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I am trying to set Ajax up for a media server (hosting professor lectures).
I am trying to update my mysql, if someone likes a particular lecture.
However, I am not able to get any response what so ever. I am using an onclick - however, nothing happens. Check the code below - I have set up an if-else, with onreadyState, and for both the conditions (exhaustive), no change happens. Please suggest what I am doing wrong.
function show_jw()
var filepath=jwplayer('container').getPlaylistItem().file;
var xmlhttp;
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
document.getElementById("like").innerHTML="file found";
document.getElementById("like").innerHTML="file not found";
<input type="button" onclick=show_jw() value="like" />
on clicking the button, I should either see "file found" or "file not found". I see nothing (on chrome or firefox).
Last edited by devadittya (2012-01-22 18:33:24)
Try initializing the xmlhttp variable
And some indentation might be nice.
Try initializing the xmlhttp variable
And some indentation might be nice.
Ouch. My bad. That surely helped
I was just testing Ajax, so didn't bother much with indentation. Thanks a lot nonetheless
Also note that the else statement gets executed even if readyState != 4 which is probably not what you want. Better to implement it as:
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
if (xmlhttp.status==200)
document.getElementById("like").innerHTML="file found";
document.getElementById("like").innerHTML="file not found";
More info here: … readystate. The entire page is a good read actually.
Last edited by iTwenty (2012-01-23 17:17:24)
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