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I hope this doesn't get asked too often. When I type, "pacman -S hfsutils", and it comes back with "not found in db", do you guys at compile a statistic that says that hfsutils gets requested x times a week? Might be useful for prioritising new packages to include...
the database is download onto your machine so there's no way of knowing that kind of information. The best thing to do is to submit a PKGBUILD to aur (see top button on the forum). Its purpose is to have popular packages not in official voted into the community repo for everyone to use. If you're not sure how to do a PKGBUILD, you can submit a request in AUR Package Request forum.
I hope this doesn't get asked too often. When I type, "pacman -S hfsutils", and it comes back with "not found in db", do you guys at compile a statistic that says that hfsutils gets requested x times a week? Might be useful for prioritising new packages to include...
This priority is handled by the AUR - if you want a package, make a PKGBUILD for it. If enough people vote for it, then it get's put into the [community] repo. Afterwards, it can potentially move up the chain to extra/current depending on the need.
running archstats would help with moving community packages into extra/current as well. It reports your hardware and installed packages to an online database.
Afterwards, it can potentially move up the chain to extra/current depending on the need.
And what I suggested is one possible way of assessing that need. Archstats runs on system startup and/or as a cronjob, so it sounds like it'll be eating into my cpu cycles. If you put the functionality into pacman, the user is only experiencing a marginal additional delay in an action he's carrying out anyway. Can be done completely anonymously without any need for editing config files.
phrakture wrote:Afterwards, it can potentially move up the chain to extra/current depending on the need.
And what I suggested is one possible way of assessing that need. Archstats runs on system startup and/or as a cronjob, so it sounds like it'll be eating into my cpu cycles. If you put the functionality into pacman, the user is only experiencing a marginal additional delay in an action he's carrying out anyway. Can be done completely anonymously without any need for editing config files.
Man, why does everyone and their brother feel that everything belongs in pacman...
Code like this is *NOT* in pacman because:
a) It is easilly spoofable... for i in `seq 1 100`; do pacman -S something; done
b) it's going to over complicated the pacman code - it is a package manager, not a voting/statistics gathering app
For right now the NEED for packages is taken only from votes on the AUR - there is no way around it. If you want a package, put it on the AUR and vote. It's not hard, it's not complicated.