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Hi, I'm trying to set up the accelerometer for a Dell Inspiron Duo. According to this website:, the accelerometer is an LSM303DLH made my STMicroelectronics (there are even some instructions to make it work). It seems that there are two drivers available:
- One at, that according to the previous website should be patched with this … dlh_a.diff
- and another at a cached version of the manufacturers website … en&ct=clnk (this is supposed to be newer)
I've succeded to build the module using both drivers with this Makefile:
obj-m += lsm303dlh_a.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
where one changes lsm303dlh_a.o to lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs.o to keep the name conventions of each driver.
Then when I load the first one (lsm303dlh_a) i get the following output from dmesg:
[ 91.231412] i2c i2c-2: new_device: Instantiated device lsm303dlh_a at 0x19
[ 97.868807] i2c i2c-2: Failed to register i2c client lsm303dlh_a at 0x19 (-16)
And this is dmesg output for the second (lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs):
[ 124.908804] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs accelerometer driver: init
[ 124.908876] i2c-core: driver [lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs] using legacy suspend method
[ 124.908885] i2c-core: driver [lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs] using legacy resume method
So far (with the second driver), everything looks OK. But when I try to instantiate the device with this command
# echo lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs 25 > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-2/new_device
I get this output from dmesg
[ 833.274769] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: probe start.
[ 833.274781] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs 2-0019: platform data is NULL. exiting.
[ 833.274790] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: Driver Init failed
[ 833.274813] i2c i2c-2: new_device: Instantiated device lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs at 0x19
Then, I cannot do enable the device with
echo 1 > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-2/2-0019/mode
as there is no file "mode" in this directory. An thus no file data to read the accelerometer's output with
cat sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-2/2-0019/data
Any ideas? Thanks.