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I've been writting up a system monitor in Python for Linux. ( I'm writting mainly as a alerting system if something goes wrong, and to see the "big" picture of a network.
I'm looking for someone who can "visualize" the data, either through a picture, or javascript/php/etc... I don't really know how to do any web programming, and I'm still developing Hal. I could use rrdtool, but that looks "old", and I'm
looking for something more modern. (Like the visulizations on the Arch homepage) Message me or post in this thread if your interested.
I can build a API if needed, although all the data is in a PostgreSQL database.
(I intend to keep this completely free, no "paid" version, etc...)
clipodder-git A small simple cron-friendly podcast downloader, with support for arbitrary user defined media types (pdf, html, etc...)
In case you don't know, for most people 'hal' means hardware abstraction layer:
I knew --- As of 2011, GNU/Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora, and projects such as KDE, GNOME and are in the process of deprecating HAL.
I could not think of a better name
clipodder-git A small simple cron-friendly podcast downloader, with support for arbitrary user defined media types (pdf, html, etc...)
No offense, but think harder
Re-using the name of a defunct project is a very bad idea imo.
tomk, I will, its not finished and I can easily change the name. Thanks
clipodder-git A small simple cron-friendly podcast downloader, with support for arbitrary user defined media types (pdf, html, etc...)
symon, psymon, pymon, sysmon, psm, s&m (lol) - half of which are probably taken already
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
I'll think of something, (I was thinking Merv, from "The Matrix", but that program was a exile.)
I think I've found the visulization that I will use, Django-Chartit
clipodder-git A small simple cron-friendly podcast downloader, with support for arbitrary user defined media types (pdf, html, etc...)
What about "second-guess"
clipodder-git A small simple cron-friendly podcast downloader, with support for arbitrary user defined media types (pdf, html, etc...)
Pages: 1