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#1 2012-01-28 18:39:44

Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 15

SuperMeatBoy is choppy

On Debian, which I've been using up to now, SuperMeatBoy has been completely smooth. On Archlinux, however, it has much lower framerate, it drops many frames, and as a result, it's painful to look at. I used the AUR package, and I'm using NVIDIA proprietary drivers from the repos as well - direct rendering works, everything should be okay, but even if I close any other "visible" apps and give it -10 priority, it's still not as smooth as it was on debian.

Any ideas how to improve the performance of the game?


#2 2012-02-01 06:14:14

Registered: 2011-04-19
Posts: 31

Re: SuperMeatBoy is choppy

I can almost confirm that - i have only choppy sound with pulseaudio
Week, maybe two weeks ago everything was fine (except super meat world which is totally messed up & glitching)
Editing drivers line from /etc/openal/alsoft.conf helps with sound

List of all bugs: … esolution=---

Last edited by swiftgeek (2012-02-01 06:19:24)


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