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kemmotar wrote:Thanks guys!
And one more question - after startx, i3 looks like load something more becouse mouse pointer looks like a clock, but nothing happens. What's happening?If it's right after startx, then put this in .xinitrc:
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
If it's after starting an application (like rxvt-unicode): See here. You need to have --no-startup-id to avoid start-up notifications.
But I don't start urxvt after startx.
Here is my config: … .i3/config
Can you show yours?
Hey, folks. I have two problems with i3:
When i3 starts, the sound volume is on minimum. As I used KDE before, and did not removed it yet, I launch kmix and set maximum volume at all channels manually. My phonon backends are Xine and VLC as you can see here. Maybe it's possible to launch some console mixer as system starts and set volume there.
There is some applications I use that work badly in tiling mode. For example audacious window even looks ugly in winamp-like view mode. So how can I configure i3 to start certain apps in floating mode automatically?
Last edited by nohup (2012-01-28 14:33:02)
Hey, folks. I have two problems with i3:
When i3 starts, the sound volume is on minimum. As I used KDE before, and did not removed it yet, I launch kmix and set maximum volume at all channels manually. My phonon backends are Xine and VLC as you can see here. Maybe it's possible to launch some console mixer as system starts and set volume there.
There is some applications I use that work badly in tiling mode. For example audacious window even looks ugly in winamp-like view mode. So how can I configure i3 to start certain apps in floating mode automatically?
For 2:
Look here - … for_window
And for 1, maybe this could be helpful: … at_startup
Have you tried to add --no-startup-id to your exec feh and exec conky commands ?
Like urxvt and much of lightweight apps, they are not "startup-notification-aware".
Last edited by PotatoesMaster (2012-01-28 17:08:30)
Have you tried to add --no-startup-id to your exec feh and exec conky commands ?
Like urxvt and much of lightweight apps, they are not "startup-notification-aware".
Thanks, this helps!)
And now I have another problem - I try to change fonts in i3bar and windows titles, but when I choose Liberation Mono or Dejavu Sans Mono, font changes but they are very big and nothing can help them.
How to fix this behavior or recomend me good font for this.
And now I have another problem - I try to change fonts in i3bar and windows titles, but when I choose Liberation Mono or Dejavu Sans Mono, font changes but they are very big and nothing can help them.
How to fix this behavior or recomend me good font for this.
TTF fonts are not supported yet in i3. One of the i3 developers has been working on XFT support for i3 (which would allow you to use those fonts), but it has been committed yet.
This is part of your .i3/config file:
# font for window titles. ISO 10646 = Unicode
#font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
font -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
#font -*-marathon-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
You get the font identifier using xfontsel. If terminus isn't listed when you do xfontsel, see here.
I hope that helps...
Hey, folks. I have two problems with i3:
When i3 starts, the sound volume is on minimum. As I used KDE before, and did not removed it yet, I launch kmix and set maximum volume at all channels manually. My phonon backends are Xine and VLC as you can see here. Maybe it's possible to launch some console mixer as system starts and set volume there.
And for 1, maybe this could be helpful: … at_startup
The problem is that it seems I don't have alsa installed. Does it mean that it's easier to switch from xine to alsa and use this tutorial than (google for) xine tuning?
Please help me!
How I can display workspacebar on dzen2?
The problem is that it seems I don't have alsa installed. Does it mean that it's easier to switch from xine to alsa and use this tutorial than (google for) xine tuning?
I don't know anything about Xine.
It appears that it is a multimedia engine (similarly to gstreamer).
Quoting from ALSA page on ArchWiki: “ALSA is included in the default Arch kernel as a set of modules, so installing it is not necessary”.
I think ALSA is the default backend for Xine.
In such a case, installing alsa-utils and following the given procedure will do.
It's probably been discussed before, but I couldn't find the answer:
I have conky running via status_command in bar{} section of the config. But when I reload/logout, the conky process never gets killed, and when I log back in, there are 2 instances of conky running.. How do I make it so that when I reload or quit i3, it kills the conky process?
