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Is there a feature to exclude certian dependency? Lets say for mozilla-firefox I don't want to install xorg. Is it possible to install everything else execpt xorg? That might be bad example but I think you get my point. If you don't just ask I will try to clear it up.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
You could use the -d switch to bypass dependency checking. You install firefox (pacman -S mozilla-firefox) then you remove xorg (pacman -Rd xorg). Or, pacman -Sd mozilla-firefox will install firefox but won't install the depends.
Hm maybe a feature can be implemented into pacman to exculde a certian dependency I think that would be helpful. How about you guys? Should I file a feature request?
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
[ $# -ne 2 ] && echo "usage: <script> <package> <depend_to_remove>"
i=$(find /var/lib/pacman -name $pkg* | sed 's|.*.local.*||g')
[ ! -f $i/depends ] && exit 1
cat $i/depends | sed "s|$dep||g"
echo "install $pkg? (y/n)"
read c
[ $(echo $c | grep [Yy]) ] && pacman -S $pkg
I haven't test it, but it should work.
I don't think that there will be much demand for that feature. Most users install the package with all its depends or they rebuild it with ABS if they want to remove (or add) features/dependencies. The problem with the procedure described in my previous post is that it could break the package.
Penguin thanks.
Snowman that make senses.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Why would you not want to install a dependency?
Well if you want to run app remotly via ssh on like a server then you wouldn't want xorg. Plus there was another package that wanted to install xorg but wasn't needed.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Well, if a pkg can be run without xorg should xorg be depend? Is that a good question?
While mozilla-firefox doesnt require a x-server it requires x-libraries.
Both (libs and x-server) are bundelt in the xorg package. So you NEED to install xorg.
Well, if a pkg can be run without xorg should xorg be depend? Is that a good question?
No, what he's saying is that with X forwarding over ssh, I can run firefox from a remote machine without running X on that machine (it has to be running locally though) - I used to forward xterms from my machine at home to my work computer
cheers, phrak