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Compiz as standalone WM,AWN with dockbarx,conky.
Wow I really like it. I've never tried Compiz, AWN, stuff like this (I've been using tiling wm for too long), but how hard is it (or how much time was put into this) to make something like this? I might want to recreate this, where to begin? :-D
na12 wrote:
Compiz as standalone WM,AWN with dockbarx,conky.
Wow I really like it. I've never tried Compiz, AWN, stuff like this (I've been using tiling wm for too long), but how hard is it (or how much time was put into this) to make something like this? I might want to recreate this, where to begin? :-D
Not too much,theming is very quickly,installing compiz and configuring is little longer but not too much.Just install compiz,awn and dockbarx and configure compiz as standalone WM as described in wiki.Theming is very simple,all themes you can find on my deviantart page.
Only thing new is the machine it is running on...
heeh new machine & desk nice too.
Only thing new is the machine it is running on...
as usual, i love you shots. mind sharing your wall?
jasonwryan wrote:Only thing new is the machine it is running on...
as usual, i love you shots. mind sharing your wall?
Sure: it's from the awesome (and aptly named) simpledesktops.
@ivoarch: font is droid sans mono slashed.
My isp kept telling me could not be found, and when I googled it I got
Greetings from Anonymous. This domain has been seized by Anonymous
under section #14 of the rules of the Internet.
Guess I'll try again later, when recess is over.
arbulus wrote:grim wrote:Screenshot shows:
Ratpoison + dzen2
MuttNice! Can you post your .Xdefaults? I really dig your colors.
Sure mate, here you go:
URxvt.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-12-110-75-75-c-60-koi8-r URxvt.boldFont: -misc-fixed-bold-r-semicondensed-*-12-110-75-75-c-60-koi8-r URxvt.perl-ext-common: matcher URxvt.urlLauncher: chromium URxvt.matcher.button: 1 URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-] URxvt.title: urxvt URxvt.scrollstyle: plain URxvt.cursorColor: #e0e0e0 URxvt.scrollBar: False URxvt.scrollBar_Right: True URxvt.saveLines: 999 URxvt.cursorBlink: False URxvt.internalBorder: 0 URxvt.externalBorder: 0 URxvt*buffered: true URxvt.urgentOnBell: true !Real Transparency !URxvt.depth: 32 !URxvt.background: rgba:1111/1111/1111/cccc !Pseudo-transparency !URxvt.transparent: true !URxvt.shading: 25 !URxvt.inheritPixmap: true !No transparency URxvt.depth: 24 URxvt.background: #111111 URxvt.foreground: #ededed URxvt.borderColor: #111111 URxvt*cursorBlink: true !Grim Low Contrast *color0: #000000 *color1: #8E5C4E *color2: #6C7E55 *color3: #B89F63 *color4: #7FB8D8 *color5: #956D9D *color6: #4c8ea1 *color7: #808080 *color8: #454545 *color9: #CC896D *color10: #C4DF90 *color11: #FFE080 *color12: #B8DDEA *color13: #C18FCB *color14: #6bc1d0 *color15: #e0e0e0 !Grim normal !*color0: #1f1f1f !*color1: #a53125 !*color9: #d85f52 !*color2: #627e0e !*color10: #b3e51b !*color3: #7e680e !*color11: #e5bd1b !*color4: #005c8c !*color12: #01a8ff !*color5: #a21e84 !*color13: #975196 !*color6: #00acb2 !*color14: #4ccaf3 !*color7: #5f5f5f !*color15: #e0e0e0
Thank you very much!
My isp kept telling me could not be found, and when I googled it I got
Greetings from Anonymous. This domain has been seized by Anonymous
under section #14 of the rules of the Internet.Guess I'll try again later, when recess is over.
It's gone back to I dunno why, I couldn't find an announcement on it.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
- Gnome 3: no GS, no gnome-panel, no pulseaudio (jackdbus is default soundserver)
- Conky-lua-nv.
- Compiz-bzr: built an hour ago (0.9.7+)
- DockbarX: standalone.. Dock theme=invisible && theme=Glassified
- GTk+ theme: Fear (modified)
- Window theme: Equinox Evolution Dawn (modified)
- Wallpaper: created by me - in gimp... tile Arch-logo, blue(with purple tone) background.
Nice desktop.
Did you compile compiz 0.9.7 or made your own packages ? If you made packages maybe you can share them some way ?
I made packages (edited PKBUILDs from aur and I built compiz 0.9.7 and other stuff like ccsm etc) but windows start maximized when I open terminal or pcmanfm and other apps.
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* As a simple way to include information about your setup in the screenshot, you can use a tool like Archey, screenfetch or screenfo (all in AUR) to print out details about your window manager, font, shell etc., with a very attractive ASCII Arch logo...
Hey I was wondering how you got your shell cursor to be that arrow? I really like it and can't find out how to do it!
Nice desktop.
Did you compile compiz 0.9.7 or made your own packages ? If you made packages maybe you can share them some way ?
I made packages (edited PKBUILDs from aur and I built compiz 0.9.7 and other stuff like ccsm etc) but windows start maximized when I open terminal or pcmanfm and other apps.
Thanks, i'm pretty happy with my desktop. There aren't any distractions, really. it's fairly simple that way and by keeping dockX on the left, i really maximize space.
As far as building compiz from bzr. I do not have packages to share... My approach is different because for various things like compiz, xorg/xserver, and a few other packages ~ i prefer to maintain package updates/upgrades, myself. ~ this way, i never really have problems with X or my desktop not loading up, ie: breakage. i just have a couple quick and dirty shell scripts that grab + build compiz (one script to grab from bzr, and one to build it). it's a little manual, but i don't mind because i like to pay attention to the build process, anyway.
...As far as the bugs you are experiencing, i would recommend a couple of things;
1st. get rid of ALL of compiz' related configs (old configs, can easily screw up compiz' (0.9.6+) behavior)
2nd. if you are using Nvidia & have .nv folder in HOME, delete it
3rd. re-build compiz
Fixes have been coming through really quickly as of late (they are gearing up for Ubuntu LTS), so i would guess if your problem was a bug, it probably has been fixed already. ~ this is also a reason i build compiz daily. (plus, i am getting into doing bug reporting for compiz, as i like compiz better than the alternatives, and want to see it improve and live a happy life).
4th. File a bug report if your problem is still persistent
also, remember that 0.9.7+ isn't super-stable yet (there have been a lot of changes to compiz) and is NOT production ready.. On my system it is quite stable, but only because i don't use many plugins (odd combinations, etc), only what i need, really.
Very nice KDE setup!
Thank you OK100!
^What file manager is that?
^What file manager is that?
What font are you using for conky ?
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Le me switched over to DWM, since WMFS is not supported anymore. I just have to figure out how to apply patch B over dwm.c which is patched by patch A, and then it's all ready. (gotta change dzen2/conky colors too )
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
Le me switched over to DWM, since WMFS is not supported anymore.
I can't let you tell that, because that's wrong. WMFS was recoded entirely, and if you want it, just take the wmfs2-git package on AUR. Note that some parts of the config have changed, but that's for the best.
The recode offers better global performances.
Just have a look by yourself.