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#1 2012-02-13 09:08:49

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,542

[solved] VMWare won't start

I am running 3.2.5-1-ARCH
I installed newest VMWare from their website and patched it with this … 2-and-3-3/
All modules loaded fine during module installation but when I try to run it, I get this:

$ vmware
Logging to /tmp/vmware-juha/modconfig-16684.log
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/redhat-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/redhat_version: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/sun-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/SuSE-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/novell-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/sles-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/debian_version: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/debian_release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/mandrake-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/mandriva-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/mandrakelinux-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/turbolinux-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/fedora-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/gentoo-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/nld-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/lsb-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/annvix-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: Cannot work with empty file.
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/arklinux-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/aurox-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/blackcat-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/cobalt-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/conectiva-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/immunix-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/knoppix_version: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/lfs-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/linuxppc-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/mklinux-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/pld-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/slackware-version: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/slackware-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/e-smith-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/tinysofa-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/ultrapenguin-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/UnitedLinux-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/va-release: 2
HostinfoReadDistroFile: could not open file/etc/yellowdog-release: 2
HostinfoOSData: Error: no distro file found
filename:       /lib/modules/3.2.5-1-ARCH/misc/vmmon.ko
supported:      external
license:        GPL v2
description:    VMware Virtual Machine Monitor.
author:         VMware, Inc.
vermagic:       3.2.5-1-ARCH SMP preempt mod_unload modversions 
filename:       /lib/modules/3.2.5-1-ARCH/misc/vmnet.ko
supported:      external
license:        GPL v2
description:    VMware Virtual Networking Driver.
author:         VMware, Inc.
vermagic:       3.2.5-1-ARCH SMP preempt mod_unload modversions 
filename:       /lib/modules/3.2.5-1-ARCH/misc/vmblock.ko
supported:      external
license:        GPL v2
description:    VMware Blocking File System
author:         VMware, Inc.
srcversion:     41F3B88F064DD85BCE8AFCC
vermagic:       3.2.5-1-ARCH SMP preempt mod_unload modversions 
parm:           root:The directory the file system redirects to. (charp)
filename:       /lib/modules/3.2.5-1-ARCH/misc/vmci.ko
supported:      external
license:        GPL v2
description:    VMware Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI).
author:         VMware, Inc.
srcversion:     F659B534EA5CC5FFD4A08BF
alias:          pci:v000015ADd00000740sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
vermagic:       3.2.5-1-ARCH SMP preempt mod_unload modversions 
parm:           disable_host:Disable driver host personality - (default=0) (bool)
parm:           disable_guest:Disable driver guest personality - (default=0) (bool)
parm:           disable_msi:Disable MSI use in driver - (default=0) (bool)
parm:           disable_msix:Disable MSI-X use in driver - (default=0) (bool)
filename:       /lib/modules/3.2.5-1-ARCH/misc/vsock.ko
supported:      external
alias:          vmware_vsock
license:        GPL v2
description:    VMware Virtual Socket Family
author:         VMware, Inc.
srcversion:     5A37036862692504058A712
depends:        vmci
vermagic:       3.2.5-1-ARCH SMP preempt mod_unload modversions 
filename:       /lib/modules/3.2.5-1-ARCH/misc/vmmon.ko
supported:      external
license:        GPL v2
description:    VMware Virtual Machine Monitor.
author:         VMware, Inc.
vermagic:       3.2.5-1-ARCH SMP preempt mod_unload modversions 
process 16679: Attempt to remove filter function 0x7fe1698649c0 user data 0x7fe17c3971f0, but no such filter has been added
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace

Last edited by Lockheed (2012-02-23 07:23:18)


#2 2012-02-13 22:24:37

Registered: 2011-10-26
Posts: 7

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

See this thread:

Basically, you can make some links so modinfo, lsmod, etc are still available in the old location the vmware scripts are hard-coded to.
# ln -s /usr/bin/kmod /sbin/modinfo
# ln -s /usr/bin/kmod /sbin/lsmod
# ln -s /usr/bin/kmod /sbin/insmod
# ln -s /usr/bin/kmod /sbin/rmmod

Works fine after that.

Or, you could edit the scripts?