So, for anyone who wants urgent window matching (as shown in this feature request:, I have it implemented in the following git repo: (branch urgent-matcher)
The code is going to be committed to the main tree at some point, but in the meantime you guys can try it out if you'd like. The code is based off of the "next" branch.
To use the matcher, just throw in a bind command into your .i3/config file like you normally would for any other matcher:
bindsym $mod+u [urgent="oldest"] focus
You can also specify "latest" instead of "oldest" if you prefer to walk through the urgent windows with the newest urgent window first instead of the last one first (stack instead of queue).
Please let me know if you test the feature and find it useful!
Thanks guys!
Last edited by piroko (2012-02-08 02:56:35)
It's probably been discussed before, but I couldn't find the answer:
I have conky running via status_command in bar{} section of the config. But when I reload/logout, the conky process never gets killed, and when I log back in, there are 2 instances of conky running.. How do I make it so that when I reload or quit i3, it kills the conky process?
Did you try putting
killall conky
in your startup script?
The user guide hints at being able to remap capslock:
"Unlike other window managers, i3 can use Mode_switch as a modifier. This allows you to remap capslock..."
Anybody have an example?
The user guide hints at being able to remap capslock:
"Unlike other window managers, i3 can use Mode_switch as a modifier. This allows you to remap capslock..."
Anybody have an example?
Put this in ~/.xmodmap:
clear Lock
keycode 66 = Mode_switch
add Mod3 = Mode_switch
as part of your X startup run:
xmodmap ~/.xmodmap
and then in your .i3/config:
set $mod Mod3
I can't test it since I have this bug on my work computer, but I think that should do the trick.
I'm terrible at xmodmap, so if someone found a mistake in the above, please correct it!
The user guide hints at being able to remap capslock:
"Unlike other window managers, i3 can use Mode_switch as a modifier. This allows you to remap capslock..."
Anybody have an example?
I don't use it personally because I find it inconvenient that I have to press the key twice to turn capslock off again.
Or have I somehow missed the point of Mode_switch?
piroko, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I still do not know what the user guide was trying to say. I just wanted Caps Lock to act as an additional key for my modifier, Mod4.
xmodmap -e "clear Lock"
xmodmap -e "keycode 66 =Super_L"
That does what I want and I'll get it worked into my startup if I like it.
Yeah, I'm not sure about that bit in the user's guide either. I'll ask Michael about it tonight
Hey, testing i3 right now and I really appreciate it. Do we still can't use colors with i3bar?
I've been playing with tiling window managers and after the haskell hell and the awful nightmare, I settled on i3 and I love it!
I have almost everything set up the way I want it thanks to this thread and the i3 docs. I'm trying to set the thunar dialogs to open in floating mode but I don't know what their 'class' is to follow the instructions here. I am refering to dialogs such as the Copy-Paste progress bar dialog and such. I want thunar to still tile but its dialogs to float...
for_window [class=*thunar dialog*??] floating enable
"I'm not competent to judge. But no doubt he was a great man."...Paul Erdős
I've been playing with tiling window managers and after the haskell hell and the awful nightmare, I settled on i3 and I love it!
I have almost everything set up the way I want it thanks to this thread and the i3 docs. I'm trying to set the thunar dialogs to open in floating mode but I don't know what their 'class' is to follow the instructions here. I am refering to dialogs such as the Copy-Paste progress bar dialog and such. I want thunar to still tile but its dialogs to float...
for_window [class=*thunar dialog*??] floating enable
Never mind, solution found..
Not sure if it the only/best solution but instead of class I use title. I didn't think of it first because I have 1pixel borders so didn't notice it...This works:
for_window [title="File Operation Progress"] floating enable
Rules will have to be added for every dialog depending on its title...
"I'm not competent to judge. But no doubt he was a great man."...Paul Erdős