0x318=792   0x31B=795
#     +-------------------------------------------------+
#  for more details and different resolutions see

# general configuration:
timeout   5
default   0
color light-blue/black light-cyan/blue

# boot sections follow
# each is implicitly numbered from 0 in the order of appearance below
# TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.

# (0) Arch Linux
title  Arch Linux
root   (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=/dev/sda3 resume=/dev/sda4 ro
initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img

# (1) Arch Linux
title  Arch Linux Fallback
root   (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=/dev/sda3 resume=/dev/sda4 ro
initrd /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img

# (2) Windows
#title Windows
#rootnoverify (hd0,0)
#chainloader +1
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>	<dir>	<type>	<options>	<dump>	<pass>
tmpfs		/tmp	tmpfs	nodev,nosuid	0	0
/dev/sda3 / ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda4 swap swap defaults 0 0

I don't know what other information you might need to help me, so just tell me what you need.

Last edited by cryptkeeper (2011-12-29 23:45:59)


#2 2011-12-29 23:32:00

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2010-02-14
Posts: 1,590

Re: [SOLVED] hibernate doesn't work (new session started on reboot)

Did you try adding resume to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and rebuilding the initrd image?

Also, did you try this? … om_suspend

Last edited by skunktrader (2011-12-29 23:35:11)


#3 2011-12-29 23:44:11

From: Zurich, Switzerland
Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 63

Re: [SOLVED] hibernate doesn't work (new session started on reboot)

skunktrader wrote:

Did you try adding resume to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and rebuilding the initrd image?

That solved the problem! And here's how it's done: … esume_Hook

Thanks for the very fast and helpful answer.


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