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The 1st time I successfully installed Arch and updated the system and installed Kde full, there after I installed the ATi catalyst 11.2 drivers and noticed that kde was sluggish and had problems with playing video files and an erorr using Totem. So I uninstalled the drivers and used the xf86-video-ati package and then things went smoothly but using the xf86-video-ati drivers will have problems when using compiz.
Has anyone successfully used the ATI Catalyst in Arch, these drivers work perfectly well on my other distros except on Arch.
Yes, there is a great long thread in Applications & Desktop Environments. Also, see the Wiki for full instructions.
I am running an HD6770 with Catalyst 11.12. As a newbie, it was not simple to install, but once I figured out all the details, it worked. One of the most important things is to set "nomodeset" in your boot configuration.
Yes, there is a great long thread in Applications & Desktop Environments. Also, see the Wiki for full instructions. am running an HD6770 with Catalyst 11.12. As a newbie, it was not simple to install, but once I figured out all the details, it worked. One of the most important things is to set "nomodeset" in your boot configuration.
Will have look at the links and report back. thnx.
I get an error in the log file of fglxr saying "precompiled kernel version mismacthed" should I also get kernel dev ?
I am downloading 12.1 catalyst now will check with as the wiki says it supports the kernel.
Last edited by Zulfikar (2012-01-26 04:16:09)
Even after using Catalyst 12.1 I get the same kernel error in the log.
[Message] Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.
[Message] Kernel Module : Precompiled kernel module version mismatched.
[Error] Kernel Module : Kernel module build environment not found - please consult readme.
Last edited by Zulfikar (2012-01-26 13:39:08)
Members this is one thing that I am not able to do is ATI catalyst 12 , I have gone through wiki but I think I am not able to follow it properly , please read my previous post the error has been put up.
Do i need a kernel-dev ? If anyone knows how to fix it do let me know. I have the xf86-video-ati drivers installed now but I need the proprietary ATI drivers to be installed.
Does 11.11 work for you? On the Xbmc forums there are reports of 12.1 being problematic with HD5000 cards.
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Ascertain you have linux-headers. Installing the package for the catalyst module won't fail when you do not have the headers apparently. Also, until you figure out the problem, just generate the module manually with catalyst-generator.
Easy steps to installing ATI Catalyst, even with custom kernels:
1. Install kernel and it's associated headers.
2. Using catalyst_build_module from catalyst-generator, generate the driver module using "catalyst_build_module all". You might want to remove the old modules with "catalyst_build_module remove_all" first to ascertain they are not there.
3. Make sure that the kernel has the argument "nomodeset" passed to it as it will cause problems when starting Xorg.
4. Make sure your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf is valid. The aticonfig tool can help you and will generate a configuration that's valid enough to use the correct driver.
Every time you update all of your kernels (assuming they'll be updated around the same time), you must regenerate the kernel modules using the above steps.
There are alternative methods to do this automatically via startup (catalyst-daemon) and via hook (catalyst-hook). They might be a bit more difficult to get working with custom kernels however.
Last edited by computerquip (2012-01-29 15:52:49)
Pages: 1