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The Arch wiki suggests using the '.Xresources' file in the home directory - I later found this responsive, but did not initially notice. … ead_my_res
The file that works for this purpose is '.Xdefaults', allowing the terminal to load the settings when it loads, rather than when X loads. This way, there's a lot less logging out to see a response to new settings.
I'm not following.
xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
work for you? It does for me, no need for relogging.
IIRC you can use either .Xresources or .Xdefaults.
Do you do a lot or 'real time' editing of Xdefaults? I occasionally get a bug and go through and try a bunch of new settings, but as I am actively editing the file it is no trouble to run 'xrdb' after each change to see the effect. There is certainly no need to restart X.
Edit: "get a bug" not in the sense of a software bug ... just the bug in me to re-customize everything.
Last edited by Trilby (2011-12-30 23:07:29)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Sorry it took so long for me to respond.
Ah. I didn't know about xrdb. Still, the Xdefaults file seems more to my tastes, as per the recommendation on urxvt's website; and the distinctions between the two options might make a good addition to the wiki.
See this answer on Super User...
Ah. I didn't know about xrdb.
If you have or use an $HOME/.Xresources file, chances are that resources are loaded into your X-server. In this case, you have to re-login after every change (or run xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources).
Still, the Xdefaults file seems more to my tastes, as per the recommendation on urxvt's website; and the distinctions between the two options might make a good addition to the wiki.
You can use whatever you like, I'm using a heredoc in my .xinitrc:
xrdb -merge << "EOF"
<settings go here>