#3 2012-02-13 23:33:20

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,542

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start


lsmod was already there, I made the remaining links but it didn't change anything - still the same error.


#4 2012-02-14 01:01:33

From: United States of America
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 85

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start


1.  Make sure your lsmod is actually a symlink to /usr/bin/kmod. 
2.  Make sure you have the hal daemon installed and running before you start VMware.

process 16679: Attempt to remove filter function 0x7fe1698649c0 user data 0x7fe17c3971f0, but no such filter has been added
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace

You will get this kind of error when hal is missing.


#5 2012-02-14 01:33:37

From: Athens
Registered: 2010-10-28
Posts: 62

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

I'm having the same problem as of today. This indeed seems related to HAL and not what was mentioned @ the other thread.
Vmware exits with the same error (seems the same to me):

Attempt to remove filter function 0x7fb0d8745330 user data 0x7fb0eae45b00, but no such filter has been added
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace

Basically something broke HAL and it now fails to start on a reboot. When run manually all sorts of errors crop up:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/hald --verbose=yes --daemon=no
04:23:33.730 [i] hald.c:673: hal 0.5.14
04:23:33.730 [i] hald.c:674: using child timeout 250s
04:23:33.730 [i] hald.c:739: Will not daemonize
04:23:33.730 [i] hald_dbus.c:5444: local server is listening at unix:abstract=/var/run/hald/dbus-EgDarHnl8K,guid=ce8b1d16773a4383fa30fbd0000025d8
Runner started - allowed paths are '/usr/lib/hal:/usr/lib/hal/scripts:/usr/bin'
04:23:33.765 [i] hald_runner.c:304: Runner has pid 4860
04:23:33.765 [i] hald_runner.c:184: runner connection is 0x107d630
04:23:33.768 [W] osspec.c:393: Unable to open /proc/mdstat: No such file or directory
04:23:33.861 [i] mmap_cache.c:278: cache mtime is 1328931799
04:23:33.874 [i] mmap_cache.c:83: preprobe: offset=00000018, size=6352
04:23:33.874 [i] mmap_cache.c:85: information: offset=000018e8, size=265800
04:23:33.874 [i] mmap_cache.c:87: policy: offset=00042730, size=43808
04:23:33.875 [i] osspec.c:823: got 10de:392 as primary videocard
Run started hal-system-power-pm-is-supported (20000) (0) 
!  full path is '/usr/lib/hal/hal-system-power-pm-is-supported', program_dir is '/usr/lib/hal'
04:23:33.935 [i] hald_dbus.c:1371: power_management.can_suspend -> True
04:23:33.935 [i] hald_dbus.c:1371: power_management.can_suspend_hybrid -> True
04:23:33.935 [i] hald_dbus.c:1371: power_management.can_hibernate -> True
pid 4863: rc=0 signaled=0: /usr/lib/hal/hal-system-power-pm-is-supported
04:23:33.935 [i] osspec.c:802: In computer_probing_pm_is_supported_helper_done
04:23:33.936 [i] osspec.c:779: got DMI from files
04:23:33.936 [i] osspec.c:488: Check if the machine is may a laptop ...
04:23:33.936 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/battery: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/battery': No such file or directory
04:23:33.936 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/button/lid: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/button/lid': No such file or directory
04:23:33.936 [i] osspec.c:498: Synthesizing sysfs events...
04:23:33.937 [E] coldplug.c:172: Couldn't invoke /sbin/udevadm
04:23:33.937 [E] coldplug.c:583: Unable to get sysfs to dev map
04:23:33.937 [i] osspec.c:501: Synthesizing powermgmt events...
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/battery: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/battery': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/processor: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/processor': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/fan: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/fan': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/ac_adapter: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/ac_adapter': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/button/lid: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/button/lid': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/button/power: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/button/power': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [E] acpi.c:762: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/button/sleep: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/button/sleep': No such file or directory
04:23:33.937 [i] acpi.c:841: Processing sonypi display
04:23:33.937 [i] osspec.c:503: ACPI capabilities found
04:23:33.937 [i] osspec.c:511: Done synthesizing events
04:23:33.953 [i] util.c:1005: Add callouts for udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
Run started hal-storage-cleanup-all-mountpoints (20000) (0) 
!  full path is '/usr/lib/hal/hal-storage-cleanup-all-mountpoints', program_dir is '/usr/lib/hal'
in hal-storage-cleanup-all-mountpoints
Cannot open /media/.hal-mtab
pid 4889: rc=1 signaled=0: /usr/lib/hal/hal-storage-cleanup-all-mountpoints
04:23:34.008 [i] osspec.c:466: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
04:23:34.008 [i] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
Run started hald-addon-cpufreq (0) (0) 
!  full path is '/usr/lib/hal/hald-addon-cpufreq', program_dir is '/usr/lib/hal'
04:23:34.010 [i] hald_runner.c:663: running_processes 0x7fd6610a8110, num = 1
04:23:34.010 [i] hald.c:120: Started addon hald-addon-cpufreq for udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
Run started hald-addon-acpi (0) (0) 
!  full path is '/usr/lib/hal/hald-addon-acpi', program_dir is '/usr/lib/hal'
[4890]: 04:23:34.011 [W] addon-cpufreq.c:1295: CPUFreq not supported. Exiting...
pid 4890: rc=1 signaled=0: /usr/lib/hal/hald-addon-cpufreq
04:23:34.012 [i] hald_runner.c:663: running_processes 0x10b3170, num = 2
04:23:34.012 [i] hald.c:120: Started addon hald-addon-acpi for udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
04:23:34.012 [i] hald_runner.c:110: runner_server_message_handler: destination=(null) obj_path=/org/freedesktop/HalRunner interface=org.freedesktop.HalRunner method=StartedProcessExited
04:23:34.012 [i] hald_runner.c:125: Previously started process with pid 4890 exited
04:23:34.012 [i] hald.c:84: in addon_terminated for udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
04:23:34.017 [D] hald_dbus.c:3359: udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
04:23:34.017 [i] hald_dbus.c:3386: AddonIsReady on udi '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'
[4891]: 04:23:34.017 [E] addon-acpi.c:58: Cannot open /proc/acpi/event: No such file or directory
[4891]: 04:23:34.018 [E] addon-acpi.c:83: Cannot connect to acpid socket: No such file or directory
[4891]: 04:23:39.018 [E] addon-acpi.c:83: Cannot connect to acpid socket: No such file or directory
[4891]: 04:23:44.018 [E] addon-acpi.c:83: Cannot connect to acpid socket: No such file or directory


