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Hi, is there any way to change the focus behaviour in E17?, I would like to use "click to focus"
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1
As far as I know, not yet. There will beenentually but since E17 & co are still very much in development and not stable, that part isn't written yet.
Be careful, I used E17 for a while and then went back to fluxbox, I had to click the windows to focus them again it felt weird
Be careful, I used E17 for a while and then went back to fluxbox, I had to click the windows to focus them again it felt weird
Yep, but i've been using E17 for a couple of months and it's unstable but usable.
Thanxs for the replay by the way
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1
Of course there is a way.
Just use enlightenment_remote -focus-policy-set CLICK and voila!
I'm using E since...forever and in my opinion it's not as much unstable as Gnome or any other WM. It's just under development.
I'm using E since...forever and in my opinion it's not as much unstable as Gnome or any other WM. It's just under development.
I agree ... I tried enlightenment_remote -focus-policy-set CLICK and as you said voila!
thanks man .
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1
Kind of offtopic...
That remainds me, i have to update my e17 pkgs, is there someone mantaining a new CVS repo? or i better grab the multipkg script and the PKGBUILDs and do it my self?
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
It's better to do it by yourself.
I've my own (modyfied) script that download CVS repository and builds every day new packages of E17.
If you want, you can grab it from my server
You need only to run script (you may also edit it and uncomment extra packages, if you need some of them).
It's better to do it by yourself.
I've my own (modyfied) script that download CVS repository and builds every day new packages of E17.
If you want, you can grab it from my server
You need only to run script (you may also edit it and uncomment extra packages, if you need some of them).
Of course there is a way.
Just use enlightenment_remote -focus-policy-set CLICK and voila!
I'm using E since...forever and in my opinion it's not as much unstable as Gnome or any other WM. It's just under development.
I did that but I prefer the original behavior. What is the command for?
I'm not an E user, but I'd guess: enlightenment_remote -focus-policy-set SLOPPY.
All of your mips are belong to us!!
I prefere SLOPPY because it keeps last window focused when I move cursor over desktop.