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hello guys!
i've just put psyco in community and then tried to adopt the existing package at aur but it doesn't seems to work,
should i adopt the package before i upload to community?
what is the right way to do it?
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
I think you'd ask the aur-users list that, eh?
hello guys!
i've just put psyco in community and then tried to adopt the existing package at aur but it doesn't seems to work,should i adopt the package before i upload to community?
what is the right way to do it?
No... here's how it works (most is this is gleened from neotuli):
do your community build, cvs ci PKGBUILD (and other files), cvs commit - then run "communitypkg" from that dir (it's part of aurtools).
communitypkg will upload the pkg file, and tag everything as "CURRENT" - the next time the little AUR cron job comes around (I think it's 10 minutes for the web db and 30 minutes for gensync), it will notice that a package from unsupported is now in community, and it will orphan the package...
so just wait about 10 minutes and it will be orphaned on the front end...
it then takes some time for gensync to catch up, though
that was what i tried phrakture,
here are the steps i take to add a package to community:
1. add the dir:
mkdir <package>
cvs add <package>
2. save the pkgbuild in that dir and run makepkg
3. run 'communitypkg'
these steps worked with ion so i don't think i forget something,
or should there be some cvs commit also?
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
hmmm... did you check-in the PKGBUILD as well?
do a "echo $?" after communitypkg, I think it fails silently if anything fails... not sure though...
it could be the cron job on the server that's borked... not sure. I will try and update some things when I get home and see if anything changes.
should i run 'cvs add PKGBUILD' also maybe???
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Yeah, do that... communitypkg only adds the pkg.tar.gz file, the others are up to you
here is the output from communitypkg:
[xerxes2@UFU psyco]€ communitypkg
{'size0': ['0'], 'numpkgs': ['1'], 'name0': ['psyco-1.4-1.pkg.tar.gz']}
{'md5sum0': ['PASS'], 'numpkgs': ['1']}
===> Uploaded psyco-1.4-1.pkg.tar.gz
cvs commit: Examining .
===> Commited with "upgpkg: psyco 1.4-1" message
cvs tag: Tagging .
===> Tagged as CURRENT
it looks ok to me,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
it worked now,
maybe it was a server problem before:
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Pages: 1