#6 2012-02-14 02:45:48

From: United States of America
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 85

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start


hal stopped working for me today after I updated and then downgraded udev and initscripts.  Reinstalling the latest versions of both packages got hal working again.


#7 2012-02-14 03:27:34

From: Athens
Registered: 2010-10-28
Posts: 62

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

I tried to downgrade udev and initscripts to the previous versions available on /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ (udev-180-1-x86_64 & initscripts-2012.01.3-1-any in my case).
Unfortunately arch refused to boot with those so I had to upgrade again to the latest version. Are you currently using the downgraded packages and is HAL working? If so, can you confirm the package versions of udev/initscripts that work for you, so maybe I'll give it another shot tomorrow.

Also since adding a bunch of packages to IgnorePkg will probably cause more upgrade trouble in the future it would be nice to know if anyone else can suggest another fix. I know hal is deprecated but we can't ditch it yet because of vmware.

[edit: I misread, hal doesn't work with the very latest packages on my system. and downgrading didn't help either]

Last edited by manmachine (2012-02-14 06:53:26)


#8 2012-02-14 07:48:21

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,542

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

I can confirm something is wrong with HAL. I had it installed, but /etc/rc.d/hal restart returned 'File not found'.

After reinstallation I am getting this:

$ /etc/rc.d/hal restart
:: Stopping Hardware Abstraction Layer                                   [FAIL] 
A daemon is starting another daemon, this is unlikely to work as intended.
:: Starting acpid                                                        [FAIL] 
:: Starting Hardware Abstraction Layer                                   [FAIL] 


#9 2012-02-14 11:54:59

From: United States of America
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 85

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

manmachine wrote:

Are you currently using the downgraded packages and is HAL working? If so, can you confirm the package versions of udev/initscripts that work for you, so maybe I'll give it another shot tomorrow.

