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here is the setup
I have a Asrock USB 3 PCI-Express extension card with 2 USB 3 ports (1849:0194 with a NEC uPD720200 chipset)
I plug-in a Western Digital Elements 500GB external USB 3 hard-drive.
And i had the disappintment to see no improvment with the new USB3 port extension card over USB 2.
For example, a transfer of a file of 1GB takes around 40s.
In windows 7, it takes less than 20s
But later, I found out that with a btrfs partition or a ext4 the rate transfer is way better around 15s
So why is it so slow (like USB 2) on the ntfs partition ?
mis-aligment of the partition ? why would it work in windows and not with ntfs-3g driver ?
the slow data transer rate is only when copying file TO the dd. when copying FROM the dd to my internal dd the rate is 40MB/s i.e. something mcuh better
I tried different alignment of the ntfs partition and its still the same. I tried
After first cylinder (with gparted)
After 1MB (with gparted)
and with windows 7 storage admin tool that formats with 2MB gap at the start of the disk
Last edited by solstice (2011-12-30 18:12:50)
NTFS is Microsoft stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't run as well on Linux.
the ntfs-3g driver is notoriously slow compared to file systems like ext4.
Status: An optimized, high-performance version, primarily for consumer electronics devices, is available commercially.
Arch i686 on Phenom X4 | GTX760
but there is worse.
it began to make a few click noise when I was copying data to/from it.
I can't believe it. It's a 2 week old harddrive. a western digital suposed to be good quality.
Have I broken it or what ?
I have made a badblocks scan before trying to use it and found no problem. I'll try again but I fear loosing data any moment now :-(((
Last edited by solstice (2011-12-31 08:41:46)
it began to make a few click noise when I was copying data to/from it.
I can't believe it. It's a 2 week old harddrive. a western digital suposed to be good quality.
Have I broken it or what ?
I have made a badblocks scan before trying to use it and found no problem. I'll try again but I fear loosing data any moment now :-(((
Western Digital is great but every manufacturer ships out defective drives now and again. Run a hard test with Sea Tools or the WD equivalent and if anything comes up, call them immediately. Your drive is still under warranty if it's brand new so they should replace it for free.
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