I am using the latest versions of those packakges and hal is working now.  Downgrading is what broke my system.  I couldn't even log in (mouse and keyboard weren't working).  I had to boot from a live CD and chroot to fix it by re-upgrading.

Current versions:

udev 181-2 (base)
initscripts 2012.02.1-1 (base)
hal 0.5.14-7

Last edited by Da_Coynul (2012-02-14 11:56:34)


#10 2012-02-14 16:23:11

Registered: 2010-09-04
Posts: 46

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

The update to udev moved it from /sbin to /usr/bin. I made symlinks for udevd and udevadm in /sbin and then hal worked fine. Before this when I ran hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes, there was an error that it couldn't find /sbin/udevadm. Not sure this is an optimal fix, my guess is that hal in AUR should be changed to know the new location of udev?

Last edited by pataphysician (2012-02-14 16:23:41)


#11 2012-02-14 16:58:22

From: United States of America
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 85

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

pataphysician wrote:

The update to udev moved it from /sbin to /usr/bin. I made symlinks for udevd and udevadm in /sbin and then hal worked fine. Before this when I ran hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes, there was an error that it couldn't find /sbin/udevadm. Not sure this is an optimal fix, my guess is that hal in AUR should be changed to know the new location of udev?

I have no symlinks to udevd or udevadm in my /sbin and hal is working fine.  You must have changed something else to get hal working in your system.

Last edited by Da_Coynul (2012-02-14 17:20:00)


#12 2012-02-14 17:28:48

Registered: 2010-09-04
Posts: 46

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Da_Coynul wrote:

I have no symlinks to udevd or udevadm in my /sbin and hal is working fine.  You must have changed something else to get hal working in your system.

No I didn't do anything else, if I remove the symlinks, hal goes back to not working. Since hal runs on top of udev and is giving error messages about not finding /sbin/udevadm, I am fairly confident that is my problem. As to why yours works I have no idea, are you saying you have no udev or udevadm in /sbin, or do you just assume they are not there because you didn't make symlinks. Isn't it possible in the process of going back to old udev and then re-upgrading via CD and chroot, that the old udev files didn't get removed from /sbin?

Last edited by pataphysician (2012-02-14 17:41:58)


#13 2012-02-14 18:03:14

From: United States of America
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 85

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

pataphysician wrote:

As to why yours works I have no idea, are you saying you have no udev or udevadm in /sbin, or do you just assume they are not there because you didn't make symlinks. Isn't it possible in the process of going back to old udev and then re-upgrading via CD and chroot, that the old udev files didn't get removed from /sbin?

On this system I have no udev files in /sbin at all.

On the other hand, I am seeing something different in my new, fully updated VMware Arch guest.  There, the hal init script hangs when I try to start it - but hald runs from the commandline without errors.

UPDATE:  On the VM your fix works!  Not sure why it's not needed for my real Arch install...

Last edited by Da_Coynul (2012-02-14 18:27:16)


#14 2012-02-14 20:17:45

From: Athens
Registered: 2010-10-28
Posts: 62

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

I can also confirm that

ln -s /usr/bin/udevadm /sbin/udevadm
ln -s /usr/bin/udevd /sbin/udevd

fixes HAL on my system as well, and VMware runs fine now!


#15 2012-02-14 21:44:19

Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 1,542

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Ok. I removed hal and relinked  /sbin/lsmod

Yuppie - it is working but I run into another non-arch issue.
VMware Workstation asks me to enter the licence before I can run my machine. I enter the evaluation licence I just got from the website, and.. nothing. All I can do is cluck CLOSE.


#16 2012-02-14 21:59:46

From: United States of America
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 85

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Lockheed wrote:

Ok. I removed hal and relinked  /sbin/lsmod

Yuppie - it is working but I run into another non-arch issue.
VMware Workstation asks me to enter the licence before I can run my machine. I enter the evaluation licence I just got from the website, and.. nothing. All I can do is cluck CLOSE.

You should probably start another thread for that one wink


#17 2012-02-15 01:19:55

Registered: 2011-09-25
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

For everyone here having problems with hal: I have updated the hal PKGBUILD to contain fix for hal hanging the boot. Read more in the aur.


#18 2012-02-20 20:05:15

Registered: 2011-04-12
Posts: 630

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Thanks for the fix!

The symlinks worked perfectly. I had originally edited /usr/bin/vmware && /etc/rc.d/vmware, but the virtual machine monitor was still giving me trouble. ~ so i reverted all of the changes to the vmware scripts, applied the symlinks, restarted vmware services and everything is good to go. wink


Last edited by triplesquarednine (2012-02-20 20:05:37)


#19 2012-02-21 18:30:35

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 32

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Thanks, symlinks helped, but now I am experiencing other problem — vmware service won't start... Upgraded to 8.0.2, patched and still the same.

$ sudo /etc/rc.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done


#20 2012-02-22 05:56:06

Registered: 2011-04-12
Posts: 630

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

heaven wrote:

Thanks, symlinks helped, but now I am experiencing other problem — vmware service won't start... Upgraded to 8.0.2, patched and still the same.

$ sudo /etc/rc.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done

Have you either rebooted and/or completely killed vmware services, before starting them again??

[ninez@ninez ~]$ sudo rc.d stop vmware
Stopping VMware services:
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done
   VM communication interface socket family                            done
   Virtual machine communication interface                             done
   Virtual machine monitor                                             done
   Blocking file system                                                done

You should be able to see if they all shutdown properly... and then start it again;

[ninez@ninez ~]$ sudo rc.d start vmware
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                             done
   Virtual machine communication interface                             done
   VM communication interface socket family                            done
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                    done
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done
   Shared Memory Available                                             done
[ninez@ninez ~]$ 

That might be a 'shot in the dark', but if some of the modules were loaded and you used 'start', it would cause things to fail. - in fact, i did that the other day, after i had fixed my scripts.


Last edited by triplesquarednine (2012-02-22 05:59:27)


#21 2012-02-22 21:20:50

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 32

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Hi, yup, tried to stop and then start them again, but got this:

 [heaven@arch: ~$] sudo rc.d stop vmware
Stopping VMware services:
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done
   VM communication interface socket family                            done
   Virtual machine communication interface                             done
   Virtual machine monitor                                             done
   Blocking file system                                                done

 [heaven@arch: ~$] sudo rc.d start vmware
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done


#22 2012-02-23 04:51:35

Registered: 2011-04-12
Posts: 630

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

heaven wrote:

Hi, yup, tried to stop and then start them again, but got this:

 [heaven@arch: ~$] sudo rc.d start vmware
Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed
   Virtual machine communication interface                            failed
   VM communication interface socket family                           failed
   Blocking file system                                                done
   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed
   VMware Authentication Daemon                                        done

What happens if you try to manually load the vmware modules?  (using modprobe from the commandline)

Can they load that way...? -> maybe you will see another error, that will give us a hint as to what is happening...

You should also look through vmware's log files and see if there are problems.

Last edited by triplesquarednine (2012-02-23 04:53:44)


#23 2012-02-24 16:51:37

Registered: 2011-04-12
Posts: 630

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start


I noticed you have marked this thread as [SOLVED], without actually posting the solution... I'm curious to know what the problem ended up being(?)... You also might want to take a look at forum etiquette, specifically this part; … way_Street

Generally speaking, It's not very helpful to the forum, if you don't post how you solved the problem. Others may find the information useful.



#24 2012-02-26 07:54:39

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 32

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

@triplesquarednine How can I load them manually? There is also nothing useful in logs, because I found only logs for the services that started successfully: Blocking file system and VMware Authentication Daemon


#25 2012-02-26 08:20:07

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 32

Re: [solved] VMWare won't start

Answer was on the wiki:

sudo perl -p -i -e 's|/sbin/(?!modprobe)|/usr/bin/|g' /etc/rc.d/vmware
sudo sed -i "s|/sbin/|/usr/bin/|g" /usr/bin/vmware
sudo sed -i "s|/sbin/|/usr/bin/|g" /usr/bin/vmplayer … figuration


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